I know you guys hate this shit, but I need advice, I've really fucked it this time

I know you guys hate this shit, but I need advice, I've really fucked it this time

>be me
>married to femanon
>Regrettably have an affair with a barely 18 yo girl
>affair goes on for a year until the guilt makes me stop
>over the next few months, the guilt becomes unbearable
>break down and admit the whole thing to my wife

Okay, it took lots of work from both of us, but we love each other and neither of us wanted to separate, much less get divorced. Our marriage has greatly improved, probably more so than we had ever expected.

Now, fast forward to this week

>smoking quarter bag of weed every week
>smoke most of the day while I'm awake, and several times during my shift at work
>other degenerate on my shift brings some sort of amphetamines
>take 140mg bc I love drugs
>one-half of the way through my first chantix 30-day treatment
>in this drug-fueled haze I manage to spill my guts to this (now 20) year old girl
>tell her my feelings were real, and stronger than she knew and some other shit
>During this, I manage to sink even lower
>I randomly hit on my little cousin's (22) gf (21?) and she responded overwhelmingly
>they visit me at my job and I distract my cousin with some task and make out with her in a broom closet
>she messages constantly with the hottest, nastiest, most perverted sexts
>we are supposed to meet and fuck tomorrow

Now I'm coming down and seeing the world clearly, and I have severely fucked up. How do I salvage any of this shit?

>inb4 Chad
>inb4 degenerate

Not a Chad. Said I was a degenerate already, as if it weren't obvious


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>I know you guys hate this shit,
Should have stopped there
>but I need advice, I've really fucked it this time
No you didn't, stop bringing this normalnigger bullshit here, these aren't real problems

Face the consequences.

>m-mom, I called him n-n-normie

Kill yourself or kill your "clever" humor, something has got to go

>cheats on his wife

You should kill yourself

>goes on r9k
>suggests suicide

Really pushes one to ponder

>asks relationship advice on an autism support group board

Why not? Regular norman advice is no better

>Three posts in, already insulting board culture and acting superior
Ok here is the solution to your stupid fucking problem. First, stop getting high. Then, text both your cousin and this random 20 year old and tell them "I'm sorry but I'm in a relationship so I cant see you at this time" and go no contact. Or, you could just divorce your wife and be single. Obviously you already knew that though, so why even make this thread?

>board culture

Dropped. The problem I fear is retaliation from one or both of these females. Reading comprehension you stupid fucking faggot. Now I didn't type that part out directly, you fucking autismo, but that's heavily implied dealing with young, impulsive girls.

But this board, and Jow Forums in general, just quote, or hell, partially quote whatever you want to twist out of context or leave out entirely. Fuck your board culture, hivemind faggot

you cant salvage anything, your a bad person OP

You deserve everything that's going to transpire after this you disgusting fucking animal

Divorce your wife she deserves better and since you are Chad you clearly won't be satisfied with only one woman.

You fucked up and now you have to face the consequences. This is reality. No amount of drugs and escapism will take you away from it. Learn from this and grow.

As someone who was caught cheating after engagement, you're done bruh. your only hope is coming clean and blaming the drugs before anyone figures out/snitches

>something has got to go
To reddit.

I'm genuinely curious as to why I'm a "disgusting animal". Elaborate



>imminent disaster and divorce
>argue with Virgins on the net

You really are not going to make it friend

If you care about your wife you will leave her so she can have a better life. You are just going to destroy her, and she will forgive you because she loves you but that doesn't mean she won't be permanently changed. I've been in her position and I wish I would have left the toxic situation earlier, but I was too immature and had emotional dependency.

This is always an option.

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>Gets forgiven
>Cheats again
There's only one fucking thing you can do and that is breaking up with your wife. She doesn't deserve this and you clearly don't deserve her. If you have anykind of real person or manlihood in you, you'll know this to be the only right way. I want that you know that your actions genuinely sicken me more than any post about shitjugs or pissbottles. Fuck you. Get help, you have a drug problem and mental problems.

Different user, but yes, you're a fucking animal. You fucked an 18 year old, she forgave you. Then you have the audacity to say that you (((loved))) each other when you are just about to get into another affair. She might have loved you, but you certainly don't love her. I sincerely hope you divorce her so she doesn't have to live with such an asshole.

>Boo hoo muh wife I might have to face consequences for actions what do I do
Please leave this board and go back to r/relationships if you want sympathy

You asked for advice and you got it OP. Kill yourself.

Break up with your wife. You obviously aren't committed to her, break up so you can go have sex with all the girls you want.

Unironically go to reddit. Shitty people don't get sympathy here

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>sticking penis in vagina
>These two things are exactly the same thing, you can't have one without the other

The only thing I hate worse than myself are these God damned Incels

Suggest an open relationship with your wife

>I love my wife bro we have an eternal bond btw pass dat kush nigga oops I cheated on my wife #yolo I still love u babe what we have is special #fortnite, what do I do Jow Forums?
This isn't love you animal

>I fear retaliation

You should, fucking loser.

Oh waa waa I got high I did stupid shit and I keep cheating on someone who is decent and trusts me and I'll ruin her capacity to trust her partners forever, waa waa, poor me.

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You are so fucked dude. Your life is soon over and you'll have deserved all of it.

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There is no way that this isn't a well thought out bait.

Nobody is that shitty and asks advice on r9k.

OP here, and this is the problem with you guys. There is nothing in-between "he is a cheating, scumbag, animal" and "Good husband". If you don't think that relationships, sexuality and morality are a bit more complicated than that, than I worry about your own rotting brains on this cesspool of board "culture". This place is a God damned joke. But you know what, fuck you, because after my marriage has ended and I've lost it all, I'll still frequent this board to tell you what a vagina looks like

Neckbeard virgins can not possibly tell you how to live your life when they can't find a SINGLE GOD DAMNED MATE on the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET.

It is true. I have had morality issues since I was a kid. Sometimes I go full sociopath , mostly when my dick is involved.

>hey guys i have a problem
>actually here's the problem with all of you

you call yourself a degenerate to beat others to the punch about your negative traits so nobody can tell you anything. you came asking for help, and yet remain combative, so nobody can tell you anything, and that's really just it - nobody can tell you anything.

you are an addict, plain and simple. how? the hallmark of an addict is when their usage of whatever they're addicted to does not falter in the face of consequences. potentially ruining a marriage, fucking over your younger cousin, endangering your income by using at work, messing with other girls - it doesn't end because consequences don't matter to you, or, you haven't encountered the right consequence.

same reason with speeding in a car. some people speed and continue to do so because they never got caught. some people speed, got caught, and don't do it again. some people speed, get caught, and get another ticket on the way home for the same shit.

in order for you to change, you have to hit what rock bottom means to you, you have to be ready to change, and you have to have the correct consequences to keep you in check.

i'm not going to entertain "salvaging" your situation because you need to squirm and feel uncomfortable. it's the only way you're gonna learn.

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Again, a Jow Forums thread proves absolutely nothing. I tried to beat all that degenerate shit to the punch, and some other"board culture, buzzword maymays" not because I disagree completely with all of them, but it's because they are fucking boring. Every fucking reply is a stock, Jow Forums-seal-of-approval reply on the board for ORIGINAL FUCKING CONTENT. you can all berate the fuck out of me and I'll jerk off to all of it, but for God's sake, be creative about it. Every reply might as well have been Christian slater pointing to the top-right corner of the screen. Worthless

yeah nah i get it. you tried to inb4 everything but it doesn't always work that way.

regardless, good luck with everything. hopefully things turn around for you at some point, even if not right now. going through bad things isn't always a bad thing.

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Thanks for an actual, thoughtful piece of advice

>when Jow Forums gives you a reality check and you deny it.
Your really fucked OP

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I told you what to do, confess and blame the drugs before you're found out. You decided to argue with nerds for an hour

What compells people to confess to stupid shit? I know I'm not a sociopath but I'm clearly missing something here apparently.

Who cares. You did it to yourself, live with it

>Sometimes I go full sociopath

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You can always kill yourself.

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Don't confuse being a sociopath with making retarded decisions. A sociopath wouldn't break down and admit shit.