Not strong

>not strong
>not smart
>cant drive
>dont like people
>cant cook
>no skills whatsoever

is it over for me bros?

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Yep pretty much, just change or give up

im not giving up. I have anger and violence. If im going, im not gonna do it alone.
CIA niggers, either fix my life or im going full autism

Nothing you literally cannot originally change.

what? origii

>Not strong

>Not smart

>Can't drive
Put aside some money, get a license.

>Don't like people
Find some you like.

>Can't cook
Use the internet.

Granted, all those things take their time, but if you have time to post itt, you have more than enough.

did you seriously just unironically post this trash

reading helps learn stuff but a bad IQ cant be fixed. But if im being honest, an IQ of about 100-110 is good enough to get "smarter" (get more confidence and be able to do things you've read)

Yes, what's your point? I'm taking my time to help (You) out in your shitty thread, so at least put in some effort to elaborate your point.

The IQ is a meme underage b& fuckwits use to justify their "too smart to do xyz" mindset. A high IQ is worth nothing if you don't put it to work.

>reading doesn't make you smarter
No wonder you are retarded

the dude that said >read wasnt me (OP) btw i like how you took the time to point out I can change. My low T though says otherwise

>dont like people
>find some you like

there are no good people. no one cares for anybody else except themselves. im here because of the people in this world, and they all deserve death

I don't mean to talk to you unkind but using "low testosterone" as an excuse to be a loser in the parts of life that aren't even related sounds like you're trying to rationalize your laziness. Your life quality does not depend on a single number (that most people on Jow Forums and Jow Forums probably didn't even have had confirmed, let alone quantified by a physician, to begin with). That "ebin low test" is bro science.

Wrong. I'll give you that most people are uninteresting consumerist drones, but every now and then, you'll find some that are at least bearable if you put yourself out there. A good start is finding interest groups outside of Jow Forums, or better even, in the real world. If it's a hobby, there's a subculture and people you may end up liking. Putting everyone off as unworthy of living is a shit way of saying, "I'm too lazy to leave the house, vidya is life". It's fine to say that when you're in your teens and try out edgy personas to find yourself, but once puberty is over, you'll see things differently.

Can you get NEETbux at least?

not true
i have a low tier iq and i have a tough time processing information quickly and with comprehension some statements go over my head and i need them rephrased

How can anyone say they can't cook I can't cook anything elaborate but it's never been a problem. Cook rice and pasta. Grill or fry meat. Add a sauce and some veg and heat it through.

There you've just learnt how to have a different meal everyday for like 2 weeks.

What do you usually cook/eat?

That's not mutually exclusive with my statement and it doesn't mean that you can't and shouldn't try to become the best person you can be. Everyone has some moments where things go over their head, don't let that get to you too much.

And putting a low IQ to work doesn't do shit.

I know that feel OP. Community college is killing me because of my low IQ

yeah i stopped reading at iq is a meme
what you say is true but i will always have to work harder and my ceiling will be limited to what i can accomplish
its true i understand subjects but vaguely and can never expound on anything that ive reasoned out on my own

There are people who don't go to university and still make money and/or live a fulfilling life. If you have the intellect to use at least somewhat correct spelling on your post, you can accomplish some stuff. As I said, obsessing over an arbitrarily chosen numerical value means nothing. People everywhere in the world have problems that are in their responsibilities to choose them, but only on Jow Forums, people skip through vague numbers until they find one where they just so happen to be below average. Then they use exactly that one to put their responsibility somewhere else (genetics, roasties, pariarchy or what the fuck else). It goes without saying that this is a hell of a way to torture yourself needlessly. Don't be one of them. Actually build upon what you have and what you have access to and some time later, you'll wonder why you were even worried in the first place. You don't need to have a >100 IQ to go somewhere in life just as much as you don't need to have exactly between 270 and 1,070 ng/dl testosterone in your blood. Shit, 99 % of the people on Jow Forums didn't even have either actually tested, they just vaguely judge it by either their jaw line or some online test that even state that they're not on par with a professionally done test. You need goals and plans on how to get there. It might be a harsh truth but choosing to delude yourself is voluntarily choosing to be miserable.

What are (brainlet friendly) jobs I can get without uni ?

not OP

It hasnt even begun for you, how could it be over?

Disposal technician

I can't really tell because I probably don't live in a country but I would guess any trade, basically. They say, a trade in hand finds gold in every land. Good carpenters or electricians are always needed. If you are good at what you do, you can even start your own business and might make some good money, depending on where you live. Apart from that, working with your bare hands always has something to it. You're also less likely to be outsourced, I could imagine. Plus, you'll probably not be tens or hundreds of thousands in debt like most college or university students are when they graduate. However, I think can help you better with finding something. Otherwise, just look up "trades" on Google and see if you can find something interesting.

>because I probably don't live in a country
Meant to write "in your country", whoops.

I'm not op, but reading doesn't make you smarter, but it does imply that you are not a brainlet. You don't magically get smarter user.

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Thanks for the advice user, I was definitely thinking about becoming a carpenter

Godspeed, my dude. I've been hanging out with some friends from school recently and one of them became a carpenter. Judging from the stuff he made and the things he told me, he's living a pretty comfy life. If you can, maybe find a carpenter/wood workshop near you and ask if they can show you around. I'm sure they will when you tell them that you think about becoming a carpenter yourself. Most people are more than happy to show you around when they see that someone's genuinely interested in their work.

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Based user not taking his shit sandwich lying down. You are totally justified in rebelling against the race that forced your grievances upon you. I'd start with your parents though, since they are the closest to your god.

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No,youre never too late to develop a skill
Good for nothing?what do you like?
do you like anything?one single thing?become autist tier good at it
You can make money and get pussy out of anything if youre good enough,but some things demand more from you than the others.Doesnt mean you cant make it,though

Basically any trade. Welding especially. You have to work hard at it but you can do it. I believe in you