Who else is watching Greek, Reckful and Andy's IRL stream?

Greek is hilarious


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>tfw will never get to suck on kellys big titties

i met andy milonakis in LA back in january

Why the hell do you zoomers watch this trash

milkers POG


Greek was at his peak when he started streaming for the first time. The last content of his that I enjoyed was back when he was at soda's house. I feel like the dude has become unmotivated/uninterested. He is still a lovable huggable guy though.

I agree but when he does IRL streams with others he really shines. He was great with Ice, and now this stream with Reckful today is hilarious honestly tune in if you're bored.

Will do, Dimitri!

martin is from Jow Forums btw
we just got repped by a ripped cyborg

Greek used to browse Jow Forums. He was the one that came up with calling original mode - R9K mode in twitch and made it more popular.

How do you know that? all he did was claim he was a depressed hikki neet for 6 months or so.

>tfw stuck watching retarded Swedish roleplayer die to oatmeal for hours on end
>can't leave stream or else I might miss when he actually beats it
Please Forsen I can't take another week of Boshy.

greek is a legend. he also made ice's streams better. GGX gang for life.

Anyone else sometimes watch burgerplanet when they're down.

I mean, my life can suck sometimes but atleast i'm not a retard-molesting homeless-pizza-stealing 30-something trying to piggyback on the fame of kids in their late teens/early 20s


woah your soo cooooool can i get ur autograph

thought u meant mexican andy for a second

He was clearly into r9k culture even back when he was still stream sniping. Also his origin story fits that of a typical robot/Jow Forums user

everything about burger makes me cringe too much to watch him. i wish asian andy would have incapacitated him when they boxed.

whenever i watch something cringey happen on stream i immediatly close my browser. last time i went into tsa's stream and he got caught giving the monkeys food, the security was right there watching him and he got caught. so cringe

those two girls walking with them are useless. they should just dump them, they're not making the stream any more fun

How and where?

I'm in LA and I'd love to meet him

I'm friendless and autistic as fuck and I'm obsessed with Greek and ice. The streams keep me going on for another day

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Ice is Logan Paul tier though. At least he has been recently.

He lives there in case you didnt notice. Just watch any of his streams once he is back and youll pinpoint him; hes mostly on melrose, the blvd, west hollywood
I met him on ice poseidons house in hollywood (old one he moved out now) he got drunk with ice and they started torturing a homeless obese bum by feeding him, throwing fireworks, and making him sleep outside 24/7

well he just got a robot with a taser dick, that's pretty awesome

Ice is good enough, his streams make me feel like I have friends and it stops me from killing myself.

man that reflection always kills me

Greek is back! Lul.

hel yeah cant wait
though u should probably put stuff like this on their reddit because it doesnt belong here
i love gweek though

ice was good, but i stopped because his recent streams have been pretty bad.


The same retard who posted this the same retard who will post a discord thread. Sage, hide and report all zoomer posts.

you need to be 18 years of age to post on this image board

Our GGX leader is already in greece i still havent heard about earthquake in greece OMEGALUL

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I'm not a zoomer or a discord user. Still watch Greek and Ice Poseidon though. Don't watch them often now like I used to.

No you didn't you fat virgin

The ultimate friend simulator.

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>having dreams hanging out with ice and greek and waking up alone

Dude I love these epic normie irl streamers so wacky XD XD!!!!!

>mfw watching his stream unironically made me less of an autist and now understand better how to act in real life if I'd ever get friends

>think about being a stream sniper who ends up being as close to ice as hampton brandon or bjorn
>want to go up to him, introduce myself as 'schizo andy' and say i'll do anything for content
>hit on any girl in the area
>talk to anyone about anything
>pretty much do anything that isn't illegal
>dream of being accepted by the Cx network and welcomed warmly by everyone when i visit
welp. if you ever see a schizo andy that'll probably be me

Is being dependent on friend simulators bad? should I try to stop or just keep finding more and more parasocial content to throw myself into?

Long term effects probably aren't great. At least it's a way of coping.

lmao do you really dream of that? You know that you'll never be accepted right?

my first choice would be mega64 but they don't really take in outsiders. Cx is the next best thing. and yes i do dream about it. i could bring a lot to the stream without being cringe or a lapdog like burger and mexican andy. next time i visit hollywood i might just give it a try.

you legend, please do it. also id love to hang with bjorn lmao

everytime i watch them hanging around im thinking like it would be to be around and just be the quiet guy and they constantly asking you if somemthings wrong

god damn

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