Just got this from an ex. what do bros

just got this from an ex. what do bros

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her current bf probably just broke up with her.

How did the relationship actually end? Do you want anything to do with her? I'd say to just ignore it, in most situations. It's best to just move on rather than dwell on the past, as she's doing.

Best to ignore it. You had the pain, and now she wants you to forgive it so she can feel better about herself.
Worst case you'll end up back in her orbit, if you were stuck there before.

this, and judging from the tone and content it was probably her fault. hoes jump dicks like pirates jump ships

Ignore it, move on with your life, and most importantly get the fuck off my board

Jow Forums is that way ---->

The thread on/fit/ wasn't enough?

whores only know how to use and discard, she probably wants something, I would avoid.

>hoes jump dicks like pirates jump ships
That's fucking poetry.


this is a fucking trap user, this girl regardless of her intentions are either consciously or subconsciously to use you as an emotional tampon. she is hoping that you still have an interest in her and your dilemma about this clearly shows you do. if you do respond she will use you as a placeholder until she gets to a point where she can be with someone else. lonely people lose empathy due to their seclusion. picture this person as a cat falling into the void, she is just trying to reach out to whatever she can

get the fuck out while you still can

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>Hey, my current boyfriend broke up with me, because I cheated on him. I need my emotional tampon right now. I also need to feel wanted, so that I won't feel like a whore. Once you fulfill this role, I will throw you away like that real tampon, because I don't respect you anymore since our last relationship.

>I'm just hoping you can make me feel better about myself. I don't really care about animosity, but it's a nice gray lie to hide in for both of us..

>hope you are doing well, so I can leech off bit of that for myself.

>please giv attention

>gg thx bye

She cheated on you and wants to absolve guilt.
Do not reply or contact the police and get her done for harassment.

>need advice
>come to literally the most socially retarded place that has ever existed
>where the people describe themselves as hopeless social retards and outcasts who cannot comprehend even basic social interactions
what in the actual fucking shit is wrong with you lmao

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I never laughed so fuckin hard in my life

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Whore feels guilty about what she did to you. Don't forgive her. Don't even respond, just block her and move on. Pretend she's dead.

I would say to try and see if you can get her to have sex with you since she clearly broke up with her boyfriend.

But nah fuck that, if you feel like it's not going to work, just don't reply to her, leave the bitch hanging, she doesn't deserve a reply.

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This sounds interpersonal, I think you should ask people in private for advice, [I know how you feel though, its just touchy stuff]

Sometimes people really do have feelings, what level of bond did you guys have? Were you two really close? like meet your family close?

I like to stay friends with everyone. I hate cutting off contact with people who know deeply personal stuff about me because its weird to be strangers with someone who knew that well

Anyway, sorry for the long response, I have trouble delivering what I say.

If there's still negative tension between you guys, maybe making unblocking her will relieve it?
This is really tough and I don't understand it, My reasoning for getting back in contact with someone who isn't in my life is because I sincerely don't like negative tension, especially if they know personal info about me

Sometimes people really do have feelings and not everything is malicious, next time ask people in private for help and tell everyone to keep it private

Tell her you are down to hook up and only to hook up if you're too beta to ignore her

thanks man lmao

her language is pretty straightforward regardless of the historical context. presumptive statements, fishing for sympathy, wishful thinking, acknowledgement of her faults while implying she was aware of them all along. this is what you'd call classic bait -- a psychological parlay, if you will.

thats obviously a man text.

Happy to spread smiles, user. Hope you have a good day.

Yeah I guess its bait, situations like this where you cut someone out of your life just stress me out, I guess its best to be interpersonal instead of "emotional" but I think I'm like that, and I'm unintentionally abusive :/

Sorry for projecting I guess, its just stuff like this deeply upsets me

If you respond she will lose all respect for you and make it even less likely you get back together.
>t. guy who this happened too

that's understandable. don't apologize! you have good intentions and you wanted to make sure this situation ends well for both people. and i'm just being ruthlessly cynical because i don't really have anything else to do

Suck her dick not original comment

reply "new phone who dis" obviously

Try to fuck her if you can but dont get emotionally invested

I sent something like that to my ex because I felt like shit. She had a boyfriend at the time, that I didn't know about (I hadn't spoken to her in two years) she broke up with the dude a few days later.

She visited me a few weeks later (we had been speaking to each other over SMS while I was visiting Poland). Ended up with her being really horny and seducing me.

I'd say stop listening to these miserable fucks and try to talk to her.

I felt like shit since I hadn't spoken to her in two years, and I was still deeply in love with her. I sent a 2000 character long SMS.

I still think I rambled on and no one wants to hear that
its just sometimes people really do feel bad and want to apologize, but no one is entitled to anyone,

Well user, you've just proven to us that some people are just lifelong learners. Hope you don't get kicked too hard in the ass, kid.

Oh I've been kicked in the ass a few times. I've had a terrible childhood as well.

For some reason that girl is just nice to me, even though I acted terrible towards her when we were together.

I was stupid enough to nag her into sex, we both weren't ready for it (we were both 16) and we lost our virginity to each other. A few weeks later she broke up with me because I was horrible towards her. I also went from being a Chad sexually to acting like I was sexually traumatised. When we met up again 3 weeks ago she made me open up sexually and made me fuck her. God I was so nervous I couldn't even pop a real boner, it ended up with her crying though. I later found out it was unrelated, but she wouldn't tell me what she thought about, but she assured me it wasn't my fault, so I guess she thought about the ex she had recently broken up with.

I got drunk the day after we had sex. I ended up having a panic attack.

She did the same thing a week and a half ago, except she didn't cry this time (thank god). It ended up with me having a lousy erection since I was so god damned nervous, and we had to stop.

It is going to hurt if I ever manage to land a relationship and my girlfriend does this, this almost feels like cheating