People born after 2000

there are "people" who were born after the year 2000 posting here right now! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA please FUCKING GET OUT YOU SUBHUMAN SCUMBAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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All the edgy teenagers who came here after the trump election currently have their homophase in life. Worst timeline.

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dude 21st century faggots are the worst

I was born in 2000 and I go here. AMA

I dropped out of school in 2014
I'm going back next month at age 25
the freshman class was mostly born in 2000
oh my god

we dont care just get out

I was there helping close pools originally, how old do you think I am desu?

enlighten us user

I will not, faggot

>uses r*dditspeak like "AMA"
>calls other people a faggot

sure is fucking summer in here

ask me how i dabbed on user today ama

Even if it's completely anecdotal it feels real. Soon enough itll feel normal here again, just have to hold out a little longer

Nope. What the fuck do you wanna do against it?

>The weird is normal
>"goys, let's get some normal"
>The normal is now normal

>posts on Jow Forums
>likely prides himself on being called a "robot"
>thinks he's got any right to call others subhumans
You're no better than them

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i hope you're right user. i hope you're right

trips of truth.
anyone who prides on being called a robot deserves to be laughed at. especially when they attempt to gatekeep this place

How gay/retarded are you?

>Gets banned
Enjoy the ban summerfag

Not very. I've had sex 4 times

I just kind of feel bad that they will never understand how shit the period they were born into is comparatively. Unhappiness and discontent have been rising across the board at a steady rate since about 2000 and these sorry bastards are going to look back at this period as if it were the good old days.

>Studies show that gay people do not have sex

>Tfw almost everyone I knew in highschool was either jaded or depressed.
Pretty accurate. Also a zoomerfag here

Im legally allowed to post now so fuck off lol

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Zommer here AMA

vallah vallah
origami orgegano

This is why OP hates you faggots you don't belong here go back to

Based zoomers, keep pissing off OP

If you're not a robot why are you here?

Do people who go to reddit have sex?

Its questionable if I am one or not by how much shit consists of "real" and "not a real", but I dont wear it as a badge of honour to say "i'm more pathetic than most of you".
Im here to shitpost like anyone else, just look at the quality of any of the other current threads.

I'm fine with zoomers as long as they're not cunts

You mean getting your GED? I seriously doubt a high school would let a 25 year old attend...

Kek born on the last month of 1999. Guess i'm here forever.

He is a fucking robot you idiot that is the entire point of his post, pointing out the hypocrisy of OP who is once again a fagoot. born in 94 by the way.

born in 2000
see ya i guess

Yes bc they are normans

Stop being so mean pwease.
t. 18 year old femzoom

Im a normalfag and was born in 2000, I treat this site like a zoo, seeing all these robots in there natrual habitat is extremely entertaining

Consider that most of them will drop out too, and maybe return later, they just don't know it yet.

Keep telling yourself that, son.

>seeing all these robots in there natrual habitat is extremely entertaining
You're here forever

I don't come here because
>epic Jow Forums meme guys!! Haha follow my Instagram!!
I come here because its the only place I can relate to anyone anymore

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I can actually relate, born 94 but its hilarious how "people" here will rip at each others throats for not being exactly as bad as each other

please be my femzoom gf

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zoomers rise up

Feels weird to me that the 90s are just history to 18 year olds and that they've always lived in a world with the web and smart phones.

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i remember bits of the early 2000s, answering machines and windows 95 (mostly windows xp) and no we didnt always have smartphones. They came around 2011 when we were 11.
We did always have the internet though.

>tfw dont even remember 9/11

I vaguely remember the Berlin wall going down, and when I was very little my mom told me go inside because Chernobyl had just blown up.

i turned 18 in january, fuck off you lowlife boomer