Koreanon here. uni/college kids who want korean gfs get in here i will show you the way

koreanon here. uni/college kids who want korean gfs get in here i will show you the way

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Im a dirty spic... Can I still get a Korean Wife tho?

most of my answers will boil down to yes if you are attractive/rich and no if not but anythings possible. just stop thinking of yourself as a dirty spic and just be a mexican dude

how do i claim my gf

first unironically stop thinking about girls/women and asian girls/women specifically as objects if that's your mindset. next make some friends with korean bros first. you can join the korean club or take a korean class or maybe just luck into having an international student in one of your regular classes. help them out with the class and just hang out with them. they will be very grateful to you and likely invite you out to drink where you can meet korean qts and the small korean community in the area

I have lower middle class white people money and can teach english. I'm hot and I fuck like a god. Can I plow korean sluts without giving them money or pretending I want to marry them?

cool user i will try i'm not rich tho will that cuck me what do korean grills like

I'm not in college anymore, I'm a 31yo unemployed boomer. I know I can't have a cute kgf but I want to hear about it anyway so I can live vicariously through other people who can have them

This is some solid advice. But making friends, how do i do dis. I'm such a loner at school, im sick of seeing international asian qts walking around at my school and i cant do anything about it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

if you talk like this on the internet it makes me believe you are exaggerating but if its true you should have no problem. dont assume all korean/asian girls crave white dick though, in my experience its more of a meme. korena girls will appreciate how attractive white guys can be but will rarely pursue them and stick to their own kind for the most part. it might be different for your area though
nah you dont need to be rich since most international students are rich already and dont think of money too seirously. just be attractive desu and seem confident in leading them through your country/area
what do you want to know?

international korean students feel the same fucking way as you desu, even the rich attractive ones. im pretty well known/popular in the smal korean community in my area and every othe rkorean dude i know hates going to school because they cant speak english for shit and feels like a dumbass. just reach out and help them with school work or ask them whats up. they will 99% of the time not reject you and instead be very glad to have someone be the first to reach out to them

Teaching English in Korea. Yay or nay?

i did it for half a year when i was younger through TaLK and it was a fucking blast but ymmv. how old are you, how long are you thinking of doing it, and through what programs/means?

Thanks for the advice my dude. How do i approach them though? Can I act nice and respectful and friendly or do I have to act a little cold and approach them the way i do western grills?

22 but just starting my bachelor so im gonna be 26 before i can do it. For how long, I have no clue, if it pays well indefinitely? I always wanted to live in east asia.

will she cheat on me or be a roastie cuz if she does i mite kill her

What do Korean girls enjoy doing?

sorry i might not have been clear. i recommend reaching out to korean GUYS first. many korean girls feel wary of foreign dudes reaching out since it usually just means theyre just getting hit on. its much more natural to meet them through their korean guy friends at a party/bar stuation. if you decide to hit on korean girls in class it can work but again you have to be fairly attractive and charismatic. it can work you just have to seem focused on schoolwork at first and then get to know them though
i was a bit younger when i did it and my program was just like 15 hours a week so i just partired all weeekdn but ive heard you can make a decent amoutn through JET and even more if a tutoring school (hakwon) picks you up. its definitely viable but english teachers nowadays dont get as much love as they did before since theres so many of them and its not as novel anymore
it depends on the girl lol
eating, going to cafes, taking pictures, having sex. its pretty in line with girls in general

>most international students are rich already and dont think of money too seirously
>be me
>be poor
>try to talk to them
>kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk meongcheonghan gananhan migug-in hhhhhhhhhhhh
>y-you too

I love you koreabro, I will try this now, any advice as to where Koreans typically like going to college?

i dont know what to say there are awful koreans the same way there are awful people everywhere but i cant really remember meeting anyone who actually thought this
love you too bro. a lot of them start off in community colleges desu so they can ease into it with ESL classes. after that, its a toss up

>tfw biggest motivation to learn korean is so i can know how bad i'm supposed to feel

I meant like which parts of the U.S.

dont take it to heart man many korean are racist but the young int students that come here that shit on americans or foreigners in general just do so out of a sense of impotency and frustration
CA NJ NY seem to be very popular but i live in MD and there are a ton here as well

Huh cool, I'm in colorado, you think I might find sa qt korean gf at uni here?

i dont see why not but i also dont have any friends//contacts in CO so idk what the korean population is like there

It's still worth a shot, thank you man!

good luck to you bro, hope you find a good gf

>Be student living on-campus at Uni.
>See literal herds of Asian QTs walking out from my residence complex on their way to central campus. I walk past them at least twice every day.
>My school isn't even that prominent of an institution, what the hell are all these Asian chicks doing here?
>Not an ugly one in the bunch.
>Always speaking in native tongue, never seem to be around any other American race, will not show any emotion towards you (Not even for a polite, intentionless smile as you pass them).
>There's literally no point in pursuing.

Awaken from the dream, m80s. There's places to do and things to be.

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i understand my advice wont work for 100% of situations but im fairly experience siwht korean/chinese int students and broing up with the guys first works nearly all the time

whats the fastest way to brohood with a korean student

if group work happens maybe ask if they want to work together, it not just say hi whats up. you really dont need to fear rejection or anything since they will be so grateful for the experience desu

and then ask if they like drinking. korenas love to drink and its pretty much the fastest/only way to get close with them

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Went to a massage place which was a house in a neighborhood today
Got very rough massage by 2 old korean hags who liked my body but ouch..
There was a younger girl sitting there in the living room...
What if I go back and offer 200 to bang her...
They watched me jack off a bit
I am very charismatic american so I think I will just try to rape her and they will get the message ok gook


I don't know any Koreans though

then meet some

I'm Black what are my chances?

Also im totally willing to learn your language if it helps out

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the internet meme about how asian girls crave foreign dick isnt always true but will work if you are attractive. if not, just take the advice ive given before itt and just bro up with korean guys. black=cool now so they will be doubly likely to like you and if you know the language they will like you even more. desu though prepare yourself to be like a little novelty/circus show for a bit when korean guys/girls are surprised you can speak korean at first. but once you get to know them theyll realize you are beyond just a foreigner who can speak their language and see you as a person. im sorry i wish it wasnt like that but thats just my experience

I live in a very white part of the US
I only knew one Asian girl growing up and she was basically 3rd generation Taiwanese and a happy
She also had enormous titties
She put all the other girls to shame

thank you koreanon how long would it take me to learn korean, I may do japanese to since I have an interest in japan shit too

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i wish i could tell you desu im pretty shit with languages but starte speaking korean fluently thanks to hanging out with other koreans in the past efw years. from what ive heard its a pretty simple language to learn how to read since its phonetic but speaking takes some time.really respect those who take their time and dedication to learning a language

I live in NYC and there's a fuckton of incredibly cute asian girls, i'm a dominican virgin fag, poor and undocumented so i never even approach them, i just enrolled to BMCC and hopefully i might be able to meet some, but don't really expect getting anything out of it more than a superficial friendship.

if you speak english its possible, especially in NYC. many ny school girls just stick to koreatown to party but like ive said itt just find some korean guys to get close to fist. every friendship starts out superficial and you weight what youre getting vs what youre giving but you can get past that

how to marry korean inlaws

you find some korean inlaws and then engage the m in marriage

how do I get older korean mommy gf?

Black freshman architecture student, likes Korean women but DESU race isn't a big preference. Don't know anything about Korea nor am I really going to go out of my way to learn about.

be attractive and work as a server in a korean restaurant/bar. i was shocked to see how many older women flirted with me

Uni guy with Korean GF reporting for duty.

hope you and your gf have a good thing going on bro, enjoy your time in uni