Dark hair

>dark hair
>100% nordic, going back to 1500s
This bothers me tremendously and makes me feel terrible. I know for sure I don't have any foreign ancestry, and both my parents and grandparents from older photos also have dark hair.
Anyone else?
Pic NOT related.

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>Varg says nordics can ONLY have blonde hair
>people believe his bs

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Did he really say that? Even if he had brown hair before going grey?

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Dad's side is slightly more swarthy than mom's despite her side having some native ancestry and dad being of northern euro descent.

>blonde hair, blue eyes
>entire lineage is northern european, most of it nordic
>turbo manlet

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What's so amazing about nords, southern Europe was way more advanced than them they built shit while these fags were living in huts raping and pillaging across the world.

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kek dark hair is better I dye my blonde hair dark brown.

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Those were Northern Europeans(or more precisely Northern Eurasians) who had moved to Southern Europe, which is why all their deities and heroes were described as having blond and red hair

Nordic people can have any hair color dumbass.

Imagine unironically caring about things like this.

>Those were Northern Europeans(or more precisely Northern Eurasians) who had moved to Southern Europe, which is why all their deities and heroes were described as having blond and red hair
Post your source because pretty much everything I've read shows meds, Asians, Arabs and East Africans were more advanced than northern Europeans.

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>tfw could get any hair color
>get the most common and boring/ugly hair color

>meds, Asians, Arabs and East Africans
All those places got colonized and had a Nordic uppper class that slowly assimilated into them.

>we wuz errythang

Krautnigger version of WE WUZ

>impIying impIications

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>14th century
The superior nord intelligence, everyone

europeans pretty much but not only nords.

completely incorrect. the romans particularly desribed the northerners as much taller who looked down on them for being so short.

Yeah the Romans just decided that all their deities should look like Germanics, they were an entirely swarthy people of 5 feet Arabs.

You have one account of that. No original version of that account, I might add.

This is now a btfo original post

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Nice you are posting the meme I invented. That will show me.

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Who says the dieties look nord? Look at the hair and noses, it's clearly med. Anyway i don't have time for this, keep larping.

ok this is pretty much true though i dont like to admit it. the egyptians and many others did have an ethnic caste system with whites at the top much like how we have one now throughout the globe but with jews.

>being thing new
consider yourself blocked

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Aquiline noses and blond hair? Those are Northern climate adaptations.

No, I literally invented the "my ancestor :)" meme. All you are doing is proving that my creative power exceeds your own.

Aquiline nose is semitic

you cant invent a meme you stupid nigger at most you drew a ms paint picture. if thats your lifes achievement then good on you and get a patent.

It's a cold adaptation.

It shows my immense power that I can draw a stupid ms paint picture and years later dumbasses like you are still posting variations.

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To smell more shekels

To warm the air before it enters the bloodstream.

Yes, but blonde is cool and has good aesthetic that 99.9% of the human population lacks. Like OP I detest being a shit-scalp.

No it isn't. Blond boys are objectively inferior and less attractive than boys with dark brown hair.

t. fembot

>the egyptians and many others did have an ethnic caste system with whites at the top much like how we have one now throughout the globe but with jews.
I'm confused explain further

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Being female doesn't give you good aesthetics, most don't even know basic colour theory. Putting that aside a shit-scalp is a shit-scalp no matter what damage control you put on. Hollywood and film in general attempts to portray miscegenation between generally dark-haired males and (often dyed) "exotic" blonde/ ginger females. Though in reality to pursue such is to participate in the systematic extermination of rare-hair kind and promote culture loss, degeneration, and ethnic cleansing. Its a shame all blondes either have receding hairlines, are over-the-top incapable of being dominant, LGBT or otherwise have some other reason to prevent them from bearing successors to their race.

this is me, mostly northern european
7 out of 8 great-grandparents had blue eyes
the eighth was from czechia and had brown eyes
>mfw I end up with brown eyes
genetics isn't fair

>he doesn't want to look like this
be happy you're not a ginger or a blonde

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no they aren't. I literally don't give a shit about hair color as long as it's not really curly.

t. other fembot

>tfw black hair

Majority of Blondes look like Faggots though the only ones that pass are 6 foot and above and muscly and even then they still look gay

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>It's a Jow Forums user
Oh boy

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My dad is like 100% British, and his hair is black and his eyes are brown.

You're fine brother

>Swedes and Norwegians are not white

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>Hollywood and film in general attempts to portray miscegenation between generally dark-haired males and (often dyed) "exotic" blonde/ ginger females.
pic related is objectively attractive more so than a blond 'man'. find a new slant.

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Brits arent blondes holy fuck.

Yup. Leave blondes and gingers to the females dudes

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>When I spot blonde boys

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That's not a given, since Sweden and Norway are extremely sparsely populated.
If you look at e.g. Nobel prizes/capita, Sweden is rather high up.

>ancestors literal mountain cactus farmer sandniggers with probable rapes involved
>couldn't care less
Why are whites so fucking insecure

How about you? what's your hair situation?

Because a swede created the prize holy fuck.

Blacker than soot

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If you had blonde hair you would only enforce the stereotype of blondes bei'g mega faggots. Be glas you a dark haired.

Nobel committee is probably unbiased.
Also, there are many other such examples, such as pic related.

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unbiased my ass. dont get me started.

>have blond smooth hair as kid
>everyone loves it
>grow up
>it turns into dark dry shit
>face gets uglier from morphing bone structure
>discover I have asian and nigger ancestors causing me to degenerate into a monster
Everyone told me I was white and I believed it.
I lost it all or, rather, never had it. My beautiful hair was just to tease me into thinking I was awesome, but I'm just another shit spawn belonging to a grave.
I wanted so much to be a cool blond blue-eyed nord. In reality I was just a lucky mongrel that got to look white. Even my hypothetical children are cursed to be shit like me, I hate myself.

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Yeah, you're fucked. Blond hair and blond pubes are the best, followed only by ginger hair and pubes. Lol kill yourself, mongrel

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The lighter your hair as a guy the less manly everyone perceives. I actually experienced being taken less seriously when I had my natural blond hair. Every since my hair started greying I've been dying it black and I look a lot cooler now and people respect me more women especially.

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>using hair dye
Yeah, I'm sure the hair color was the problem.

that happens to all blondes dumbass it gets darker as you age. Bleached blonde is not natural

Sometimes I thank god I don't end up as Faggots like you

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Blonde hair is for women and faggots.

>they be manipulayting the per-ee-iodic tables n shiet, muhfuggah

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If that was true, blond adults wouldn't exist.
Maybe that's true for "whites", considering less pigment in infancy is common in all races. But blond people don't lose it, just like brown eyed people aren't blue eyed because "I had it when I was born".

Look at the pic I posted. Quick, which man do you respect the most of them all?

I don't use Jow Forums, just calling a spade a spade.

He's alright, nothing wrong with him. Still guarantee everyone he'll be in a fictional romance with will be conveniently blonde so his overlords can caress their stordid hands together musing to themselves "ah, at last this fine piece of aryan genetic material is so be soiled an millenia of history destroyed permanently, even the representation of nords is to be killed, muahahahahaha" ending with an evil laugh.

I'm 99.9% northwest european but everyone on my dad's side of the family including me is born with blond hair (like bleach-blonde) that turns darker until it's black at around age 40
We have no clue why

>If that was true, blond adults wouldn't exist.
It extremely rarely stays baby blond it almost always darkens as you age it happened to me and every blond I know. It's really only women who keep lighter blonde hair and that's usually because they bleach/dye their hair.

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>Still guarantee everyone he'll be in a fictional romance with will be conveniently blonde
His fictional romance is with other dark hairs played by Katie Holmes, Maggie Gyllenhal, and Marion Cotillard.

it's because you are becoming men. what color is your hair now?

No blonde hair is seen as feminine and cute. Whenever you see a strong man on tv or in animes he has jet black or brown hair

>Whenever you see a strong man on tv or in animes he has jet black or brown hair

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So he's "relatable" to the mediocre colored audiences.
Besides, looking for reference on (((TV))) of all places...

Raoh's hair is black in the anime

>Hungarian/anglo/irish mutt
>blonde hair blue eyes Nordic skull tall and 17 bmi
suck my dick nigger

muh blond hair
muh socialist paradise

Post ancestry results or gtfo

That's a cartoon. In real life that's not true

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so you're good looking is what you're saying? why are you on this board normalnigger?

Can you even name a five historical figures that were blond

In the TV series, yeah.

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Romans were originally just related to Hallstat and other Bronze Age Europeans, very similar to Celts who were dominant and spread throughout Europe in the Bronze Age. Nordicism is retarded, if you are blonde haired you are not a "Nord", it comes from various different tribes throughout European history which tended to settle in Northern European areas.

It's probably also because lighter pigment gave an advantage in Northern Europe, while darker pigment gave one in Southern Europe.

Right now it's a really dark ash blonde
I hope I don't become a man lol I don't want to grow a dick

A lot of Celts and bronze age Europeans were dark-skinned across various continents, but generally darker in the Mediterranean from historical account, skin color actually has very little to do with race differentiation especially in the ancient world. A lot of Macedonians and Thracians, for example, had "Northern European" traits such as blonde hair, taller, etc.

Falco was so based

on the bright side you would be a prized trap. You'd have real experience on the other side!

bleach blonde is not a good look on boys desu
>t. femanon

You already have one it's your clit, you tiny dicked faggot

because I'm a schizoaffective drug addict, genes couldn't save me

I have a vagina and xx chromosomes

you say that, but every platinum blond guy I have ever seen has gotten much more attention from women than just his facial features and height would justify.

The guy furthest back, second from the right.
After that, the man in the front, second from the left.
None of them appear to have dyed hair.

Why are you all so angry that I don't want to be a dude

he didn't deserve that ending that's for sure.

Try to breed with someone with darker hair to get better hair genetics so your kids will have medium brown hair color with protection from balding. I married an asian woman.

That's bullshit
t. Swede
Not DNA tests, church records go back to the 1500s.
>inb4 someone was cuckolded by niggers
Then why does my entire family on both sides have light brown hair?

im not mad lel its some light bully

The jokes write themselves...