I wish asianmasculinity would racebait with their own race instead of blacks. Sends a bad message about me you know...

I wish asianmasculinity would racebait with their own race instead of blacks. Sends a bad message about me you know? Asian men can't use themselves?

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Other urls found in this thread:


pretty sure its mostly blacks with white women anyway

Jow Forums and r9k are asian incel colony.

I'm black and I post blacked stuff here sometimes. Cumskins deserve it.

They feel insecure, can you blame them?
>White women are constantly getting blacked
>Asian women are constantly getting bleached
>Hispanic women tend to keep to themselves, the ones that date outside their race are open-minded but tend to go black or white
>Asian men are the ultimate 4everAlone, unless they make a 6 figure income
>Asian men are only as valuable as their wealth

I feel for them. I really do. I have an Asian friend in his mid 30s that is really fucking lonely. More than any robot I've ever seen. I'm making an app for him, to help him (hopefully) get rich. I'm doing all the coding and he's just pitching me his ideas. This guy, bless his heart, makes 40k a year, is 5ft 4in, incredibly fit, but can't get another Viet woman to give him any attention. He has been through online dating, group meet-ups, niche hobby groups, and fitness competitions and he's doing his fucking best, but the world is against him. He's the coolest person I know, but he is lonely because of the world he's engulfed in. I want to find him a woman so bad, but lets be honest. Most women are waaaaaay more shallow than men. Like out of the 1000+ women that hit on my black ass, not a single one give him a second look. I hate this world. I'm asexual (think sex is nasty) and this guy really tries.

What you see online is 90% insecurity, but reality is so much worse than you know.

You aren't black, they don't even use this word, you are jealous asian man who have hardcore jealousy of white dudes.

Majority of people on Jow Forums were white dudes wanting to discuss politics, and loser incels from asianmasculnity, aznidentity, and other places mixed with few browns from American Latin and the majority of threads are made with the jealousy mind of a asian man, you can see how much hate and gay cuckold connotation have these threads, but is mostly hatred and jealousy of desperate incel asian men


I would love to see white dudes having so much media, porn with asian women, this being the couple more promoted and positive in American media and propaganda and cuckold commercials, porn to these incel racist jealous asian men kill themselves and be more miserable than they already are.

But since USA is owned by Democrats and they always will be biased against white dudes, you know that they will produce things only against white and never expose, attack these angry loser racist asian men in full hardcore jealousy on internet trying to take advantage of American politics and bias.

If these group of Asian men are so fragile that without nothing made against them they already have all this hatred and jealousy of white dudes, and couples between white dudes and asian chicks were marginalized and boycotted, imagine if they were the most promoted couple in ads, media, movies and had porn with these loser asian men promoted as cuckolds for the white dudes.

Nobody cares for asian men shitposting their cuckold blacked folder, this don't make white dudes look bad and everybody know that are gay incel asian men shitposting this here. You are angry and jealous all the time against white dudes.

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>t.cac larping on the internet

Also kys

This. I've known it was them and r/hapas spamming BLACKED porn for months now. While it's funny to see racist mayobots rage, I don't wanna be involved in their drama which I feel like I am everytime one of those threads pops up.

Sure kid. What evs. Just expressing sympathy for Asian men.

Abortion yourself.

Kek I'm not asian you dumb Jow Forumstard. Go back to to td or r/incels or wherever the fuck you're from

Attached: asiangfwhite.jpg (872x1090, 88K)

Im black too. It is fun seeing these white bois get ass mad over dumb shit lol

Attached: jessica-jones.jpg (968x541, 27K)

Anybody who starts off a post by stating their race is LARPing 9/10 times. Back to r/AsianMasculinity you go.

Dude, white people get ass blasted over anything.
>Get attacked by a few kamakazee planes
>Out numbered on an island full of Natives
>Nuke them

When have white people ever chill?

Fuck off whitey.


Attached: IMG_20180806_213744485~2.jpg (3065x3779, 1.45M)

my brother is a 5ft10 ugly gook and hes had no problem getting girls in high school. Hes also been in 2 relationships out of hs but two of the people he was and is currently with are Latina landwhales.
He doesnt even work a good job either, he works minimum wage

How the fuck is admitting to be black LARPing.
You people truly are the masterfags.

>White women constantly getting blacked
Oly in American porn industry and media who have the contrast of white men only with white women or white women with niggers and white men as cuckolds lowered, mixing this with all the other anti-white race bait and demonization in every other website of democrats, for years shilling for political motivation and bias against white dudes

Black men and white women was politically motivated artificially forced, white men and asian women basically have no media, no porn, nothing, is rare in mainstream industries, were marginalized, boycotted, while white women always was used as default with white men forced to be only with white women in mainstream industries in contrast with white women with other race and everything produced for years against men of own race using white women in these corporations, websites, industries owned or american political and social engineering influence from democrats in USA against white dudes

White men and asian women always were real couples with real people in real life, while white women was the only race forced with other race in American mainstream industries and white men was the only race ridicularized and promoted as cuckold in american politically motivated manipulated industries because of the anti-white male influence and narratives of democrats to try to boycott their relationship, try to lower the sexual market of white men, create the narrative around white women and anti-white mael

>Pic related
And when you see a american ad of okcupd, tinder, instead of being white men and asian and non-white women, they tried to force black and white women as everything was made in USA for years who created all the racial anti-whte male cuckold demoralization meme who asian men think that is useful against white dudes taking advantage of everything produced in American industries of democrats with bias against white dudes and focused in white women and anti-white male narratives.

Attached: 1532286065146.jpg (640x1218, 297K)

>"File no longer exists (404)."

No timestamp either. Convenient. Plus you look brownish like an Asian.

So he settled? Some people actually want to enjoy their lives and get what they want. Its just sad to see that no matter how hard some people try, they can only manage with what life deals them. Literally: Life isn't fair, but fuck it, why not try?

Sorry your bro has to fuck fat Mexicans. I hope he's happy at least.

I saw the pic it's a black man's hand

If youre ugly or work a shit job youre not entitled to a blonde bimbo Stacy bitch.
Same goes for all the uggo girls who want chad but get rejected by them because theyre far out of her league.
Also going for your looksmatch is not settling, thats all youre ever good for.

>When you're such a sperg you've got nothing going fir you except your race

White men are shilled by your own logic. Just look at Hollywood movies and TV. That could explain why Asian women wanna get BLEACHED. Not black women though. They're the opposite.

Dude, your post literally proves my point, and its old data from a controlled source, which shows your "muh master race" IQ. Asian men still are the least preferred.

Also who do you think uses online dating the most? Stop using Jow Forumsfag bait you white nigger.

>Your opinion
Without timestamp.

I love it when Jow Forumstards can't understand numbers and resources, then run around screaming "master race" lol.

Nobody is attracted to niggers were i live, in Brazil, and is bizarre see the fantasies of niggers and the asian men trying to pretend to be black and using their faggot cuckold folder taking advantage that white males have no porn, no media, nothing to spam back and are the only race attacked and exploited by Democrats intentionally.

You can go to any street, you will see these retards on internet doing retarded shit, even here in Brazil with thousands of blacks and shitskins, the white owmen only go for white dudes, the asian chicks only go for white dudes, the brown girls go for white dudes and sometimes brown guys, the light skinned black girs go for white and brown dudes, and blacks only end with the rest who is darker or close to them and are living in the same places without other choice.

Is insane the American cuckold bullshit invented to please the fantasy of niggers and that asian incel men think that is useful to be used against white dudes in hope to ridicularize and demoralize them with white women with niggers because they are jealous of white men and asian women and wanted to have the same artificial nigger anti-white male fantasy forced by American industries owned by democrats for years on USA

>old data from a controlled source

Yea, but men are more likely to settle for a fat chick than a women, especially in the day of the feminist dick hoarder. Look at all the fat women threads on /b/. There is literally a man that will settle for less than he's worth just to have some companionship.

I've seen Asian stacies at my bar that are probably 19 and date some 80 year old desperate man. Which gender do you think settles more?

Cuckold bullshit in the US is almost entirely for white and Jewish men to get off. Niggers just statistically fuck other niggers.

Have a lil pic.

Attached: 1527830672534.jpg (960x675, 49K)

Here's another lil pic.

Attached: 1_5nyVOcboENwA0ObM7wQEAA.png (495x391, 17K)

Question: Do you have a girlfriend? Do you think most Jow Forums users do?

I saw an Asian girl that got bleached today. Had two kids, blonde/brown hair and blue eyes. Another one on the way. Felt weird to see them.

Here's a lil pic you might like as well.

Attached: 1532314030492.jpg (476x1024, 131K)

Looks like we can't have a civil discussion without Jow Forumsfags being unable to understand a simple ratio.

Upwards is 60% of messages on OKCupid from women are sent to below average guys, but 80% of messages sent from guys are sent to Stacy-tier female users.
Definitely not men

Attached: 9B9BF58D-4436-44AA-AEFE-CB3CE3548FA0.jpg (640x262, 24K)

Damn that's even lower than 56%.

Do you like this lil pic?

Attached: 1531393752211.jpg (500x881, 203K)

Another pic and link related
>I've seen Asian stacies at my bar that are probably 19 and date some 80 year old desperate man.
>Which gender do you think settles more?

Lol do you realize you just proved my point right here?

Attached: 4404A9CA-A6A4-4E70-8CFB-C813320AC289.jpg (750x1204, 234K)

>Using data almost 10-years-old

Gee, I wonder why you did that...

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1_NZbz63WenLrHWsNAcOrYsg.png (495x391, 18K)

Wew, another lil pic here.

Attached: 1519096425506.jpg (720x838, 70K)

Why do blacks feel they need to prove something all the time? Doesn't it get tiring? Always being defensive and attacking people lay down facts?

Stop being black and maybe people would respect you.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 04 [720p].kkv.png (548x710, 396K)

I was under the impression Asian men only want Asian women and despite all this were very picky, worse than weeb robots

>sourcing reddit
Please, give your parents the $600 its cost to preform an abortion, go to Planned Parenthood, and hopefully they will douse in so much cyanide that the world have much more logic.

It's like I have unlimited lil pics.

Attached: 1519085894822.jpg (640x279, 54K)

>women rate their race the best
As it should be. /thread. Racebaiters btfo

My goodness, these lil pics just keep flying out.

Attached: 1527827688346.png (626x355, 11K)

They did it to make us fight each other, but the gig is up.

>person gets called a liar for being black
>guy proves hes black
This is beyond low IQ.

They constantly feel small because people always look down on them, mostly to make sure they aren't chewing on something dangerous. I feel for them, they lost the genetic lottery. Literally any other biological form would have been better, more evolved/advanced.

Attached: 1533781430909.png (632x852, 47K)

The black culture is one of insecure inferiority in the US. They're the descendants of the biggest losers imaginable, men and women who lost wars against their fellow Africans and were sold as slaves as a result.

You people source twitter and reddit all the time for bad female behavior. Dont be hypocritical now.

These lil pics seem to have a common theme.

Attached: 1527823846420m.jpg (1024x391, 66K)

OP is a divide and conquer cac sockpuppet lmao

>white fantasy

also daily reminder that bottom barrel white males with spineless self hating asian females results in beautiful white genocide. white dicklets dream of superiority and colonization but by nature of their recessive genes they are always breeding themselves out when they fail to find a white girl and they will fail to find a white girl thanks to dark dick and kpop dick.

I laugh at this delusional wmaf poster because it only means white people dying off much faster.

Attached: 1492637942946.jpg (767x482, 119K)

How hard did you smash your head against the wall as a child?

Beavers even learned how to swim.

Attached: How could natural selection fail this bad.jpg (1075x940, 102K)

Do I have any more lil pics, you ask? I'll have to check.

Attached: 1531392899364m.jpg (1024x396, 53K)

Is the common theme that you like racebait and conflict on Jow Forums?

Find 1 post where I sourced your gay social media you literal faggot.

Such thought-provoking lil pics.

Attached: 1519085536656.jpg (640x790, 265K)

Especially black women.

You do realize hapas are literally going to go extinct in like two generations because most of them date whites and breed out the hapa mix in them?

I'll check on some more lil pics.

Attached: 1532697549519m.jpg (863x1024, 126K)

>she signed it
oh lord

Attached: 1501432660172.png (270x282, 182K)

I may be bottom of the barrel, however I am entitled to the fruits of my labour if I decide to fuck some Asian whore one day.

Attached: Implying Aqualung.jpg (243x322, 20K)

Think that's enough lil pics for now, enjoy facing the objective truths of our reality.

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This retard is attracted to every racebait thread like a fly to shit. What a sad life.

No, white men aren't shilled, because white men was the only race for years forced to watch white men only with white women in American tv shows, media, movies, porn even having a giant market in the whole world for hot white men and hot asian women, and non-white women

White men always was the only race demonized, promoted as cuckold, forced to be the most neutral, non-treatening, soft only with white women, white women was artificially used much more times with blacks and men of other race for political motivation of democrats thinking that is better for votes and power try the anti-white male polarization, race bait, demonization, ridicularizaiton, boycott white men and non-white women and celebrate and shill for white women with other race

USA for years shilled to try to lower the sexual market of white males, promote them as undesired race of men only with white women and sexually loser cuckold lesser race of men in narrative, forbid white men to have media, commercials, porn of white men and non-white women cheating, cuckoldry, against men of own race and with white men, while produced this only against white in USA for eyars, not satisfied in try to lower the sexual market of white dudes, boycott their relationships, they still attack the couples if is white men and non-white women and shill, create thousands of ads, media, everything trying to push, celebrate, promote positive, white women with other race and mostly blacks.

Do you think that the media of japanese male against japanese male with japanese woman make the japanese men looks better?

Do you think that the media of nigger against nigger with nigger women make the nigger better?

Do you think that the neutral media of white male against white male with white women make the white men looks better?

Democrats invented only in USA for political motivation, the media, porn, movies, ads, websites, news, all with anti-white male racial bias with white women being only race used for years

Thanks for making the problem worse

>be so grateful for reversing the oppression and evil we inflicted in the first place

why do whites try to pull this garbage all the time.

>date whites

lmao you've never been to a hapa community. 3-4 celebs trying to climb the fame hierarchy don't count.

Attached: colonialism.png (611x1694, 1006K)

>white washing looks better than Asians

Attached: 1491460460616.png (937x1211, 1.26M)

>white on white crime is higher

Attached: mako.gif (245x245, 421K)

>sneaky duplicitous white put in his place

Attached: 1504884020784.jpg (1500x966, 304K)

I could go on pornhub right now and find WMAF and WMBF porn. Those couples can be found on tv too. Media in general.
That alone shatters this nonsense you spam the board with. Fuck off Brazil user.

>look im a real nigger i posted my hands gimme respect

This is the internet. Stop trying to prove something to someone who doesn't exist when you turn your computer off. Wow someone is racist! Better go on a rampage about how this race is inferior to mine because i got a bigger dick (even tho its not true lol) and post pics of women having sex with black men! Maybe that'll show them. I'm not even racist but pissing off niggers is the easiest. It's so fucking easy because they have a small brain.

Attached: [Mushin] Hajimete no Gal - 11 [OVA] My first school festival (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_10. (658x706, 672K)

Is that where some of the racism is coming from? I always assumed it was only angry white guys.

>Why do whites try to pull this

Because Arabs in Libya literally reopened nog slave markets the second their society collapsed. The natural state that Whites have been in conflict with to better the whole world thousands of years. Isn't one happy go lucky naturalistic cancer. Every single decade a new struggle to overcome. We really, logically, should have just kept you as slaves.

You're beyond fucking retarded if you think that's the original.

I go to a diverse school full of diverse people dumbass. Both the hapa girls and guys date white people, and so do basically every other non-whites.

Lower IQ white people tend to pull this shit to feel like they did something, when in reality, they didn't. Its the greatest way they can show their insecurities, nothing new.

>tfw you repent for your mistakes by fighting a brutal war
>tfw your societies end the slave trade, the slave trade that has existed in literally all human socities throughout history, especially in Africa/Middle East
>tfw you take responsibility for your mistakes and try to correct them
>tfw you realize everything you've ever done is literally the opposite of what every black person has done for eternity

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Attached: tron carter.jpg (325x260, 43K)

>what is a percentage
>what is per capita

I'm here for the easy (you)s. It's the best thing on earth when you get satisfaction of pissing off subhumans.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.43_[2017.08.16_10.57.21].png (510x634, 400K)

threadly reminder that PoC should always stand together against white males

if real history was taught everyone would be lynching every white male they can get their hands on

white males are responsible for the worst genocide, colonization, racism, sexism, oppression, spree murders and planet killing. white males are the default enemy of humankind. you don't need to go far to find blatant evidence of their inherent sociopathic psyche

no wonder even white women want them extinct

Attached: 1531583860961.jpg (750x741, 104K)

Oh, I was pretty suspicious desu.

Dude, I hate these graphs because its really uncommon to misread them. Math truly is America's weakest subject.

I kinda feel bad for asian americans. Could they really not have found two asian dudes to cast? But most of them hate me and worship whites, so I don't feel *too* bad.

Not reading all that. Yes, you're shilled by virtue of owning the media. Alone the fact that somebody non-white starring in a movie can cause you cacs to sperg out the way you do is testament to this. Even BET ain't as homogenous as mainstream Amerikkkan media cuz cacs insert themselves into that too even though it was literally set up during a time when not even Steve Harvey types could get a spot on daytime TV. If you think there's a Jewish plot to make white women fuck black guys then wait till you see how many Asian actresses characters on shows and in movies end up with white guys. You're insecure as shit, boy.

>we are benevolent
>tries to get blacks and minorities killed by police for being in a public pool

nah nobodys buying it you shitty whitoid

Attached: whites.jpg (606x499, 148K)

>no wonder even white women want them extinct
if everyone woke up today and was white, theoretically, what would happen?

Attached: uncle ruckus.jpg (350x393, 140K)

This thread is everything that is currently wrong with Jow Forums.
All it needs now are traps.

Just the fact that you're this butthurt over something such as race, makes you the biggest faggot in our galaxy, and the surrounding 200 ones as well.

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You do the math, cac.

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_2ttcahcia5ry.jpg (412x868, 91K)

it's a western studio. they erase Asian and minority representation then disrespect the culture when they do adaptations

Wew, the hypocrisy. Considering how many black are in prison, what do you think the ratio of black tears to white tears is? My guess is about 20,000:1.

Attached: negroballingincourt.jpg (634x351, 50K)

>Math truly is America's weakest subject.
This is sadly true. I think there is a practical approach that needs to be taken when teaching adolescents/teens math that people in this country just don't seem to grasp.

Only thing I hate more than a nigger is a boot licking gook. At least niggers have pride in themselves. You people keep your mouths on the white mans cock to stat afloat.

It pretty much is. White people are the only people that can have an entire nation devoted to their every needs and still fight over something gay.

I'm with
Pissing lower lifeforms is pretty great.

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