Is having abused drugs like having a concussion...

Is having abused drugs like having a concussion? I have done some drugs that have fucked me up real bad and I wanna recover, and I feel exactly as if I had been concussed. I have depression and anger issues. I used to be happy and cheerful. How long do I have to wait until I get good?

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respond to this thread and you'll die peacefully in your sleep tonight

Tonight sounds good

Waiting is not a valid self-improvement strategy.

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>Waiting is not a valid self-improvement strategy.
I'm not half the man I used to be before I took these goddamned drugs. I am just a shell of a man. Just a phantom of my former self.

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What'd you take, lad? Benzos? Sounds like PAWS--Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It's almost always temporary but it can last for a really long time.

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Yeah, I took a lot of benzos but they aren't my main concern.
What fucked me up was that I had taken Olanzapine for a few days and it fucked me up EXTREMELY. I BECAME GOD KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK WHILE ON IT, HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
Then I took piracetam hoping it would make me better but I got even worse to the point of not recognizing myself in the mirror.

As of now things are getting better progressively (I have no more dpdr) but I have THIS THROBBING HEADACHE ALL DAY LONG AND IT HURTS LIKE HELL.

The dpdr induced by Olanzapine and some other drugs mixed in was living hell.

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How long did DP/DR last for you? I came off Klonopin recently and it took like two months to get any feelings back. Still healing but thank Christ I seem to have gotten most of my function back. Drugs are awful and for many people the only way to realize that is to experience it firsthand.

>Waiting is not a valid self-improvement strategy
Patience is a great virtue. Wake up to yourself.

yes. i started using weed daily around 15 or 16 years old, benzos daily around 20, and alcohol daily around 21. my memory is absolutely abysmal and i'm functionally retarded.

>How long did DP/DR last for you
Hard to say exactly, but more or less from day 16 of last month until day 3 or 4 of this month. So I guess a little more than 2 weeks.

I'm sorry bro

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How about you stop asking a bunch of retards on the internet and talk to a doctor

>How about you stop asking a bunch of retards on the internet and talk to a doctor
I don't trust psychiatrists.

If you have brain damage you need a neurologist.

>If you have brain damage you need a neurologist.
I know, but I don't know if I should do an MRI just yet because there's gadolinium involved, and it would be better to not put any more chemicals in my brain just yet while I recover, right? Or would it be ok?

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On second thought, I think you need a psychiatrist.

Patience is absolutely not a virtue if the event you're waiting for won't happen. You have to do *something*, user.

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>On second thought, I think you need a psychiatrist.
Psychiatrists fucking suck. All they do is prescribe drugs and more drugs and they just make me worse and worse. Fuck psychiatry, it's all a fucking (((scheme))).

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You can't undo drug-induced brain damage. All you can do is wait and hope it passes.

You can't undo any brain damage. The brain can adapt and "rewire" itself but you will never get back lost neurons. When people talk about the brain healing itself, what they really mean is that it's adapting to the damage.

That guy is next level handsome, holy shit, he even has the villain hair/eyes.