Why do niggers hate animals?
Never see a nigger keeping a dog or a cat.
Why do niggers hate animals?
Never see a nigger keeping a dog or a cat.
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Looking after animals requires some responsibility
This is retarded bait. Do not reply to this thread
I thought I was the only person who noticed this
never seen a black person with a pet of any kind
My black neighbours owned a cat what retarded bait was this also does anyone know where to get ragdoll cats in London they're some cute little cats
11) "UNINTELLIGIBLE GREETINGS": Two Negroes passing each other on a street or sidewalk will loudly utter unintelligible garbage back and forth and walk away smugly as if something important had just happened. It didn't. The Negro engages in a 24 hour a day effort to set itself apart from the rest of the Chimp Pack in order to be noticed by females, or by pretending it knows something that the others don't in order to give its fragile ego a boost. Typically, in a scenario like described above, Negro #1 will bellow out something like, "Hey Brutha -- Foobity Hoo, Fu Man Chu, Who Be You, CanYaDigIt?"
The second Negro, not wanting to admit that it doesn't know what the first Negro is even remotely talking about will reply in an even louder voice (to draw more attention to itself) "Summuh Fummuh, Shamma Lamma, Sweet Home Alabama, and a SideOrderO'FrenchFries"
The first Negro, unable to understand a damn thing the second Negro said, will pretend that it understands perfectly well as to not to appear stupid. It will respond in an even louder voice (again, typical "Look-A-Me" behavior) and utter some more idiotic garbage. Pretty soon, they are both talking at the same time and trying to drown one another out as they continue on their separate ways -- each content that it was the victor in a verbal display of dominance and showmanship, much like two Roosters puffing and strutting around the same yard to impress the females. Stupid Negroes.....
I hate dogs. Fuck em. Normie owners train them to bark at me. Cats are boring, weird and jump all over you. I can hate them both with my thick blackfu
31) "HUH? WUH?": The Negro cranium is such an under-developed relic from the Pliocene Era that it can barely keep them awake, let alone generate enough electrical activity to accomplish higher-order tasks (how many Negros have accomplished great feats of engineering, or wrote a symphony, or painted any great works of art? Answer - none. And those shoes Michael Jackson patented don't count!) In response to a sudden unexpected event like getting questioned by the police, the Negro's Simian brain simply locks up when queried for a response. For Example - when seeing a Negro fleeing from the scene of a crime, the police will usually apprehend it and ask questions like: "I'll need to see some ID. Where are you coming from?" Negro: "Huh? Wuh?" In this instance, the Negro is stalling for time in order to formulate a credible answer that will magically get it off the hook. However, since the hybrid chimpanzee brain is severely over-stressed under pressure - the Negro will simply continue to answer "Huh? Wuh?" until it sees a chance to try and run away. Stupid Negros....
The faggot is spamming his internet tales again do it elsewhere you cursed faggot
32) "MUH AUNTY" (alt: "MUH CUZZIN"): These imaginary relatives are people that the Negro makes up in order to evade questioning from Law Enforcement personnel. This is a variation of the "Huh? Wuh?" ploy. When asked where a Negro got such-and-such stolen item (like the car they're riding in), or how that bag of weed somehow ended up in its pocket - the Negro claims that it belongs to "MUH AUNTY" or "MUH CUZZIN" over there on Fayette Street, and they will take the soonest opportunity to try and flee from the Authorities. Their brain power is so limited; it's like trying to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool with a garden hose when they try to come up with an explanation for anything. Negros suck!
>thick blackfu
You know thick means stupid in English speaking countries right?
22) "BREAKFAST AT DENNYS": The ultimate status symbol for a young Negroid is to be seen having breakfast at Denny's Restaurant (Regional variations can include Elias Brothers Big Boy, Shoeney's, and Waffle House) in the company of an attractive young white female whom it presumably spent the night with. When the check arrives the Negro will recoil in absolute terror, and the naive white girl invariably picks up the bill and leaves the tip. As they drive away, the Negro will be sprawled out in the passenger side of the girl's vehicle with the seat fully reclined while young Ms. "Too Stupid to Know Any Better" has to pay for gas and drive the worthless Nig around all day. The final insult to Humanity is that the end result is usually an unwanted pregnancy, another mouth for the Taxpayer to feed, and the "Daddy Mack" Negro nowhere to be found!
It means dense as well. We all know what he meant you idiot
Other animals in the wild also tend to not like any other animals, until they are domesticated.
Niggers are just animals themselves and should be domesticated first (kept as slaves) to stop hating on other animals.
18) "DISCONNECTED UTILITIES": Yes, this sometimes happens to Humans, but standing in line to get "Da Lectric" or "Da Heat" restored after not paying the utility bills for months on end is a full-time occupation for the Negro. To the Chimpus Americanus it is a downright violation of their rights to actually have to PAY for something, as they have become so accustomed to hand-outs and entitlements they actually think YT owes them everything!
>Never see a nigger keeping a dog or a cat.
I'm black and my cousins own a nice little dog.
Dense ironically is also slang for stupid in English speaking countries
Post your copypastas elsewhere you retard, this ain't Jow Forums.
3) "MUH-DIK" This is the primary driver of Negro behavior. Everything to a Negro revolves around sex -- whether it's with an unwilling victim, farm animals, patio furniture, a Brother on the "Down-Low", or a female member of it's own species. Negroes have an unusually strong sex drive because basically the species would have died out 10's of thousands of years ago if they weren't genetically programmed to screw even the ugliest, most disgusting member of the opposite sex in response to Nature's demand to perpetuate the species.
>hating pets
Lol what a loser
We know that for fucks sake I was pointing out the words have different meanings. Now shutup and learn to take in context.
So when say your milkshake is thick you mean it has low cognitive abilities? Learn the difference between literal meaning and idiomatic
The amazing 180 IQ white man's thoughts on why black people don't tend to have pets in general.
41) "BETTER ATHLETES - PART II": Being an Athlete means more than running, jumping and climbing. An Athlete is a role model. Dedication, humility, perseverance, and gratitude are the hallmark attributes of true Athletes. Thugs recruited from "da Hood" or some Negro college to play in the NBA or NFL lack all of these traits. They are simply Gang-Bangers wearing Nikes, and their true colors show when they get some "cash money" in they pocket. Negro "Afleets" ALWAYS self-destruct because they lack the intellect and moral up-bringing to handle the stresses and temptations that come with celebrity status. Media darlings such as OJ Simpson slashed his coal-burning wife, and the half-Negroe "Magic Negro" Woods just couldn't keep his jimmie in his pants whenever White Wimmenz was around. Negro Afleets are little more than greedy, grabbing Monkeys who get their paws stuck in the cookie jar trying to steal more than they can handle!
Lol niggers, when will they learn
Usually losers have pets.
Pick my cotton ya fucking negroid
this is truly the most retarded shit I've read in a long time , it sounds like some shit Uncle ruckus from the boondocks would say.
>Virtually every animal can outrun a Human.
user is so fat he can get outrun'd by a fish lol
55) "SLAVERY - PART I": Negros invented slavery, and that is an indisputable fact. They are sick, loathsome creatures that occupy the lowest rung in every society and they darn well know it. In an effort to make themselves feel better, they have an inner need to find something - anything - that is below them, and they have fulfilled this need by capturing and enslaving others of their own hideous species for hundreds of thousands of years so they can feel just like they are the "Chimp in Charge" of another worthless piece of pooh. The modern spin on this is that Negros will attempt to enslave white girls by getting them hooked on dope, then turning them out on the street corner to make money. This is the same reason that Negros raise Pit bulls and own pets - just so they can feel "superior" to something. Negros are truly sick, disgusting morph apes that shouldn't be allowed to mix with Humans, let alone other animals. Good God, they truly make me want to vomit!
Niggers love pitbulls
Deflection won't change the truth. I spit in your face and you are telling me that it's raining. You can take your sorry ass back to your safe space bubble that is plebbit.
Lol, darkie is getting proper assblasted here boys
40) "BETTER ATHLETES": Libtards and Negro sympathizers will often argue that Negroes are "superior" because they can run fast and catch a ball. Ironically, this argument actually defeats itself by PROVING that Negroes are in fact animals. Virtually every animal can outrun a Human. Virtually every animal can catch a ball better than a Human. That doesn't make them "better" than a Human - it just means they're animals. Negroes are fast runners because the slower ones got eaten by carnivores. It is interesting to note that Negroes didn't run quickly TO catch anything - they ran quickly to get AWAY from things. Think about that next time you watch sports on TV - the "fast twitch" muscle response in Negroes was the direct result of running like scared bitches for the last 250,000 years!
I'm East African you pigskinned bastard I didn't pick shit
>I'm East African
I'm so sorry.
Better luck in the next life, nigger!
60) "LONG CURLY FINGER NAILS": Negros - particularly the female Sows - have long since used the most superficial and meaningless methods of drawing attention to themselves such as having "they nails done" or "getting they hair done" when in fact, they still look like piles of Simian filth before and after the procedure. They're just $20 poorer afterwards that's all.... As such, the ultimate status symbol for Negros is to have long, curling spiral-like finger nails. Any normal Human being would find something this disgusting to be totally impractical - after all, it is impossible to do any useful work with handfuls of long, grotesque fingernails in the way. However, for the Negro this is just the point: It demonstrates to all other Negros present that this is bon-fide proof of its laziness. After all, everyone KNOWS that Negros don't work - but having 3 foot long finger nails is absolute incontrovertible proof that it CAN'T possibly work! If you think that these Negros ever clean their yard-long nails, you're dreaming. As a matter of fact - if you think ANY Negro cleans its nails (including nurses, doctors, or food service apes) you're dreaming. Negros have no concept of hygiene and won't stop to think that picking their asses or scratching their genitals is somehow "dirty" as they proceed to finish assembling your Big Mac Value Meal with their filthy ungloved paws.As such, today's mantra is "Groids are simply Filth on Two Legs".... repeat as necessary and Avoid the Groid!
yet again you show how much butthurt you have against blacks, now stop projecting.
>nigger thinks he's allowed to speak
Don't make me crack that whip you fucking ape lol
>invents nothing in your path
Sorry whities, nothing personal.
1) "LOOK-A-ME!" This is the basic 24-hour a day / 7 days a week behavior that the Negro employs to get attention. This is basically why Negroes wear the most idiotic outfits, have 10 pounds of fake "bling" around their necks, blare their stereos, talk at the top of their voice at all times, etc., etc. It is all a ploy to get noticed and stand out from the other members of the Chimp Pack in an attempt to get food, money, or sex.
>t. loser born in america
At least he has an excuse for being an incel neet. You on the other hand...
Don't worry we're invading Europe and taking your welfare sucks to be white these days.
Deflect what? Your actually retarded if you think what you said has any truth it's like me saying all white people are mentally ill ticking time bombs waiting to shoot every where up and that when they do shoot everything that's when they'll stop shooting. See how retarded it sounds?
Least I'm not a stinking nigger!
19) "CHIMP PACK": The Chimp Pack denotes a random collection of Negroids that usually assembles for an immediate purpose - such as Gang Rape, Looting, Intimidation, or 10 against 1 attacks on unsuspecting Humans. Negroes are solely absorbed in their own selfish interests, but will band together as a temporary measure against outsiders. Once the immediate threat has passed, the Chimp Pack will disintegrate once again into a collection of individual Negroes that will try to rob, rape, or kill each other.
Yeah words have different meanings in different contexts, not different meanings in the same context, that's just confusing
When you use the word "thick" in the context of a descriptor of a person it means they're stupid
Start using thick to describe people as curvy and people who already know it means stupid just aren't going to know what you're talking about unless they assume you're a memelord
I'll speak you goddamn snow ape what are you gonna do call me a nigger and lose your livelihood because of twitter?
>a nigger's highest goal in life is to get a on a raft from his shithole country and beg white people for scraps
14) "GHETTO LIMP": Inner City Negroes walks with around with a limp in order to give onlookers the impression that they have sustained bullet injuries out there in the mean, cold streets. In fact, many do get shot and die while engaging in TNB. The ones that live are often partially paralyzed and confined to wheelchairs - the ones limping around either got hurt running from the Police, or trying to break into someone's second story apartment window. The rest are just faking it.
>aren't going to know what you're talking about unless they assume you're a memelord
He's talking about females while on Jow Forums in a sexual tone? What the fuck do you think it means?
>Don't worry we're invading Europe and taking your welfare sucks to be white these days.
> Your actually retarded if you think what you said has any truth.
Just in teh same post you admited you are a fucking vermin and nothing more. Good job, monkey, you totally proved my point just now.
By that logic you're claiming your gf is of high physical consistency
Learn context, nobody thinks thick milkshake is particularly stupid
Lol fucking stupid nigger
>Virtually every animal can catch a ball better than a Human.
LEL, user, if you're too pitiful to grab a ball before a snake, we can't help you.
30) "LAWZY JEEBUS": Negros pray in public only to get attention. The magical figure they pray to is known as "Lawzy Jeebus" and, like the figure from the movie "Beetlejuice", will appear to grant the Negro a wish if his name is said 3 times. Negros have no concept of the Holy Trinity, Crucifixion, or Eternal Salvation - explaining such things to them is like lecturing about Quantum Mechanics to a bunch of squirrels. When Negros talk to Lawzy Jeebus they usually request White Wimmenz, free money, or to be miraculously rescued from some self-induced trauma (like robbing a bank) that they are going to prison for. Negros don't go to Heaven, by the way. Cats and dogs do, but Negros don't. Ha-ha, Negros! Even God hates you....
>White guys only brag is pick cotton which isn't even historically correct when talking about East Africans
Man your amazing
Why are you letting yourself get racebaited so hard?
>blacks don't own animals
>wrong some do
That's it, thread finished. You'e helping this thread continue.
>school shooters
Pick one and only one. Either way, how much percentage is it? 0.0001%? Last time I checked, 1/3 of niggers are going to end up in the jail at some point in their pathetic lifetime LOL.
And your a bunch of barbarians who enslave people and fuck up other countries while slowly destroying it like an illness and one of you crackers proved my point.
35) "COCOA BUTTER": Negroes use cocoa butter like there's no tomorrow. They think it makes them "look purty" because it tends to hide their scaly skin. Cocoa butter smells nice in small quantities, but when Negroes slather handfuls of it on themselves it smells exactly just like those burning 50 gallon **** buckets that are used in military latrines and then filled with diesel fuel and set on fire. Putting cocoa butter on a Negro is like putting grease on a turd. I mean seriously - why bother? You just end up with a greasy turd.
54) "SOUL FOOD PART II - RIBS": So now we know why Negros are so attracted to Fried Chicken and Hog Jowls, but how does one explain their insatiable desire for ribs? Indeed, traditionally ribs were hardly a delicacy - more in fact, in the wild they were the very last part of the animal that ever got eaten. In most lean animals, there is little meat on the ribs - just some connective muscle tissue between the bones and the tough membrane that lines the respiratory cavity. In short, next time you see "National Geographic" on TV, look at what's left on an animal carcass after it's been picked clean - there's nothing left but bare ribs sticking up in the air!
Since Negros normally had to wait until all the other more superior predators and scavengers had their pick of the kill, Negros had survived for 100's of thousands of years by relying on the very last part left over, and that was the ribs. Ribs have been the sole sustenance for packs of un-evolved Negros since time began, and as a result they've developed a strong affinity for them that still continues to this day. Ever seen a Negro eat ribs? It's absolutely disgusting! They revert back to their feral past instantly - smacking their lips and acting like savage apes (which in hindsight isn't much different than they normally behave, but I digress!)
Ribs historically have been the least desirable part of the animal - at least until fire was invented and Mankind could season and marinate them, then slow cook them to a succulent goodness. Negros never invented fire, so they had to wait until all the other animals had their fill and took whatever was left. As it is the Animal Kingdom, it is with all things in life - GET TO THE BACK OF THE BUS, Negro!
He fell for the youtube negrocentric, jew financed propaganda ;D. Nigga, if it wasn't for the WHITE DEVIL you wouldn't make these posts today,
you would still be with your keen back in Africa, living in huts made of clay and grass, washing yourself in your goat's piss, eating your own children.
If it wasn't for the billions of Euro that niggers get sent to Africa from Europeans, your keen would be starving to death.
Now be a good beast of the field and pick that cotton.
I'm actually quite bored so I'm just gonna argue with these faggots for a bit and leave on second thoughts I may as well leave now.
Your retarded also 75% of financial crimes are commited by whites and they're not likely to get arrested for obvious reasons even though the US loses more money than the amount they give to minority groups who take in welfare put together.
>Your retarded
This surely showed me and completely obliterated any arguments I made.
>75% of financial crimes are commited by whites
I bet if niggers even knew what finances were and how to commit such crimes, you would outdo us like you do in every other area, pic related, ape.
>even though the US loses more money than the amount they give to minority groups
This nigger thinks he is going to shame bait me into crying because he doesn't get as much money from welfare as he'd like to ;D.
Your BMI > Your IQ
Are you actually retarded I can't even be bothered to address this idiotic shit I'm reading but
>This nigger thinks he is going to shame bait me into crying because he doesn't get as much money from welfare as he'd like to ;D.
Come on man can you at least not admit to financial crimes? Seriously don't blame the Jews either they don't make up a large part of the financial sector and I don't even take in welfare you tard. So do you actually think this is just me trying to shame bait a faggot who types out faces on an obscure forum while arguing with someone?
>Seriously don't blame the Jews either they don't make up a large part of the financial sector
>don't make up a large part of the financial sector
non-whites had the right idea of just eating animals."Dogmoms" are not having kids but instead raise dogs wondering why giys don't want them
>Can't prove me wrong
They don't make up a large percentage of the population, they maybe over represented but in no way do they make up majority of the financial sector they're too few in number. How the fuck do you try blame the Jews for what white fresh out of college guys do?
>Don't give ANY proofs for your numbers.
>Wonder why someone won't take your shit seriously.
Deflect the whole rest of my numbers as well, nig nog, stay wondering why everyone else hates you and why you keep staying in shit.
Don't forget to cry how it's still the WHITE DEVIL'S FAULT.
>blame on white problems on jews
>get upset when negros do the same
If your going to be a retard at least go full retard
I hate nigs and low class people but only interact with them when I order fast food or something.
I can't imagine burning with such comsuming anger to write 5000 word articles or draw intricate cartoons or burn crosses and shit.
Like move to the suburbs nigga, haha don't hang around them close ya eyes
Animals of different species don't usually get along.
Okay here's a few numbers it should be in the article
Now I'm just gonna ignore the insults and Jow Forumstier illustrations and ask for an explanation on how you still blame Jews.
And the article wasn't written by Jews so fuck off
kek that's a /thread for me
>Men in general account for 75 percent of financial crimes, with college-educated white men committing the most offenses.
It doesn't say white men are commiting 75% of financial crimes, comprehend what you read.
Let's say that OKAY, no jews commit those crimes (lol yeah), that still makes sense, white males ARE the majority in the finances
so it would make sense that they would make the most crimes in relation to it. It's like wondering why are almost 100%
of crimes in (let's say) Czech Republic commited by Czechs... (Czechia has very little amout of immigrants, so 99% of people there are Czechs).
But then again, read ANY article concerning how much Jews are taking the top positions in the societies while they are the minority,
like this one from 1999: rense.com
"Today, Jews control vast areas of wealth in America. Estimates range all the way up to 70%.
Whatever the figure, it is huge and immensely out of proportion to their 2% of the population in American society. "
Ok ok, settle down Jow Forums. Now who's ready to see some BOO TAY?!?
>Jonathan Silverman a Jewish actor
>Website is about Jewish dominance and contains no sources for the statistics
>Talks about Jews in Germany way back slandering German soldiers
Seems a bit dodgy user care to give a fucking official source.
Fuck off, negroid.
And why should he, it's stupid bait.
>Look at Hollywood in 1999. Jews totally dominate the film industry. Although most of the films are vulgar, violent trash, the industry falls all over itself giving each other awards for producing such. Propaganda and 'message' films flow out of Hollywood and across TV screens. (Read 'How The Jews Invented Hollywood' by Neal Gabler)
Jew propaganda? Where'd you even get this website user?
>care to give a fucking official source.
It's literally there in the first paragraph in that link.
How assblasted you are is quite evident from the fact you are using all caps and your grammatical errors. I wouldnt be surprised if you were a white guy rping as an angry blacky
>Parts of this article are excerpted from one written by Erne Hume and first posted in 1999 before the Christian/Jewish Zionist Neocons took control of the base direction/decisions of the US government fronted by George W. Bush
user post a fucking official source not this retarded bullshit? (And when I say official source I mean something that uses government statistics or something that's actually reliable) Do you actually believe this, seriously though?
I'm black, I was imitating him to show him how stupid what he wrote after his main point sounds, so was he assblasted a because he used caps as well?
To be honest those klan people seem to be non violent and peaceful. Most work full time and many are veterans. They just like to hang out and tell nigger jokes
Your BMI > Your IQ.
Read anything by sir Arthur Bryant, or any other historian or sociologist of the 1920s Europe and educate yourself.
You do realize KKK was created and managed by freemasonry? AKA zionist kabbalists 2.0
It's funny how you even got "33".
>To be honest those klan people seem to be non violent and peaceful.
Because coloured people and Jews avoid them but somehow they still have a reputation for retarded shit.
> Most work full time and many are veterans.
A lot of them are unemployed and use welfare I doubt most of them are veterans they're much more likely to have been payed off from working blue collar jobs.
>They just like to hang out and tell nigger jokes
How nice of them
>No official statistics because the Jews control the government
Fuck off and provide a source you idiot I couldn't give a shit about your stupid theories nor do I care about what some random guy in the 20th century said.
For fucks sake please tell me your trolling
Holy fucking shit you are not an ape, you are a fucking sheep. Lost in the woods and literally nothing is going to help you.
Go ahead, live your pathetic life and wonder why things are shitty and don't change. And remember - CONSUME, OBEY, SUBMIT.
>nor do I care about what some random guy in the 20th century said
You care what your random jewish maste-I mean FRIENDS have to say and swallow their fairytales of a big bad white wolf.
They can't stand being around animals that are smarter than them.
>I'm right and your wrong I don't have statistics or proof but I'm still right because I have an explanation and your a sheep if you don't follow it
Fuck off or provide actual fucking proof Jesus Christ there's no point of arguing with you cunts your all retarded.
They just have less empathy in general. They have higher rates of animal and child abuse. There is also evidence that they don't experience the same level of pair bonding in relationships as well. There is a statistically significant phenomenon called dying of a broken heart where a person, typically elderly, will die soon after their spouse dies, usually within months or a year. It's found among white and Asian couples but not among black couples. It's also slightly more common in Asians than whites.