Be me, fembot

>be me, fembot
>anal fetish probably because I was molested in the vagoo at a young age
>want to have ass eaten
>chad won't do submissive things
>robots are too timid to try it
>only creeps and weirdos to toss my salad

This is the cruelest fate

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if you think robots are too timid to try licking your asshole you havent been here long

i'll eat ya ass baby

you gotta shave that thing though

>doesn't like fisting
>no farting or face sitting fetish
>doesn't like scat
>isn't a exhibitionist
Shoo shoo
Go away fembot
Shoo shoo

Post a time stamp and say who molested you or you're faking.

They post like they will but then they all ghost me on discord

Not mine but I get full brazil waxed like every six months and then let the furburger grow the rest of the years

Camwhoring is not allowed, and it was a doctor who was also a family friend

Where do you live femanon? I've talked to some of Discord girls from here and they ghosted me, never the other way around.

>They post like they will but then they all ghost me on discord
giv location and i will lick your asshole right now if youre cloes

Hello. I am a male, and my dream is to find an anal only gf who will engage in vaginal sex exclusively for procreation as God intended. Cheer up fembot.

Vancouver WA

where you at? ill come and fuck your ass

ive always wanted to eat a waxed booty

pic is me, if ur interested hmu on discord cuz im about to get banned


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God damn it, East Coast US

>anal fetish probably because I was molested in the vagoo at a young age
how does this link even happen? wtf?

why are there never east coast femanons is this entire coast just fucking normies

I feel weird when anything is in my vagina. I had a panic attack the last time I had PIV sex and cannot see myself doing it again for a long time

op here, i should probably mention i am a fat girl... so yeah...

you're not girl tho

Im sorry to hear that op
I hope it doesnt haunt you. You should hire someone on the deepweb to kill him.

>implying that is you

Sorry man

i assure you it is

msg me on discord if you wanna talk

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Eh, would've done it, but live on another continent, I swear all interesting stuff like that happens in new world

Where you at blue eyes?

i can be just about anywhere

are you really short or something why are you here?


>tfw 5'11 manlet

im 25 and have been coming here since i was a sophomore in high school, part of the crew part of the ship

Not interested in another online orbiter m8

>tfw still no PNW ass eating robot bf

You say creeps, weirdos and robots like they are different things

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post discord fembot, i wont ghost u (;

excuse me but this post is extremely offensive and i would like you to delet it right now

i can be at ur door tomorrow if u wanted

clearly a b8 thread

>roast: i wish someone would eat my ass :-(((
>some: okay I'll do it!
>roast: ewww no
Typical women

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>be me, fembot

yep stopped reading there , move along

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Post stats plz

discord or gtfo

>he doesn't eat ass

god this board sucks

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If you're in 403 I'll do it as long as you clean it out well before hand and you aren't fat.

same, 310

eating ass is nice tho

I'm in PNW and submissive I'll be ur bf if that's ok

Ass eating isn't inherently submissive though

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But do you have a nice ass? I'd do it in a heartbeat if so.

Imagine thinking this is actually a femanon and not a faggot and/pr tranny.

if u ever visit the uk i will eat your ass like its never been eaten before

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