ITT: draw yourself in MS Paint

ITT: draw yourself in MS Paint
Others can critique you

Attached: tfw wish i was in an animu.png (1147x582, 50K)

A fitting self portrait.

Attached: 7814363.png (572x437, 31K)

Be my e gf right now.

based and redpiIIed

What robots think femanon look like vs
how they really look

Attached: gamergrrrl.png (600x400, 126K)

let's rock in an original manner

Attached: 543666.png (1166x655, 47K)

Serj is that you

>waifu tier eyes
>faggot lips
>chad jaw
>chink cheekbones
>monkey ears
>bruce lee bod
>autism buzzcut
>sand nigger eyebrows
>jew nose
am i the next stage in human evolution

Attached: itme.png (684x639, 27K)

Absolutely, anonymous-san-kun-sama.

a self-portrait by user

Attached: eh.jpg (612x816, 95K)

pale balding ginger

Attached: art.png (569x472, 10K)

would stay away from
which visual novel are you from
you deserve more

so youre armenian

inb4 Iarper

Attached: unknown[1].png (476x340, 11K)

>idealized self as anime chad
more worthless than male robots
looks like a dumb border hopping mexican. Also skateboards are gay.
another wannabe ching chong chad
weak beard
jew van gogh

Attached: me.jpg (671x399, 14K)

anom be my gf :()

Attached: af003cd29fb49d73ef8be614613b6ce4-imagepng.png (373x324, 240K)

literally a shower and losing 25lbs will fix most of that

i have the JEB! disorder.
>Although not handsome in his teen years, his classmates called him by the nickname "Beauty", which they described as his "personal comeliness in inverse ratio to the term employed."
>He possessed a chin "so short and retiring as positively to disfigure his otherwise fine countenance." He quickly grew a beard after graduation
>a fellow officer remarked that he was "the only man he ever saw that [a] beard improved."

Attached: JUST.png (1392x1156, 66K)

I look more mean than I intended to

Attached: 123.png (441x751, 44K)

saleelul sawarim nasheedul ubah
wa darbul qitaly tariqul haya
fa baynaq tihamin yibidu tugha
wa kateem musawtim jamilun sadah/10

maybe if you were less honest about yourself you wouldnt get a lot of replies from robots saying that youre ugly also other than being fat you're literally me

Glad I was able to capture my sandnigger aesthetic

Attached: 1472919693431.png (426x434, 79K)

cant draw for shit, but this gets pretty close

Attached: mfw myself.png (762x616, 35K)

i draw like a 3 year old

Attached: meithink.png (576x556, 16K)

i'm a dilla i'm a dilla
inch allah

who else /skellyaf

Attached: Naamloos.png (135x311, 6K)

I am a pretty strange fella

Attached: NotJewish.png (209x288, 6K)

origironi and bheese

Attached: daw.png (640x400, 53K)