I'm starting to unironically hate white people even though I'm white

I'm starting to unironically hate white people even though I'm white

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ya played yosef

>14kb frog with that filename
Don't worry high school can be tough.

thats what the jews want. now go watch some blacked porn.

get out of here you dirty race traitor

I'm in college.
Before college, I was a white nationalists and now I agree with the Communists.

>I'm in college.
So you just have the maturity of a high school student despite being older? My bad man, you totally owned me.


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>Yeah man I'm mature I care about frog pictures and am right wing
>Mooooooooommmmmmmm this hot pocket is cold! Heat it up you fucking bitch!
I bet you're unemployed, live with your parents, and are single

This would go a lot more differently in a I'm black and I hate black people thread

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>have to project a strawman onto me instead of justifying why you have such an abysmal posting style

I bet you post anime and Wojak

Don't concern your self with politics or collectivism. They can not benefit you. What has any ethnic group or social class ever done for you? You're not going to be the one in charge even if a revolution happens.

>doing what I just called you out for again and expecting to sound smart

>now I agree with the Communists.
because you got yourself into a shitty major with no career opportunities and you will leave with thousands in debt?

If you kill yourself everyone wins

> What has any ethnic group or social class ever done for you?
You do realize that modern western Communists believe that "ethnic groups" are social constructs and that society should be classless?
Don't care

>What has any ethnic group or social class ever done for you?

my white middle-class family and friends have provided for me and cared for me while i was in the darkest periods of my life

Back to >>>/reddit/ or >>>/tumblr/ with you then.

White people who denounce other whites are 99% of the time huge fucking losers desu.That or they fetishize other cultures. At least black people who hate white people have some self respect. Honestly OP, if this isn't bait you are a huge fag.

White people are hostile and overprotective of their whiteness.
Someone who is 1/4ths black is accepted into the black community as a "lightskin" but still black.
Whites won't accept someone who is 3/4ths white because of their "one drop rule"

those are your family and friends, not the white race. i promise not one of the various white cultures gives a shit about you.

here's a radical idea:

judge absolutely everyone you meet by the content of their character

Most whites I've met are extremely bitter

It's almost like there are huge differences between white and black populations and their contributions to society at large.

Anyone who isnt a fucking moron dosent care about race

>majority of people eventually become right wing as they get older and smarter
>this fuckin retard reverted to left wing

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>You do realize that modern western Communists believe that "ethnic groups" are social constructs and that society should be classless?
This is all bunk and eventually you'll realize it. You're putting in all this effort and money to get an education, better yourself, and jumpstart career. Do you really want to advocate for people who would take away what you worked for just to give to some do-nothing just because his skin is darker than yours? Because that's really the goal of commies.

Yo das raycis. U take dat back.

Cool. So judge those individuals as bitter persons rather than as white people. Or be racist. Whatever.

Not true
Boomers became right wing

i only hate retarded whites thinking its cool to hate their own race. white guilt is mental ilness.

I've seen blacks freak out about mixed raced people and I've seen white people not give a shit. It's almost like being a hostile, bitter fuck isn't a racial trait. Please go outside and meet more people I'm begging you.

It's unironically the logical conclusion. The final pill for white people. If you are objective/high intellect/knowledgeable about the world its inevitable that you start having these thoughts. I can write up the ways to cope if you'd like

yes, boomers eventually become right wing
and everyone becomes boomers
t. 25 y.o. boomer

>I've seen blacks freak out about mixed raced people
Small, vocal minority
White don't accept anyone who isn't 100% white.
Don't worry, you'll grow out of being a right wing racist once you make some friends

>White don't accept anyone who isn't 100% white.
lol, the loudest, most obnoxious "anti-racists" are almost always white.


Wut are talking about? I think you replied to the wrong user

You are an idiot lmao there's no point in arguing with you.

so the jewish indoctrination is working

Pretending that "anti-racists" are somehow racist means you're a right-wing retard who feels oppressed because he's not allowed to do what he wants

If you actually knew anything about history you would know that white people aren't the only ones who have committed atrocities.

right wing does not always = racist
left wing == subconscious racism due to bigotry of low expectations
t. i have 3 black friends

>subconscious racism due to bigotry of low expectations
What an absolutely retarded statement.

I don't feel oppressed, but I think that making unfounded negative judgements about entire groups of people based on their skin color is racist. Wouldn't you agree? Or do you prefer to continue to make strawmen and dumb generalizations?

If you see a random white person in the streets on Middle America, there's a good chance they're a bitter racist.

No one said they are tard. However the sum of their hate over the course of history and continuing today is impossible to ignore, add in the cheerleading masses and it's a special kind of evil we're talking about unironically pawns of Satan itself.

It's sort of true tho. San Francisco specifically banned menthol cigarettes to "protect" the black and gay communities who were the main consumers of menthols. Basically they said, "We can't trust blacks to make decisions for themselves so we need to ban the harmful things they like." That's pretty racist even if well intentioned.

I went through that phase too my friend. It's because you're here on Jow Forums. See Jow Forums is full of worthless people who are mostly white. If you use Jow Forums everyday all the time, your perception of white people will be warped into looking at them as bitter and pathetic cuckolds.
What you need to do is take a break from Jow Forums until your mind goes back to normal. Everything is going to be fine. You don't hate white people, you hate Jow Forums's idea of white people.

And I'm sure you're not bitter at all.

>DUDE targeting isn't real! They obviously believe it's genetic! Everything is determined by genetics, so banning menthols means you think they're genetically wired to smoke menthols and not because of social reasons!

Unlike you and 99% of all whites, I'm not bitter about whites not being at the top anymore and I don't cry myself to sleep at night about America not being a white country or formerly white countries receiving more non-white migration.

I think it might be more than just spending time in Jow Forums. There has been some subversive form of brainwashing in universities and in the media and the message is that white people suck. White guilt and all that shit.

>subconscious racism due to bigotry of low expectations is retarded
agreed, which is why it's rampant in the liberal community.
Image hurting the thing you want to protect cause youre so dumb. This is them(and (you))

Whites are already killing themselves off indirectly.
God is doing the work.

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My kids won't be white so i don't care what whites do.

Nationalism is good for the workers. You shouldn't hate white nationalists but incorporate it into your socialism.

In the exact same boat. I've started bartending in a small town where my primary source of income is in an arm of law enforcement... The main thing I hear from white people that get too shitfaced and then cut off is "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" "DO YOU KNOW WHAT I COULD DO TO YOU?!". I just smile and continue to refuse service to them - them not being aware of who I am.

You sound kind of bitter and hatfeul towards a certain ethnic group

And there you go with those strawmen again. Do you think black people don't have agency and need the govt to ensure they make healthy choices? Personally I think we should all be free to make our own choices.

Should murder and theft be legalized or do you think people don't have the agency to make good choices?

First you have to realize that western culture has warped the entire world. This supreme omnipresent race obsession is one of its biggest contributions. Racism has taken over the world, it wasn't this way a relatively short time ago in world history (preUnitedStates). For chattel slavery to be allowed It was necessary to propagandize the world till racism became a foundational piece in society. With that said few cultures are as bad as America in this regard.
Something this organized and focused over generations is orchestrated so when you determine who is behind this orchestrating and why things become much clearer and you understand that when people rally against "white people" what they really mean is "the system" not random racist bubba gump cac in his Mom's basement, he is just a retarded pawn he is insignificant in the big picture, his role is purely foot soldiering, he hears "white" and any criticism and chimps out "mm-muh reverse racism" not realizing he is fighting for "the system" and his slightly higher placing in it. If he had a brain that wasn't filled to the brim with propaganda and manipulation he'd shut up and see at all the fingers pointing and he'd turn around to see what they're pointing at behind. But that would take a level of intellect/humility/objectivity that is purposefully beaten out of white Americans since birth because there are too many of them for "the system" to work if they woke up.

Tdlr white people are egotistical morons who are the biggest puppets of the elites/jews/families and they are going to get us all dragged to hell because they refuse to get Satan's hand from up their assholes

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self loathing is normal
some tards self loathe their entire state cause their IQ is 60
then people self loathe even more cause they hate those retards.

I hate the stupid white people, i dont hate white people
but then again that goes for every race, so i guess im not racist(tho sum have more dumb than others per capita)

Sure, because letting people smoke menthols is totally akin to legalizing murder.

>trying to roast someone on the filesize of the pic they posted because you disagree with them

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>random racist bubba gump cac in his Mom's basement
White nationalists have the only answer to stop this. The ones who benefit from racial tension are rich people who want to profit from exploiting workers, racial tension makes workers focus on each other as enemies and destroyes the unity, nationalism is the only answer to that because diversity is the cause.
When the racist boogeyman that you hate advocates nationalism, that's not an attack on you but actually good thing for workers of every race

Looking at the real world it seems more like right wingers are all edgy 12-20 year olds who just discovered /b/, Jow Forums and the rest of the internet and delusional boomers who think they're spartans fighting an invasion like in 300.

Right wing is the new counter culture

maybe, but there's a reason for:
>If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain

young faggots are right wing edge lords nowadays because despite Drumpf being president, he's still not establishment, and young people will always be anti-establishment.
Currently, Trump has the Trump card cause too many types of people hate him. Both parties are despise him(establishment), far majority of media(established MSM), many many countries(who would tow line of NWO)
You'll get the young tards being cringe and appearing "right wing" but really they're still just anti-establishment

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I was 18 when I was constantly posting on Jow Forums and developed some extreme views. I hated myself (still do) and it was like all some desperate attempt to cling on to some sort of identity: being White and being English.

Diversity is a meme pre diversity preintergration we were still in this quagmire. I see no viable way out without addressing the elites and history has proven that's not going to happen.

>racial tension makes workers focus on each other as enemies and destroyes the unity, nationalism is the only answer to that because diversity is the cause.
Your solution to increasing unity between workers is dividing them further along racial lines?

>naming your from ummmmmmm and expecting to not get roasted

I'm not a liberal
I'm a communist, AKA not a liberal

>I'm not a liberal
>I'm a communist

>I'm not a retard
>I'm retarded

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>left wing = liberal
>communist = liberal
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

Gee whizz

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This is such a horribly convoluted attempt to escape the simple fact that groups compete with each other and sometimes get into conflict.

>left wing = retard
>communist = retard
>retard /= retard

>I'm in college.
thats ground zero for stupid commie shit because in commie society teachers get treated like gods. enjoy your worthless degree and 50k worth of debt

>t. Rothschild


Haha. What a reddit faggot. Go prep your bull, Kyle.

Yeah, totally. Rothschilds were behind the Arab slave trade, the rape of Nanking, and the Mongol conquests.

What you really ment to say

Groups do not form in perfect and cleanly organized ways like white, black, asian. The Arabs had many civil wars, the Mongols used to be groups of different tribes who were in constant war with eachother. The dividing of people amongst ethnic and racial lines is a jewish construct.

>omg when you have a bunch of different races in one area people notice race

Only the Jews could be responsible for this...

i am racist but a communist
i believe in the NEET life and only whites are smart enough to pull it off anyway. its just like being a successful capitalist. only whites can do it.

>bunch of different races in one area
That isn't anything new though. Nor the fact that people recognize race. What is new however, is the idea of dividing people into perfect ethnic and racial groups.

>only whites can run a business or an economy

Then the workers in each nation will unity among themselves. Either we have diversity and the different groups turn against each other or we have nationalism and the different groups can have unity in their own countries.

They contribute a lot to putting different races in the same area

>Before college, I was a white nationalists and now I agree with the Communists.
How the fuck does such a transformation happen?

Other white people are overwhelming the reason why we're in this mess now having to live with a bunch of shit skins so I agree. I'm just becoming an all around misanthrope. Whites fuck themselves over time and time again and I have zero patience for it anymore

But you started this by doing it to him. You don't find that weird at all?

Commies beat Nazis 100% of the time. So you kinda have history against you.

Plus even the white nationalists agree with commies. Dumb commie kids blame bankers for their shit lives. Dumb nazi kids blame "boomers" with the exact same reasoning. It's all just loser kids who don't want to take personal responsibility for their lives.