There is no such thing as true love. Love itself is not real, it is just a drive for you to reproduce...

There is no such thing as true love. Love itself is not real, it is just a drive for you to reproduce. Realize this and become more than an instinct driven animal.

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How does it being a drive to reproduce not make it real

It's not real in the sense that there's no such thing as a "soul mate". There's nothing mystical or special about it, it's just hormones at work and the end goal is getting you to reproduce. It's the same exact thing with animals that mate for life.

Do you really want to be nothing more than an animal?

So what?

Original originality.

nick land is just meaningless nonesense

Well if you are content with being just an animal then go ahead with your life. But you're posting here so I doubt that is the case.

and how does the fact that it's just chemicals in your brain make it any less real? every decision you've made was based on your feelings, without them you'd be a hollow being devoid of want. an actual drone, except useless too. the fact that they're hormones doesn't matter, you're an idiot for not thinking this true you retard pseud.

through* my bad.

Because most people who are unaware of these biological realities are deceiving themselves. She is not loyal to you. She does not have your back. She does not understand you, nor do you understand her. You are giving her resources and in exchange she is producing and raising your offspring to sexual maturity.

Love is real, it just isn't what people think it is. It's not some magical, abstract emotion that's supposed to be the most special feeling in the world. As you said, it's mostly based on animal instinct to reproduce and biochemistry.

What about when they're all old and wrinkly?

This. Relationships are essentially business deals/transactions. Why do you think people have standards? Because they're looking for the best possible deal. Love and all that idealistic, romantic crap has no place in any of this. Biology and instinct always wins.

If you're incredibly wealthy then you kick the worn out bitch to the curb and find a younger one who can produce more children. If you are not wealthy, then you cannot return to society's mating selection because you are just too damn old. Might as well keep the old one around for occasional sex and any other small conveniences she might provide. People also resist change and are simply accustomed to having each other.

I always get into relationships with people I don't know that well, or people who I just don't care what they do

Doesn't matter to me
I'm also asexual so its not like Uhhh i wanna Sex this Person,

Okay that's All, I'm not shallow

Don't mind me, just here for the pents

People get this so wrong. Infatuation is just chemicals, but infatuation is not love. Love is the mental decision to care for and help a person in intimate ways, most of which are unrelated to sex. True love isn't a feeling, it is an action, and actions are very real. Love without emotion, kindness without impulse, patience without understanding, all for someone else, and they doing the same for you. THIS is love, love is not some chemical reaction you feel when you see a cute girl. Those desires are a universe removed from real love. Unfortunately, not many can truly love in this world, in any time, but those who can shouldn't stop looking. I am full of the capacity to love, love that i want to give to another person. Chemicals? Of course anything a human does is chemicals. We ARE chemicals. What does that change? And why should anyone care?

>I'm also asexual
Nigger that is not up to you. Do you have genitals? Yes? Then you're not asexual. If you're a human, then you're sexual and you don't get to choose otherwise.

You can say you have an incredibly low or non-existent libido, which is an indicator of poor genetic health, but you don't get to say you're asexual. Cut this Tumblr shit out.

>Implying genitals make you sexual
>Implying that sexuality is determined by something as basic as what is between your legs
literal mongoloid

>There is no such thing as true love.
regardless if it's true or not, life goes on, and you move on, date again, fuck, marry and have kids.
and live the rest of your life, like a worthless sack of shit who gets their worth out of other people, rather than yourself.

Whew lads
I don't have sex to begin with, I can't miss something I never had
And I want to save it for marriage

I don't have a habit of casual sex, I never experienced it, I /can/ want to experience it though

Hopefully that makes sense and sets off a brain neuron, I know my brain never does

Pretty much, love is the biggest hoax of them all period

>>Implying genitals make you sexual
It literally does you fucking bluepilled trend-following dipshit.

BIOLOGY: (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of gametes.

Humans' reproduction does in fact involve the fusion of gametes. (sperm and egg) Therefore humans cannot be asexual. I would tell you to kill yourself but you're a genetic dead-end anyway so I won't bother.

it's kinda true towards every aspect of life, you're an instinct driven animal and even with your post you're doing it as establishing this kind of perspective on life is most likely a defense mechanism as a result to not being able to find "love" in the form of mutual interest between you and the opposite (or same if you're gay) sex

You should just use the term "sexually uninclined" to avoid confusing brainlets.

I already explained my thought process? I can't miss something if I never had it
like someone having a habit of drinking soda, but sex has more... Obvious Consequences I guess sorry I'm dumb

Sex Causes Real life People

and what if a couple never intends to have children?

>There is no such thing as true love. Love itself is not real

>tfw I thought you were going to do the Ryo Asuka speech

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Then explain why some bird species chose a mate for life.

It's about achieving happiness through spending your life with the person you love. There are couples that lost their virginities to each other and stayed together until death without cheating or whatever depraved shit.
Sadly thats something rare nowadays, as people are too selfish, edgy and perverted, they only seek money, social status and sexual pleasure.