If you had the chance, would you love and marry an older girl? Someone 5... Or 6.... Or even 8 years older than you?
Good news is she'll never cheat on you and she is more patient and much less wild than girls your age.
Only problem is....
She might have serious psychological problems, I mean why else would she be single so much later in life?
She won't be your mommydom gf
She might have no friends and a mediocre job, or she might not be able to have kids..... But she would be loyal to the end. She takes good care of herself and your family would like her too, until they find out how much older she is.
Would you take the offer?
If you had the chance, would you love and marry an older girl? Someone 5... Or 6.... Or even 8 years older than you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah sure why not. Older women are cute. Plus I have this passing fantasy that an older woman will make sexual advances on me.
not if she was a former slut
For the sake of this example, she's had 4 partners but all were her boyfriend's of at least 2 years. She has never hooked up or even kissed someone she wasn't dedicated to.
Yes, I would be perfectly fine with an older girl. Seeing as how I'm 21, I'm not sure even 8 years older is "old" but whatever. I like the idea of her having emotional maturity.
I dont really see why not user it sounds pretty comfy to me.
Not him but I absolutely would
Sounds like she's very stable and likable.
5 years older than me max desu
I'm 25
Also you sound like someone I know on d*scord
that's a reasonable amount of partners so as long as no casual hook ups then yeah.
I haven't told my friends about this girl yet, but I'm only in one Jow Forums server on d*scord
I did mention it in my Jow Forums server but I doubt you'd recognize me
>sex before marriage
Dropped, our beliefs are obviously incompatible.
Wish her the best and move on with my life.
fell in love with a 35 year old woman and dated her for a while but she was cheating on her crippled bf with me and was also biploar. incredible sex though. jewish xmas cakes will fuck your brains out dawg
This is good to hear
I'm hoping to ask this woman to be my girlfriend soon.
Her last boyfriend dumped her because of the kids issue, but I'm not interested in kids anyway.
I've dreamed of marrying an older woman, I feel like I've really lucked out.
hey good luck man. older women are less likely to cheat and skimp on responsibilities, plus if she has kids she's gonna wanna keep you around. hope it works out, let us know when you bite the bullet
Good luck buddy, older women >>> younger women in terms of personality. They say women mature much faster than men but that's a complete lie.
Even 8? Bitch that's normal, isn't older like 10 to 20 years older?
She's 8 years older than me
I'm 23 and she's 31, so it feels like a huge gap and I'm nervous my parents would hate her for it.
Not him but how long have you been together?
if your parents get mad just tell them she makes your lunches now and storm out.
Casually for about 5 months. She's already blatantly expressed she's romantically interested in me and we have a lot in common.
I've never gotten along this well with a female and it feels really natural being around her.
I'm hoping to ask her out in a few days, officially
My fucking sides
This would be fucking hilarious
9 years older. She doesn't care that I'm a neet. She's attractive, fashionable, smart, doesn't need to work for a living due to finances, passed through university with honours and a doctorate. The only downside is that she never wants children, which is fine since I'm not hugely fussed about having kids, but I have to make sure I don't slip into missing it since it'll make her feel really bad and like she's held me back.
The not having kids thing was less of a worry when we started dating 5 years ago, but I'm starting to realise that my oldest brother is a chad wannabe who is still hung up on his girlfriend from 10 years ago and isn't going to get a wife any time soon. The next oldest brother has full blown aspergers so lmao, but seriously he has the best chances of finding the kind of girl who will want to have kids.
hell yeah i would wtf kinda question is this op im lonely REEEEEEEE
Fucking do it, she sounds fantastic.
Good shit
Keep on keeping on, user
Maybe tell em when you've been together for like a year. That way you have a mountain of shit to say about her / each other
Would fugg and cuddle, maybe let her rp as mommy, but thats about it.
>started dating 5 years ago
good shit
How old is she now? Worse comes to worst maybe just see if she likes the idea of having her eggs frozen?
Try not to feel like that's some sort of familial responsibility. You having her is way more important than family blood line shit, unless your blood carried the cure to cancer or something
Not wanting would be a bonus for me how the fuck did you find her?
Yeah. Like I said, I'm not hugely fussed, but I'm aware I have the cultural baggage in the back of my head. Doesn't help that everyone who has ever seen me handle children says I'd make a great father. I guess if I ever stop being a neet I might put those natural instincts to work in a job. Although I'd have to give up visiting the piano bar and read fewer books if that were the case.
She's 36 now and very much not concerned with freezing eggs, neither am I. As you implied, she's all I need. In fact I'm very aware of how rare this kind of woman is in the world, one who is open and honest and lives their life according to the virtues of philosophy.
A word of advice to all of you for being approached by older women - be seen by them and don't be a creep. Also make sure to be clean and groomed.
I was a miserable autist failing at university and one of my friends was friends with her in the way that the brightest people in a department tend to be drawn together. I had no idea she was interested in me until after a year of pursuing me she finally brought me out to have coffee with her. She had to be very blunt to make me realise she wanted me since I felt she was so far out of my league.
user it sounds like you might have a winner. You hold onto that shit, tight. And don't let the weight of arbitrary familial / blood "obligations" hold you down. Have children if THE TWO OF YOU fucking want to
A bit of a prying question - What does she think about you being neet? You said she doesn't care but that's quite a general answer. I presume of course you do intend to not be a neet soon, but i'm curious since you've dated 5 years
Fug man I wish I were that lucky but then again it probably doesn't help that I'm shut in neet
How do you attract older women? What are they looking for in younger guys?
She knows I had a pretty rough time both as a kid and as a young adult. She's actually helped me a lot there. Calling myself a NEET technically isn't true since I work a few hours a week to get by and help take care of my parents sometimes. Whatever the other cicumstances though, she doesn't believe in the mantra that a career is all that determines a persons worth. I make her happy and as long as I'm happy and not on the verge of starvation (I definitely live well below the poverty line) she doesn't want to push me into a career I'd hate.
It was such luck. There are only a few women in the world who are both intelligent, compassionate, beautiful, and willing to look beyond societal bullshit to have a relationship for the sake of making them happy, not for providing them with a springboard to get further in their careers. And they're all in places you aren't even qualified to enter.
Sounds great user. Get on that path to un-neeting yourself, and don't let that shit go
And have fun and be happy
Emphasise your youth to be appealing, and your maturity to have staying power. Then idk.
OP here
I actually asked her exactly this and this was essentially her answer
It really is that simple. The maturity could be also called "being unselfish". Everyone in this society is always obsessed with their own problems and this is as true for older men as it is for younger men.
It is terrible that this is true, but if you are genuinely kind and try to act from imagining what other people are going through you are suddenly a person with a very rare quality.
has it. My biggest strengths were youth and charm. Spent like 4 months courting her and going through the motions before she finally began hanging out with me. From there it was like a whirlwind - we became inseparable.
Used goods bro, no thanks. She probably has trust issues by that time in this case
kek i love the only virgin women meme
If we say it enough lets see if people dumb enough to believe it start saying it unironically, user!
>t. roast
Since I'll have to put stuff here anyway, why not drop another truth bomb rather than spamming original 12 times? Have you ever heard of female telegony? Interesting stuff. The female basically amends the male's DNA into her own when sperm is introduced, thereby genetically cuckolding any future partners and giving the first male a bonus prize in the game of evolution. It does this so her body recognizes the fetus and doesn't terminate it as a foreign object, so it can be carried to term. However, that DNA stays there forever.
Further, did you know that the higher sexual partner count a woman has, the more her ability to pair bond is reduced, thereby making her more prone to infidelity? Really interesting stuff you know. It's almost as if there's a reason non virgin women aren't desired by men.
>female telegony
>19th century pseudoscience
user, I-
I can't believe people still believe this bro science
Also, only robots have issues with virginity. I've never talked to any other dudes who cared about it. I've personally been with virgin and non virgin girls and ended up enjoying my relationship with the non virgin more.
The level of cope is astounding
>government funded study
>bro science
Have fun with your cuckoldry. Natural selection at its finest
The way human reproductive organs work and the way bugs work is insanely different
Like I said, it only seems like the betas here care
I cared too until I meet dudes in the real world with happy relationships who didn't care
The science speaks for itself, and a DNA works the same with all species. The method of insertion may differ, but the result is the same.
Go ahead and take out one of those dudes anyways, it only gives people like me an edge in the evolutionary game. In the end, I pass on my genes and those unwitting saps get screwed by your past partners.
It feels good to be winning like this.
Anything that will give any credibility to their skewed worldview
>4 articles
>citing ONE study
>studies done on flies
Trying that hard was cute though user
>tfw no strange looking Sally Hawkins mature gf
If only I was a fish man.
>The science speaks for itself
Weasel words
>and a DNA works the same with all species.
Red herring
>The method of insertion may differ
>but the result is the same.
The one study says no such thing
Go sulk in your corner and feel superior while staying an unattractive neet, working your way to becoming the next elliot
my gf is 44 and I'm 27
we've been together well over a year
we live together
it's not bad
better than sitting in my room all night playing vidya and jerking off, and then sleeping all day
>unattractive neet
Stupid roast needs to cope this hard. Pathetic.
I have a virgin gf who loves me. Cry more slut
Again, more cope. You are a failure who doesn't understand basic science, and I pity your lower intellect.
If they look half as good as Tsunade, I'll date her if she's 3 times my age
As long as she has huge tits and doesn't try to kill me in my sleep I'm good
>a failure who doesn't understand basic science
>fruit flies are people
>pity your lower intellect
>fruit flies are people
This is the guy representing white superiority, everyone
I ever once mentioned my race. It's cute how far you're reaching to try and disprove me, including your complete misrepresentation of the study's implications.
Cry more retard. Those assblasted tears are delicious.
>complete misrepresentation of the study
>this happens to flies
>flies are people
Are you sure you're not talking about yourself?
>assblasted tears
>cry more
It seems you are the one who is assblasted user
The one who seems butt blasted about his relationship is you. If the woman makes him happy, then let him be happy.
Enjoy your sour grapes.
I'll take what I can get. Please don't mute me again r9k.
See, there you go again. You really think I think flies are people? Sure, I suppose all the scientists who use rats to experiment with are just wrong, let's throw out decades of science because apparently scientists think rats are people!
You're really reaching with this. It must be embarrassing for you.
>hey, virgin women are a meme lul, date a whore it doesn't matter
>w-what?! Science disproving me?! SOUR GRAPES REEEEE
Pathetic. If you guys really don't care, why even engage me? You claim not to care and yet here you are, whiteknighting your very hardest.
My mom forced me to marry her friend, she's 15 years older than me. It worked out though, we get on well.
>forced me to marry her friend
What is your ethnic background?
White, both are. It wasn't a cultural thing, her friend was just desperate and lonely and mom said I wasn't doing anything with my life so if I didn't marry her she'd kick me out and cut me off. Which would mean homeless death basically so I gave in and accepted.
What is wrong with having a younger inexperienced girl? Also I will be happy to take someone who has had one or two men before but any more than that I will question their poor judgment and lax sexuality
>any study done on living creatures is there to serve as a human analogue
>and insect and mammalian reproductive systems are the same
The only way you're ending up with kids of average intelligence is if your woman is brilliant
There's no girl in the conversation here - that means you know what white knight means
>Pathetic. If you guys really don't care, why even engage me?
>gets refuted multiple times
So all you have left is
>If you don't care why even engage me
Glad we have our issues settled user. I enjoyed our exchange
I've seen your threads before
mines 16 older than me
do you have trouble with looking at younger women when you two are out together?
were you ever embarrassed to be seen out?
That's an incredibly strange situation. What kind of relationship do the two of you have? Do you both have and enjoy sex? Do you work? Do you stay with your wife or your mother?
>doesn't understand how science works again
>lol ur dumdum
Literal retardation
>gets refuted multiple times
>lol I beat you
It's like I'm talking to a 5 year old
Seriously, do you just have brain damage? Actually asking you this, because you sound like you've were dropped as child
I'm curious how you and the other user relate to your women.
I don't mean that in any mocking sort of way - genuinely curious
I've never made threads about my situation, unless you mean just posting.
I don't have a problem with checking out women at all really, guess I'm kind of boring. There have been awkward situations out together though, our honeymoon was particularly uncomfortable.
A pretty normal married relationship I think apart from the age difference thing. We have an active and enjoyable love life, only impacted because of the kids. I don't work, I take care of the kids. My wife and I have a house together, mom isn't in the picture at all apart from visits and stuff.
>awkward situations
>our honeymoon was particularly uncomfortable
If you care to divulge some details, how and why were there the sitautions awkward? Was it just the whole thinking she's your mom or aunt situation? Why was the honeymoon uncomfortable?
>virgin gf who loves me
Why is she still a virgin then? Are you risking to get ""genetically cucked"" by missing your chance? Or are you "in love" after a whole week of dating and just didn't get to it? Cute. The most likely bet is that it's a LDR over the internet where you can hide your true self, because you already make yourself seem undesired.
Exactly, the age difference confuses people sometimes and we've gotten occasional mean remarks or really socially stupid questions or things said from people we know. We're more used to it now but it used to be awkward and I know it upset her.
The honeymoon was uncomfortable because we pretty much got married on the fly and didn't know one another so already we were having to tangle with the age difference but also for basically being strangers but supposed to be husband and wife. Going on vacation together, going out together in what's supposed to be a romantic setting for the newleyweds, but we're just trying to get to know one another and would have to feign being "in love" for people as to not be more awkward (though it was awkward for us). Plus I mean I was still just a kid basically when we married. Really just a mix of difficult things that most people don't have to deal with. Maybe ironically though I think that it brought us closer and made our relationship stronger.
I remember your posts fron a few weeks back. You really seem to be living the life - aside the fetishizing of older women. Genuinely wish you the best of luck, mate.
My brain is fried atm so I think the middle part might have come off wrong, sorry if thats the case
>fetishizing of older women
The what now?
But yes we're happy. Strange situation but thankfully it worked out. I didn't like that I had no choice but glad to have it now.
How cute, you can't believe the truth yet again. Your ad hominem aside, I don't see why me being "unlovable" to you matters in the context of my argument. But, perhaps that's all you have to go on, seeing as fact doesn't seem to be your thing.
>the awkwardness
>it bothered her
Sorry to hear that user, but great to hear that you two get along great now
What was the turning point for you? For her? the point when the two of you were like, yep we fucking love each other
I wish I was 16 again and had a post-uni girlfriend, like 26 years old. Taller than me and into femdom. Maybe even my teacher.
Having babies together. Maybe cliche but it brought us together, from a relationship of convenience to love. I remember her telling me before, how much genuine love she felt for me seeing me taking hold and take care of our first kid for the first time.
Sorry man i am a huge retard sometimes
I meant that you got a good life, without meaning the entire
>"tfw n-no mommy gf :((("
It's ok, but yeah I'm definitely not one of THOSE people.
Aw hell yeah anons, I have a chance
>look much younger than my age
>very reserved, act rationally and don't act irresponsibly
>not petty or jealous, will respect people that I trust and genuinely care about their problems
>sense of humor
I think about 2-5 years older is the sweet spot
Exact same here, user. I hope we both get our older girlfriends.
>2 - 5 years older
2 - 5 years is literally nothing unless you're 12 years old
After you're about 25 or a bit older, age gap means a lot less
>has been through school, and a few jobs, or lots of jobs and no school
>has probably been through a few relationships
>dealt with people, namely assholes
After that the biggest differences are career based clout, money, having potentially more relationships, being more jaded and tired of shit people pull
Oh look a normgroid sack of shit what a surprise
Are you sure it is even your kid?
All three are mine, I know.
What nationality are you guys, this doesnt sound very western, your relationship I mean. How do you marry someone you dont know
Both USA. I don't think there's anything western about it, I was just forced to do it and she was desperate enough I suppose.
>How do you marry someone you dont know
Very awkwardly and suddenly, in a small ceremony with few guests.
How were you forced? Money issues or wth? Ur white or or something else
Both white. Yeah money issues mostly. I was neet so being kicked out would mean I was screwed. Mom gave the choice, get married or get out.
Ur fucking nuts nigga
>he's fucking nuts
He might be a fucking madman. But the gamble paid off
and here again
How is your relationship with your mom? Your wife's relationship with your mom?
As opposed to refusing and then ending up on the street dead?
Even though the situation worked out, I'm still bitter towards mom for forcing my life to go a direction. Even if it was for the better. My wife though and her are still friends and she's also kind of grateful for her setting the situation up.
>As opposed to refusing and then ending up on the street dead?
You cant seriously think that was the alternative
It would have been very likely. At best a really fucking miserable situation of having to find a job asap due to literally no money and work bone-grinding work to survive to get a place. Me at 19, I was scared and went with the easier choice and I don't believe there aren't others who wouldn't do the same.
Of course, especially if I would marry early, old women are hot as fuck, especially the smart ones
Nearly all men work, you were/are pathetic thats why lol