What posters do you guys have?

What posters do you guys have?

Attached: Joni-Artwork.jpg (881x900, 112K)

Shitposters mainly.

Always liked this image from tbogt dlc. That was a good dlc, way better than tlad

I have a wall scroll of Megumin.
I ahve more posters on the way and wall scroll

Attached: wall scroll.jpg (1920x2560, 1.4M)

shes a cutie user, do want

I was never allowed to have posters as a kid, and now I don't really give enough of a shit to have one

This absolute bad boy

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I have a Weezer tour poster in my dorm room

id like to fill my room with anime posters but with the 1% chance of a girl actually coming into my room, they would make them flee in fear

A few vidya I don't play anymore that I should probably take down anyway.
I want some nice paintings to decorate my wall.

I don't think it would so long as the posters don't include any creepy shit

im 23 btw and this is an original comment

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People would give me posters when I was a kid, but I never really liked them because they seemed garish.

a bunch of band posters including a signed nurse with wound poster

I had sex several times with anime wallscrolls above my bed as a teen/young adult. If the girl wants to do it, it will happen. As long as it isn't some creepy loli shit you'll be fine.

i fucked a girl in my bed right next to my dakimakura
if the girl is dtf she won't care what nerdy shit you have in your room

Ive got these framed above my bed
Left to right is Taxi Driver, a Francisco Goya, and a Toshio Saeki

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nice taste in art, user

Holy fuck for the love of God, level them.

"Drive"-movie poster and a poster from Dance with the Dead concert with autographs.

The first 3 Club Nintendo Smash posters.

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A few Metallica and one Iron Maiden.

I stick to stickers.

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material things

where are my fellow boomers

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