I will never get with a girl who has an ass like this

I will never get with a girl who has an ass like this.

Attached: AhcBXWm.jpg (720x960, 52K)

why not?

[original comment yes]

Someday you'll also completely lose sex drive, and you won't care.

It's already nonexistent. I don't really get erections anymore.

No, you won't, and neither will I so I guess we're in the same boat. Sucks to be us my dude, sucks to be us.

It is strange too. Most do not seem to understand what it means to not be aroused at anything. They assume you're gay, and you don't care to explain because you don't care. Everyone so easily driven by their attraction to something or what someone cute says.
I certainly wish I could find something useful to do with this lack of sexdrive, but instead here I am.

Just save up $500 for a high end escort. It's not that hard.

No but if you're lucky you'll get with a boy who has an ass like that

Of course not, only reason they exist is to tease you just like god intended

not everyone live in russia

how did you manage that ? you guys were born like that ? without sex drive?

Boys can never have an ass shaped like that. It's just not in their biology.

>I will never get with a girl

Attached: 1531148395065.jpg (648x1234, 91K)

No. Eventually it dwindled down to nothing over time. Everything that used work no longer works. Absolutely nothing, not nudity of anyone, or any kind.
For instance the OP image, I clicked it to see if it would do anything, but of course nothing.
No attraction to anything anymore. It just eventually stopped.

this is a relatively avg. ass

>I will never get with an ass

Attached: 1534277354382.png (242x208, 5K)

>I will never ass with a girl

Attached: 1525289926903.jpg (480x574, 66K)

>I will never ass

Attached: 1533613447223.jpg (750x864, 178K)

>I will never girl with an ass like this

Attached: 1678329746875.jpg (205x246, 5K)

>I will never be a girl with an ass like this

Attached: 1505419189204.png (637x360, 267K)

>I will never with an ass who girl has like this

Attached: 1526569902320.png (400x416, 256K)

Uh, user... About that...

Attached: 1419720455473.webm (364x374, 715K)

Anyone know how traps get their junk to dangle like that? Mine can't do that.

>I will never be a girl's ass

Attached: 1533084941426.jpg (750x1024, 109K)

got a girl with an ass like that ama

lose weight fatty qweasd123

>I'll never be an ass with a girl like this

And that hurts, because that would mean I would be Chad and have a hot gf.

Honestly, I prefer asses a little less long. Like a nice little round bubble butt. Particularly on a skinny blonde girl mmm. I doubt I'll ever be able to have a girl like that.

how many girls are there who have an ass like that? does an average girl have an ass like that?

Then it would be 1/10th the price. In America you can get an 8 or a 9 for $500 easily.

That ass is a pathetic one. Very pathetic.

>gap too wide
Great shape of cheeks though.
>inb4 autism

How is it too wide? Looks like a healthy gap to me.

For this to reach that they need to take tons of hormones, rub in tons of lotions and train their buttcheeks like crazy.

Just look for a more expensive escort with an ass like that. voila fucking done you have met and fucked her.

The depressing side is that she wont be by your side next morning. You will die alone. But atleast you did it with fucked woman with a body like that.

Why do asses, or bodies in general, look so much worse with out tight clothing or similar that shows it off better over it? I legit lose interest over naked pics compared to an ass in something like tight sweats or blue jeans. Is it because I'm so used to seeing people in clothes? Never seen a naked woman in my life.

Assbro weighs like 85kg.
Assbro does not take hormones. He sees himself as a guy.

Boomer origa

All I want is a smol girl or boy with a plump ass to play with daily
>tfw will never have it

i gotta work on making mine more bubbly...