Post your cat frens. This is my cat Sammi

Post your cat frens. This is my cat Sammi.

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cute chubby lad
Mine is named Santos and has similar markings to yours

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I had a cat once, his name was Taz. Used to live at my grandmas house. Don't really know what happened to the poor bastard, and even though I never really pet him, he was cool. Rip Taz bro.

Adorable fur haha

Here's mine originililino

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This is my kitty, she is 3,5 yo and her name is Branca (it means 'white' in portuguese)

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ABSOLUTE UNIT. Lol cute cat seriously tho

Smug as fug

His name is Nurgle

Wtf happened? Heres picture

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Heres another pic of mine lol. She does this a lot

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My cat is African American.

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This is Ricky. He likes staring into the toilet bowl.

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Looks comfy
Whatever man. All strange hobbies welcome on this board.

Here's my other kitty.

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I'm stinking drunk and I'm going to attempt an original comment in the next post. Witness me senpai.

This is Chessie! She enjoys eating rabbits, squirrels, voles, birbs, garden snakes, and anything else smaller than herself that can bleed and feel mortal fear!

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Here's Jeffy. She likes to cuddle and meows back to me every time I say something to her.
Very cute cats anons

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>You have been muted for 2 seconds.
Damn you robot. You win this round.

She is best cat.

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Cats are shit tier post bird

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All animals are equal. Go wild nigga.

Heres my cat friend she is a spoiled cunt and very controlling but i cant complain because she cleared my basement of mice

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Here is my thicc cat.

You wanna repeat that?

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She looks very healthy, you're doing a good job taking care of her user

I almost cried, i had a puppy cat just like yours years ago, he died at my door step on christmas eve, only 2 yo by then, death by poison some neighbor spread around my house back then.

Here's another picture of my Branca, she is very sensitive to cold (that's why she is hodinh in there) she loves to hunt birbs, small frogs and lizards and can only sleep in my bed somehow

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here's figaro

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my cat died one year ago
fuck this

She is a big cat. Currently on a diet. Should I also post my gecko?

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Say something nice about my cats. Simba is on the left he likes to sleep like that for some reason, Reese's is on the right, hes the boomer cat who is almost as old as me about 18-20 years old. I'm 27

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My first cat was a stray coon, had him for a year and then he died of poisoning. I fell in love with that race and picked up Santos few months later.
Get another one user.

We have a very tumultuous relationship

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This is my cat.
my cat's name is cat.

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>Parents hate animals

Wish i could join you anons. I left out

His name is Pounce

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my long friend is sleeping while i lurk

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Good to see another cat of this color. I love their golden eyes. Here is my fluffy friend.

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I'm sorry to hear that man. Been through that. Doesn't keep me from saving the world.
Damn it. How do you let her get so obese?
Nice. Even mine don't respond to their names. That's proper.
You know nigga, I knew a sweet little girl who had dogs at her place but she'd tell me each night about all the cats she would pet on her way home.
I wonder what changed.
Nigger long cat.

I have a comfy rhyme.

>can fly away
>still get decimated by an animal with no wings

Yeah nah.

She was my grandmas cat originally. You know how grandmas always leave out too much food for their pets.

Great thread. Shouldn't 404.

all my images are too big
thanks Hiro

Take screencap and post.
Shitposting should never stop.

Dem long legs tho

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my cat passed away two years ago, I miss her so much

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Im so sorry for your loss fren :(

This is my pet snake, Rey. He's a dwarf boa constrictor and will try to eat anything. Tonight he was trying to line up at my coconut shrimp and I had to put him away.

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