Imagine you finally found a gf

>imagine you finally found a gf
>everything is perfect, she's cute and smart and loyal and has all the traits that you want in a girl
>then, the first time you go visit her at home you find out she owns a huge black dildo like pic related

what would your reaction be? would you get jealous?

Attached: D-comparing-a-human-fist-with-a-big-black-dildo.png (372x495, 68K)

No real dick is that big, so I don't care.

stick in my butt desu

No. I would not care at all desu.

stick my dick in her ass and use that in her pusy

>find perfect bf
>he buys you this as surprise
>you entertain his new fetish because you love him
>fetish consumes relationship and his life

I would find out if she can actually shove the thing up her ass all the way.

Have her peg me with it.

I mean, she's gotta be similarly dealing with the fact I jack off to the thought of being a mind broken whore and having my balls crushed, I wouldn't be too bothered as long as, like me, she doesn't actually involve other people.


Then I'd buy two more and see if she can fit one in each of her holes. Or multiple in one. Then I'd move on to fisting.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make her the mother of my kids.

It's hilarious guys get butthurt about shit like this.
Imagine being so much of a fucking failure that you're jealous of a piece of rubber.
Fucking shameful, the lot of you.

>imagine being disappointed
2018 r9k threads, folks

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If there's a place to find people pathetic enough to feel jealous for an inanimate object, it's Jow Forums.
It's not just guys, though, there was that thing about some group of women wanting to get sex dolls banned.

nobody is talking about normal sex toys
we're talking about a huge BBC dildo here, that's a little bit different

>woman lives alone
red flag

If she still wants my dick (read: is at least active during sex and initiates sometimes) and seemingly enjoys it, I'd have no problem with it.

If instead she's the type to constantly be "tired", not in the mood, to have "headaches", and other excuses to avoid having more than once-a-month reluctant dead starfish style sex because she only desires that dildo, it'd be a dealbreaker.
Even then it's not so much jealousy as simply assuming inadequacy in her eyes, which means moving on and finding a woman who isn't a size-queen would be the best move.

I could see jealousy to be a thing if a gf was to buy a massive dildo (or any size in this case) and the frequency of sex in the relationship drops significantly on favor of masturbating with it, or if she'd end up using continuously that thing during sex. Even then, noping out of the relationship and finding someone more fitting would be the best course of action.

A dildo is about as normal as a sex toy can be, and still be recognizable as a sex toy. The one in the op probably doesn't even vibrate.
If you feel you have been made obsolete by a sculpted piece of rubber, then your existence never had any value to begin with.

I'd be a bit disappointed she already broke herself in but at least she's into big toys. That's one of my biggest fetishes so I'd be ok with it. If she's using something that big anyway there is no way she'd think guys would be the same size.

ask her if she wants a real huge black dick, then if she says yes ask her if i can watch
i wish i was joking, I'm not proud to have a cuck fetish but holy shit does it turn me on so fucking much

How the fuck do they fit something long in their vagina thats looks longer than a ruler.

Not impressed, I have a bigger one. Also it's white.

>jealous of a sex toy
she isn't dating you for your dick, you fucking permavirgin. If this makes you jealous you need a reality check big time.

Alright I'm overthinking it but
It's a sex toy, I think it's weird since you would have to go out of your way for it, but it's a object that you only use on yourself, I wouldn't care

I'd ask her if she want's me to wear it for her, if so I do until she get's off. Then I have my turn, if no, then I dump her on the spot.

To be fair I would love a GF to put into chains and use huge toys/fuck machines on her while I take her ass.

The guy isn't the one being butthurt here, genius.

The human body is truly amazing.

Attached: stretching.jpg (2220x1674, 277K)

I'd be concerned about her health if she can actually fit that fucking thing in any of her holes.

Attached: 1508041644680.jpg (314x295, 24K)

overoriginal underrated post

>personality and morals are entirely seperated
A kike lie.
Sluts always act like sluts.

its funny because thats a guys arm