Six figures income for existing as a female

>six figures income for existing as a female


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>he thinks $104,916 a year is a lot

The men that support this are just as bad. Fuck this fuckass world.

For existing? It's pretty okay.

Camwhores are stupid whores and the men who support them should be lynched

You know something, you're right. I do applaud her for over estimating her worth though. I've seen plenty of women way much more attractive than her working shit jobs.

Honestly this applies to anyone that isn't redpilled about Mr. Sheckelsteins scheme

$104,916 is a lot no matter what you fucking say

women are oppressed, stop objectifying them

Yet women still bitch about not making as much or being as popular as the top streamers who are male.
Like you could easily work 20hrs a week as s female streamer and be set if you look decent and push your boobs up. The guys with like 30k viewers raking in millions are working 60hrs a week and attending bullshit pr events for whatever game is their main one

>cheese pizza
What did she mean by this

>Bitch is whoring herself out for betas
>Rakes in thousands a month
>Life on fucking easy mode
>"boohoo I'm depressed :("
This is making my fucking blood boil

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100k is an assload of money dude. if you make more, good for you, but 100k is wealthy unless you live in a penthouse in san francisco with kids

You shitting me? Where i live this shit is Airline Commander Pilot income level, Most people here are in a shitting rat race to just even get 1000 a month.
Considering she does that amount of money just for making shitty vlogs and showing off the body is fucking nutts

They're not just as bad, they're worse. The woman is doing nothing wrong in taking advantage of pathetic betas who want to give her all their hard earned money. We'd all do it if we had the opportunity. Who wants to work? I don't blame her.

I was watching a VICE documentary about the financial domination fetish. This guy has moved this homely dominatrix" into his house. He gives her a bed to sleep in, gives her his money, cooks for her, sits on his knees and gives her sips of soda. She's not that cute but she's found someone who will fund her whole lifestyle and all she has to do is call him a bitch a few times. Who can fucking blame her

>make the same as shit that actually is deserving of money, regardless of tastes
I don't even like animu and this pisses me off

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>100k is wealthy
I'm guessing you're either living in a LCOL area or grew up poor because that's middle class. Where I live, a 4bed/3bath house is about $600-700k. In a town with a nice school district it might cost you $800k+. Private school is $15-35k per kid per year. That's before normal expenses, and we also have a 5% state income tax.
I don't think you could afford to raise kids on $100k here.

You actual rich faggot, fuck off

Hint: Median household income in America is $59,031

Die richfag

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Who are the dicks funding this? It can't be people who earned their money themselves, they know better than to give it away for no reason. Right?

i live just outside of boston. split between three other roommates, my rent is $350 a month including utilities. i make $900 or so a month and have enough to pay for phone, car insurance, food, gas, feed my cat, etc. that's about $11,000 a year in total. $100,000 is absolutely batshit, i wouldn't know what to do with all that money in all my wildest dreams.

i know people who are making that much or less who have kids.

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I live with my parents. They're rich, not me.
Just saying that 100k isn't much money.

It's for making videos entertaining thirsty losers
You'd do it too if you could

If 100k isn't much money send me 100k right now

And who's giving her that money for just being a woman? who's to blame for that? WHO's the one that gave her that free money?

>I do applaud her for over estimating her worth though. I've seen plenty of women way much more attractive than her working shit jobs.

I can name at least 3 camwhores from this board alone from the past three years who would fit this category

>say you have depression
>betas donate more to help you feel better
wish I had that life

>just outside of boston
>rent is $350 a month
By "just outside" do you mean "in Lawrence"??

It's the fucking top 4% in the US you richfuck kys

nah southern NH, right off the highway

At least there's still some hope left for humanity.

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Guys how do I get money without wagecucking as an ugly male?

freak show

I wouldn't say a lot, i make 138k in a place with 175k houses and I am not rolling in money by any stretch.

For providing a minimal amount of value simply by being a woman? Not even selling her body at that? It's a lot. But she's also very good at manipulating her fanbase, not something that every thot can do. Good for her if she's able to exploit the free market to her advantage. A shame that she's a thot, I may be jumping to conclusions but I'm not convinced that she'd be able to create something worth with this comfy (almost passive) income.

Where do you live? 500k here gets you a good size house with a fair amount of land. I imagine 100k a year gets you dick in cali whereas elsewhere its a lot more

Texas, cali sucks a fat dick.

Damn really user? I guess not going far is different to different people. I have a wife, baby on the way and only make 60k a year. I have my own house and a new car and a bunch of assets and retirement savings. I feel pretty comfortable but it could always be better.