Im finally done with normies. someone tried to do something to me that i wouldnt wish upon my worst enemies...

im finally done with normies. someone tried to do something to me that i wouldnt wish upon my worst enemies. they are soulless demons that feast on the suffering of weaker beings. i will never try to meet anyone again. i feel relieved. im here with my fellow outcasts. heads up to all robots- your great guys.

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what did they originally do? origigi

Most of the people here aren't people who you would want to be friends with dude. A lot of them are just a different kind of normie. Trying to be different as a "outcast" is the most normie thing imaginable.

tldr or full story

its up to you m80

tell us the story then you dumb nerd

>meet these guys
>seem chill enough, hang out with them a couple of times, they drive with me to the gas station etc (rural and no car)
>nothing much to talk with them, but they arent lefties so i can talk a bit of politics with someone now and then
>one day they invite me to do acid with them
>sure enough, its the only drug i genuinely enjoy, so lets do it
>over the course of the day they keep repeating a phrase to me whenever i point something out, always the same phrase, i thought they were trying to set me up for a elaborate ligma-esque joke so i dont pay much attention
>when i finally ask them they give a phony excuse
>finally realize they were trying to program a trigger word into me
>thankfully didnt drop the acid yet
>i start fucking with them back, slowly breaking the barrier, letting them know i know what they are up to
>suddenly totally different persons,they get nervous and make up excuses why they want to leave
>laugh at them histerically, at this point they seem sketched out af
>leave with the acid i got from them

imagine what this would have done to me if i werent familiar with such methods and how suggestible persons are on acid. i cant even fathom being this cruel; to me, this is worse than murder

A "trigger word"? The fuck you even talking about

what kind of stuff before the trigger phrase?
what phrase?
one trippy boi here

I can't imagine what kinds of people would want to fuck with your head on acid that's just plain cruel

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you could totally alpha over them now you know they were trying something and got scared when you worked it out.

I literally can't understand what you junkies are fucking talking about

>what kind of stuff before the trigger phrase?
anything, trees, a road, a sign etc. so whenver i saw that again, i would get reminded of the word, "triggering" me.

its demon level evil. and this elaborate ! i cant wrap my head around why one would do this. i mean, its a well known method. creating traumata. theyll unironically go to hell for this.

on acid

Normies pull subversive shit like this all of the damn time, they know you are somewhat different or perhaps they really are lefties and actually secretly hate your political ideologies.

If your surroundings or even the people around you are negative it's not really wise to jump into a psychie trip. You drop LSD with a bad mood it can really fuck up your mental state

where do they learn this though ? this is mkultra/cia level stuff. now that i think about it it would make a lot of sense, them being lefties, since ""communists"" actually train in subversion. makes a lot more sense than them being satanists

thanks bro, thanks to all the nice posters here.
lets support our fellow robobro

GG man, sound liek assholes.
never do acid with randys

And one would think the culture surrounding those drugs would have a sense of moral or smth but no. good job you noticed it in time OP u should somehow get back at them

i dont think you can teach someone without morals a lesson... except by pain, and i wont go to jail for these literal rats

>Worse than murder
>Literally just a prank, bro.

OP confirmed for homosexual inclinations.

Prank is where the one who's being played laughs at the end of the joke not where he ends up scarred for months

thanks for the kind words and open minds.

it means a lot more to me than you guys think.

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They probably weren't doing anything and op is just spazzing out

and thanks for not downplaying this

I don't get it. What exactly would that word trigger?

Hey man i always liked drugs and hated normies too so I feel you

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it would remind him of them elaborately fucking with his head. if he took the acid, man... its called traumata, i think someone else can explain it better. its pretty sophisticated mind control

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They were creeped out not because OP discovered them, but because he was probably laughing like a deranged lunatic talking about MK Ultra shit.

The weirdly autistic need for validation from robots confirms this.

Ahh so you're a schizo. Well yeah you're not going to get along with normal people man...sorry to say

yall thinking hes crazy are playing right into their hands.

This thread is confusing the fuck out of me. What the fuck are you guys doing? Stop making me angry for fucks sake!

hahahaha its powerful stuff man. user isnt wrong in saying this is professional level stuff
maybe this will help:

you really have to have LITERALLY ZERO empathy to do this kind of stuff. i guess thats what the death of god leads to... still, i dont understand why. i really dont

Someone fucking explain what happened, what's a trigger word and why is it bad. I'm utterly confused

how can you not get this ? as another user said, its a snake biting its own head; as he said, they would repeat the phrase whenever they looked at something. so when he saw that again, or something similar, he would get reminded of them fucking with his head. theres nothing special to the phrase at all. this really would have only worked if he took the acid, then thought about this, realizing they fucked with him, then getting scarred for life because acid makes you incredibly empathetic and vulnerable

All i get so far is that some motherfuckers tried to mind control op. But op was very vague describin the "how" part and everyone seems to know what the exact, actual fuck happened, like as if it was common knowledge. You and me are the only ones who doesnt know whats up.

this is becoming a bit of a clusterfuck. i think you have to have a little bit of knowledge to get this. All you guys utterly confused by this; you would have walked right into the trap.

thanks a lot again guys. see ya around

jesus loves you

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What would they have gained from this? Just that op would be scarred for life? They did this for fun?

thats the big question we are all trying to solve here. including op. being literal demons and doing harm for the sake of it seems plausible but somehow i feel theres more to this...
stick around op, lets get to the root of this

who got ideas

is this one of dem organized shitposts?

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>Me and my friend meet this guy
>Kind of a sperg, but seems chill enough,
>He always seems lonely, and we feel bad for him, so we invite him to do acid with us
>After a couple hours he starts acting strange, says he is "unto us" and "knows what we are doing"
> Starts doing weird shit like making faces at us and then chuckling to himself.
>we haven't even took the acid yet.
>Fuck this, this guy is creeping the fuck out of us,
>We motion to leave
>He starts laughing like a lunatic.
>We leave faster
>He keeps the acid.