The first time you masturbated in your life, an invisible fairy collected your jizz and used it to impregnate her

The first time you masturbated in your life, an invisible fairy collected your jizz and used it to impregnate her.

Today your child is coming to get to know their father.

What will you do with your son/daughter?

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set it in the closet and get back to masturbating you fucking faggot

D'aww this is cute
Well, I don't have a penis, but I guess i can roleplay.

I guess I would rub my child's head, feed them, but I want them to have self-agency, too...

Since they're still a stranger I guess I would be happy, but I would want them to go back to their mom

What if you masturbated so young that no jizz was produced?

>I don't have a penis
What happened?!?

Make them some cake and put them in a good school

God, I still remember those orgasms I could have when I first started masturbating when I was like 9 or 10. Those were life-changing, rubbing myself on the bed post or any post I could find, really. Now it's just jerking off a dick that'll never get hard anymore for a pitiful ejaculation 3 times a day without any care or true orgasm.

I'm born female
Thanks anyway for believing I have one, it made me feel better

Anyway having a fairy child sounds wholesome, but complicated, what would their fairy world be like?

I was like 11 so I'd probably take the kid and then try to get that pedophile arrested

>I'm born female (male)
no females on the internet

now see, i would have sex with them.

No, I'm biologically female, I even got banned from our Local mc server, which is r9k based for being biologically female.

How far have we become, how have the old ways been forgotten, when even eternal adages such as "There are no girls on the internet" and "tits or GTFO" have been lost to time?

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I would ask them where their mother went. You guys are passing up on a perfect oppertunity to not only wife a fairy but also being able to i m a g i n e

Would they be in between my and her size?
Have a flying half pixie daughter?
Might be fun.

I don't know, sorry for derailing the thread though.
The r9k server just hated that I'm biologically a girl, and that's it

Posting yourself (even tits) is now against the rules on Jow Forums.
>No, I'm biologically female (male), I even got banned from our Local mc server, which is r9k based for being biologically female (male).
fix'd again

>Posting yourself (even tits) is now against the rules on Jow Forums.
I know, it's just a way of saying that your gender doesn't really matter here and that you probably shouldn't bring it up much.

even so... rules were made to be broken

I'd have about a million questions, then after that we'd probably just sit in the living room all awkwardly.

Maybe video games.

Do your part and keep it alive then

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Talk with them and get a feel for what fairy life is like. I'd probably have to talk with their mother, so she could explain a bit more about the situation.

actually no because the first time I masturbated I didn't cum despite orgasming

and I wouldn't for years

If the fairy is invisible wouldn't the child also be invisible?

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Maybe the fairy had just turned invisible to get your essence but she could be visible at other times?

Show them how much daddy loves them and use them like a cock sleeve.

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What if they're human-sized?

Then they can just give a handjob.

Eat him/her. Fairies are delicious and nutritious.

If it's her, I'm sure she'd like it too.

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I'm working on my truck today. He can help I guess.

the first time i masturbated i didnt produce any sperm yet, so your thread is shit.

Thats why there was no jizz
A fairy took it

Did a fairy take it the next few times too? Just how many illegitimate offspring have I produced?

And now you know why user

A single ejaculation could make millions.

the child is still a fairy? or is it a half fairy? are we talking just the little pixies? or are we talking the mytholical classification of Fae-folk? I have no idea why a fairy would care about it's parents. it would probably try to torment me in some way.

What would you do in the case of each of these situations?

>The first time you masturbated in your life, an invisible fairy collected your jizz and used it to impregnate her.
>Today your child is coming to get to know their father.
>What will you do with your daughter/son?

Mine would be over legal age at this point so kick them out of the house with a lecture on footwear and giving the boss a firm grip.

I still hang out with my dad even though I'm an adult.

Why did she wait until the kid was 20?

>I'm female
I assume you won't post a vocaroo recording of the thread name because of bullshit reasons.

Am I the only one that masturbated thousands of times before puberty?