Rate this mural, it was made on, a comfy minecraft server for anons to hangout and hangout on...

rate this mural, it was made on, a comfy minecraft server for anons to hangout and hangout on, check out the 1.13 update with many new blocks and a weapon. we have a main survival world and also a plots world where you can just build in creative. and a world hub in progress that we are building as we speak, help is always needed!

Attached: 2018-08-15_13.55.00.png (1708x960, 1.77M)

Jeez, teenagers sure are edgy fag lords these days.

pretty based user. they should make this our banner not gonna lie

this faggot wasn't even a robot. just an attention whoring retard who couldn't handle a few bad feefees

I wish I could bring him back to life so he could kill himself again

convince us you're a robot then. or we wont take your opinion for shit

You have too much free time. Op

i'm a 25 year old virgin neet who hasn't left the house in 6 months

>i'm a 25 year old virgin neet who hasn't left the house in 6 months
neck yourself

you know that by praising him so fucking much you are only encouraging other robots to commit suicide for fame? you are a horrible person.

>and a weapon
it might as well not have it
drop it already you fucking drowned assholes reeeeeeeeeee

This is honestly so wonderful desu.

Hey you turned off the server. You monster

Wring person oops

>they should make this our banner not gonna lie

And shitposters here dont? At least he was doing something creative.

Bump, we have someone who's actually autistic in here

While in theory that may be true, that would be incredibly dumb and naive for anyone to actually think that. If they did it and anyone even found out about it, they wouldnt be mentioned beyond a day at most, if not immediately written off as an attention whoring copy cat.

>they wouldnt be mentioned beyond a day at most
we cant be sure of that, seeing as how much praise this guy gets. there are threads about him every single fucking day

The only reason for that is because he is seen as a pioneer of sorts for it, even though he obviously isnt the first one in history to do it, his is the one that went viral and resonated with people. If everyone did it they would definitely just be seen as riding off of Shuaibys legacy.

Because you are an edgy kid

I rate it legit 10/10.

Do you have a template OP?

Are there any plugins or antihacks on the server? Can I get banned?

Do you understand how awful depression is user?



Attached: 1534219070138.png (720x540, 623K)

long shot but do you play 2b2t?

Yes. Bit of a newfag though.