Why are American cops a total joke?

Why are American cops a total joke?

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>only tased
Fucking liberals

They probably watch television shows like NCIS and thought the old granny was an Isis sleeper agent or something like that.

Who the hell uses a knife to cut dandelions, and was police called on someone just cutting dandelions?

>An 87-year-old woman with a knife still has the ability to hurt an officer

Why would you get a job where you're put in harm's way if you're a giant pussy?

Why is granny cutting dandelions with a fucking knife? How is that a normal thing to do at all? The weed will regrow and you can just pluck them.

Maybe granny got tased because she was having a bit of a senior moment.

A lot of cops here are either poorly trained to handle intense situations or have a big us vs them attitude, too often it is both. They also like to think of themselves as above the citizens they are supposedly protecting because they get a bunch of military hand me downs and act like every encounter is Guadalcanal. Also lots of departments across the country are very understaffed and have shit budgets.

Nice fake news. Great that Vice is trying to poison a robot's mind.

Americans are the nigger of the white race.

why are you posting Jow Forums tier threads here, faggot

How is this in any way associated with Jow Forums, retard?

Cop1" hey bro look at that fucking cunt picking flowers"
Cop2" wow! What the fuck does she think she is doing with that kinfe?!"
Cop1" wanna tase her a lesson?"
Cop2" you fucking bet I do.Lets deflower her."*puts on sunglasses* *csi intro song starts playing*

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Back to 9gag you go

The more important question is: When and what will we do about Amerikkka?

#NOTALLCOPS God bless the men in blue! They have to do what they have to do!
>*gets willingly beaten and put in local jail for sneezing in the presence of a cop*

They're American.
The problems in America always start and end with them being American.

The cop did nothing wrong.

She deserved it for being a M*slim

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Attached: pol goes outside.jpg (480x854, 52K)

Liveleak has another video of a police shooting that doesn't make the news it's fucking amazing the way these retards handle things.

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Which ones? The media or the cops?

She looks white how tf would the cop know she was a Muslim and not just some granny wearing a headscarf to cover her bald spot

Why would you tase an elderly woman even if she has a knife, just stay back and try to deescalate that's literally the damn cop's job
what's she gonna do, throw it?

Because Americans are fucked in the head what with all the hormones and shit they pump into the animals they eat and the lead they have in their homes.

I could tell she was Middle Eastern right from the pic idk.

Bin that knife love.

That doesn't excuse how fucking wrong this is.

One of them was a bodycam and the other off someone's phone from a balcony.

They should have shot her instead. Don't threaten the lives of others and you don't get shot. That fucking simple.

money and benefits

Should have should the roastie cunt.

you're supposed to pull them by the roots but at her age it might be easier to just cut the damn things than to pull them. Arthritis and an old back an all is what I'm guessing. You're right on who the fuck calls the police on that though.

uh want to try that again, sweetie?