Any fembots look like pic related? If so, would you ever marry an Asian guy?

Any fembots look like pic related? If so, would you ever marry an Asian guy?

I'm rich btw

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OP is a normalfag. I want a black fembot gf even if she isnt a model tier qt

a woman like that wouldn't be on this board and even if she was

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are you aIso bIack?

damnnn i'd fuck her until my dick fell out

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No I am white not black

This is basically a white girl covered in tan skin

awe :c

What is wrong sad user

Asian guys are creeping up on black girls.

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It's only a matter of time before these goddesses realize how much we Asian guys love them...

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Asian men only go for mulattoes that are equal shade or 1 shade darker than them

Once they get a taste of our lifestyle, there's NO turning back. Because once you go Asian, that's all you'll be cravin'

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damn son, asianboi on black girl porn sounds legit

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This isn't going to catch on your mistake is thinking we are insecure psychopaths like the whites

Go away

Give a white boy a chance

FUCK! I want a black GF.

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If I looked like that I wouldn't be a fembot you dingus

white boys belong with Asian girls

Damn, this girl is sooooo freaking hot!

Is this the future of America?

I sure hope so!

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But if I did look like that i probably would.

>thinking youll find a fembot that looks even somewhat like this

i thought asians were supposed to be smart

we are. hence an asian did not make this sense.

i'm black, pls gib fembot qt gf

did not make this thread*

I want a black girl tho
If you are black be my fembot gf pls

stay away from my fucking women. Black women are for black boys only

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I am ugly and dark and don't have good hair. Look for a qt brooke fembot

we didnt make this thread

Be my ugly dark bad hair fembot gf pls

OP here,

I'm Asian, I'm rich, and I did make this thread.

Fuck racist people!

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are you reaIIy though

>fuck racist people
So brave

>tfw Black fembots hate white people

why are you in it? just curious

no youre not. stop larping pls

why would I lie about that originally

What kind of things are you into? Brooke is a dumb thot

damage control. desu

because im sure op isn't even Asian, Asians hate blacks

no we dont, i hate people larping as us and starting shit

If you're willing to be COLONIZED I'll give you everything I own

You only mean the light ones right

Begone, you racist Devil!

Back into the river of fire hence you came from!

I'm Asian btw

asianbots usually do. asians I've met irl seem cool

I love black girls and I'm white. I've been attracted since a qt crushed on me as a kid. But other white dudes, in particular Jow Forums are making it slightly harder for me with the whole "I want me some chocolate" hocus pocus cos I have to make sure I step around that bullshit now.
Oh well, maybe they do belong with Asian dudes.

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that's an exaggeration
asian x black marriages have gotten a lot more common recently
asian girls even prefer black guys over asian guys according to some dating sites' data (although that's kinda sad)

whatever man, i dont.

imagine being that dumb

Originally sad.

This feels so right...

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what website is that, imadeshitup dot com?

it feels so holy shit youve posted the same 3 pictures over 8 years.

so is this your new gimmick nick? trying to pit blacks and asians against each other?

get a fucking life

>tfw my oneitis is black
>She's with another white guy now

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nick, the fat white guy with the shitty beard?


I'm not Nick, I swear!

I'm Asian

Don't most asians dislike races darker than them?

get a life nick, you fat white trash

no. asians only dislike people that act like bitches like this nick

Moral of the story is Chad always wins

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youre not chad, nick. youre the white trash that drinks the koolaid at the party.

Any black girls actually ITT?

yes do you have a question?

Would you date a lonely white robot?

chads of all races win stacies of all races

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>69.5% of asians are willing to date blacks, while only 43.5% of blacksa are willing to date asians
I wish good luck to OP

How do you feel about your race?
On a scale from Ebony to Woke af?

I wasn't saying I'm chad you fucking idiot, I'm literally posting on Jow Forums.

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send proof that you're black

That's a Tyrone, not a Chad. Same thing, different name.

you dont get to his grab his glory, you larping fat shit. youll never be chad youre white trash

You don't know me dude

what a bitch thing to say dude

thread got weird real fast, who the fuck is nick

fat white trash that stalks brooke

k post kik

She was a whitewashed black Stacy but goddamn I wish I could be the one with her
But she's happier with someone who isn't a pathetic loner like me

wtf makes you think i have a kik, this isn't /soc/
post it here

noivon on kik

are you peckle?

I'm Hispanic, it's kind of true. But mostly uppity asians females, guys on the hand will fuck anyone whos hotter than them, regardless of race

no i don't know anything about /soc/ namefags dude

Who is peckle

this isnt about fucking, just tired of catching shit because of people larping as asians

>1 day on Kik

and also thats wrong. you dont know shit

Im literally triggered right now

fuck you man. We are the least desirable group of people why do you have to shill more whites/asians into hunting down black qties? just leave us be bro it's hard as fuck out here already

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I made kik to talk to a qt black girl ;-;

What exactly do you plan to do on kik?

holy fuck no one asked you to show your pussy I just asked you to prove you're black, no need to use kik or anything cunt

is she blasian? whats with that hair, its pretty asian

I only had ONE, female Asian friend. her parents were both doctors. She told me straight up. Asian and white boys are the best, and then Hispanic and then black bois. I got her hooked up with my friend who was white, and they fell in love. Then again, they were both major stoners and now live in Colorado. I'm just saying from personal exp.

hi pecker

oh for fucks sake. theyre extensions

oh wow one girl. you seem bittersweet on your friends hooking up. why are you pressed over what one girl said years ago

Clearly you're only pretending to be a black girl

cause I still am friends with them, and I'm glad I got to hook up two of my HS friends that are still together today after so many years.

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Any black fembots that will add me on kik?