How can chestlets compete with this, seriously? I NEED a dairy cow gf!
I prefer not having crippling back pain by age 25 thanks
Those are fake, so I guess get fake tits?
Reminder to women that DD cup is AVERAGE and if you have anything smaller you should transition.
Lmao that bitter chestlet cope
Fake doesn't have such a fantastic natural shape
>DD cup is AVERAGE
this is because the average woman is obese
I wouldn't want to be a size 16, either
I'm literally Chad, and I want a cute flat gf
I would take a girl who is 100% flat over that any day
Tits that big dont defy gravity.
>I want a chestlet gf
>Hurr durr muh back pain
>Those obviously real tits are fake
>Eww enjoy your saggy gross tits at age 30
Can all these coping chestlets and closet homos shut the fuck up? Like big tits is a sign of great intelligence, and the only logical thing to prefer. Big tits are beautiful, and if a girl has tiny boobs, then she may as well just be a man, and I will treat her as such.
>T. God
>Le back pain meme
Do some back exercises if it hurts that much, your muscles are weak
me personally i don't have a good job and a girl like that literally wouldn't be able to work because those fucking giant tits would kill her back so she'd want a provider
that being said those are nice and if i can hook one i wouldn't pass up on a titcow gf but im not looking for one nor will i put any effort more into it than i would any other type of gf
What is the sauce to this image
I prefer someone who can keep up with me. So I got a bf.
>can keep up with me
Can a normie/roastie explain this for me? Same with "handle me". The fuck does that mean?
I couldn't explain it in the context you imagined, but that user admitted he is gay, brainlet.
Just go places that aren't roads without complaining.
I want a diary cow gf too but I think those are legitimate complaints kek
>>Hurr durr muh back pain
This might cause her to seriously consider breast reduction, which is bad for us, which means we ought to address/fix it in some fashion
>>Those obviously real tits are fake
webm aside, fake tits are gross, so there's no reason to want fake tits
>>Eww enjoy your saggy gross tits at age 30
big tits are nice now but they will unironically look gross in a few years and she might, again, want cosmetic surgery for them
You gave me my daily fill of autism user, thanks
Big tits are disgusting, i'd take a flat cutie over her any day
Doll Morena
For god's sake anons, sauce?
Maybe in 400lb life burgerland, where I live 80B is the average.
There are 2 types of prosthesis. Round and tear shaped. The round ones are more used because it gives an aggressive and sexy look although you can see clearly that they are fake. The girl in the gif sure has the tear shaped ones, it gives a natural look. Tits this big can't have such a good shape.
It's a man, faggotino
Sorry man but small breasts or flat is love.You can keep your fat cow puss sacks.
Could you all just stop bullying please
there are guys with chest muscles much heavier than those, do you think they have back pain, or did they just actually exercise
Men aren't supposed to have tits, user
chest muscles don't hang off you, you mong
men have much more upper body strength than women do
she'd be slowed down by them on his 10k runs
How fucked are you then? Been with a few chicks with big tits and not one had back pains. Not even the small framed ones.
>Been with a few chicks
>with big tits
chad on r9k........nice joke kiddo
Ive only ever known one girl with back pains. Most of the time it's caused by being a lay unfit slob and wearing the incorrect bra size.
That's just normal big boobs though. They would have to be comically large for that
It's not that big but it means fuck all in itself. Band size is important.
dear seeet god
>How can chestlets compete
Implants. No woman absolutely has to live with small tits. It's another situation where women are give more compassion than men are even though they actually have options. Tit size and dick size are both things you're born with, but tit size is something women can control, while dick size isn't. And yet men will be treated more harshly over something they have no control over than women will be treated for something they *do* have control over.
Implants make tits look horrendous though
Fake tits are absolutely garbage.
A lot of guys don't think that way.
I just wish everyone could have the body they want and the sex life they want.
>A lot of guys don't think that way.
Citation needed
"A lot of guys" don't see the same pair of implant tits day in and day out. Only when they watch porn and for the whole 5 mins, they don't care how disgusting the girl is cuz they need to cum
I'm into fake tits, man. Something about them gets me going.
>How can chestlets compete with this, seriously?
By being more than a sex object. You will appreciate "chestlets" more when you stop being 14.
>implying anyone here has a greater mental capacity than a teenager
i can't compete. I just want to serve a big tiddy goddess.
but a big tiddy woman can have more aspects beyond being a sex object, but when it is time for objectification, is better for objectification
chestlets eternally btfo
Anyone else unironically wish that was you in the webm?
Look up Danni Ashe you fucktard virgin.
False. This may be true for countries like the US and Britain (both full of mutts) but the rest of the world obesity is virtually non-existent in areas with high average cup size.
>this amount of seething
>you can't get a bigger dick
Take T shots for puberty levels of T, take HGH and a estrogen blocker, and watch your dick grow!*
*Individual results may vary based on several factors such as race and diet
I truly feel sorry for anyone still stuck with the 12 year old mindset that loves massive cowtits exclusively. Have a preference all you want but if you turn down a girl because of her breast size you're a volcel not an incel
I think chest size is irrelevant generally, and if its a genuine focal point of my potential partner I would question even bothering.
I think it can be aesthetically pleasing but on the right kind of women, otherwise its only a negative. I think worshiping one part of the body is ignorance or at the very least stupidity.
I truly feel sorry for anyone still stuck with the 12 year old mindset that hates massive cowtits exclusively. Have a preference all you want but if you turn down a girl because of her breast size you're a volcel not an incel
gonna need the fucking sauce for this one.
I am an ass man so I will turn a chick down for a flat ass. What if I fuck up and become an unplanned dad? I am not risking that kid being assless because I was desperate at the time for some sex.
Youre more then welcome to give me a reason to do that.
>What if I fuck up and become an unplanned dad? You wouldn't stick around either way because you're clearly black?
you're a faggot, i already found it anyways.
How does your own childishness and perceived incompetence make anyone but you faggot?
>seething so much that you screw up your grammar in your attempt at covering up your faggyness.
If I was black I would just be after anything so I can say I am like the cool rappers and get ass. I would not care how the kid turns out because I would be too busy rapping and shit talking teenagers.
Im drunk, whats your excuse? Get that disgusting 3dpd and shitty attitude out of here cunt. You wouldnt know a good tit if you nipped it fucking bald balled little bitch.
tfw no cow tit gf to feed me her warm milk when I'm thirsty. Like imagine your at the theater, and got done eating some salty popcorn and your all like "damn that was some salty popcorn I really need to wash it down with something". And then your cow tit gf gives you a pat on the head and whips her tits out for you. Then you can suckle on your engorged lactating nipples while enjoying some kino, all the while she starts moaning from the pleasure.
you forgot the > user
also i imagine that titmilk actually doesn't taste that good, not only it would be warm, ive heard it described as being very different from cow milk
Do you really think someone like me, who has a lactation and anr fetish, is going to give a fuck if it actually tastes bad? That's not even the point.
Depends on her diet. It is okay but not great. It does taste better if she has a good healthy diet but I do prefer the typical store bought milks. Tasted it a few times because of the whole milf thing and they tend to like their nipples being sucked pretty hard and bit so you obviously get some milk in your mouth.
Pedos exist so it's a non issue.
Personally I find large tiddies hypnotic where as I find flat chested lolis adorable, both trigger my dick and I like to see lolis tease the titty monsters because they secretly want to motorboat them too.
I honestly feel really bad for women smaller than me now. Hell, I look back in shame when I was only a C cup. I hope I reach a size where these G's seem miniscule
Stop talking and upload a picture of those bazongas right now.
whats the sauce? orgignian
>*Individual results may vary based on several factors such as race and diet
And the fact that it doesn't fucking work.