Only 3,200 calories today

>Only 3,200 calories today
>Literally shaking and sweating from hunger


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Just dry fast (starve)

Are fatties actually like this?

I know that feeling. It's harder after a binge, too, because the next day you're HUNGRIER. I got down to 172lbs and now I'm almost at 180 again because I CAN'T STOP EATING

Fun tip, fat people can actually live longer without food than a skinny person.

lift weights, that way you can at least gain muscle and increase metabolism and overall body composition

It makes being leaner easier

man, just induce a coma and ask someone to keep you 45 days without food, your body can actually do this, even for longer periods

Im 120 lbs and eating is such a struggle. I wanna gain weight but i have to force myself to eat, im already full with just 1 meal a day. Im never hungry.

eat more filling foods. fiber vegetables etc

Just do keto+OMAD retard.

reddit begone

>bought size 00 pants online
>fit but too tight over the hips, should have just gone with size 0 initially
i hate being fat

also OP you're probably just spiking your insulin every hour with sugar and empty carbs. that's not what hunger feels like at all

You don't even know how to buy pants, don't give advice

tfw have only eaten a slice of cake my roommate gave me cuz its her birthday and its 2:00


no dry fasting is dangerous
OP should do a liquid fast, that way he can have coffee, tea, and diet soda

what about normal cola or dr pepper?

Doesn't that artificial stuff in zero cal thing through your body off?

No there's so much sugar and crap in that stuff

How will my brain function without glucose then? The brain needs at least 150g of glucose a day

>The brain needs at least 150g of glucose a day
No it doesn't. Your body converts stored fat into energy when you run out of glycogen.

No. It has no effect on the metabolism.


LMAO the absolute state of fatsos

>fatfuck is retarded
what a surprise

Woke up 4 hours ago and Im already at 4000 calories. Ive accepted my destiny.

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how the fuck do you fit all that inside you?
I've had 800cals and I feel really bloated

>haha i called him fat
guys elementary school has been over for years now

Lol, you should start working out fatso

Drink a shit ton of water, your body actually burns a lot of calories processing it and filling your stomach with it can dull the hunger. Consider gorging yourselves on raw broccoli, it's basically impossible to gain weight doing it and it will take up so much room in your stomach you'll feel stuffed. Black coffee has almost no calories and the caffeine is a hunger suppressant. Stay the course brother, the first week is always the hardest. Your body will adjust its hunger to your new intake relatively quickly. Make the food you do eat lean and high protein. Chicken breast is a good option, as it is satiating. Once the hunger is dealt with, you'll just have to fight off the cravings for carbs and sugars. Those too will go away in time.

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opposite here, 105 at 5'5.. teach me to be a fatty?
don't even know how to make it to 1000cal some days.. I don't get it, guys.

>Be me
>Don't want to exercise bc I'm too ashamed of my weight
>Chads at my school make fun of me
>Start working out at home
>Stop eating nuggies and tendies
>Stop drinking md or coke
>Start seeing actual results
>Be proud of who I'm becoming
>Fast forward few years
>I'm skinny and muscular
>I can have any girl I want
>I've turned into a Chad
This should be enough to motivate all of you anons

Liquid calories. Literally GOMAD. Spread your eating throughout the day so you stomach has time to make more room. If you want to feel like shit just sip on Big Gulps of Pepsi all day.

Also, drink a shit ton of water every day

Seriously how do i lose weight? Im a brainlet. Like what is calorie counting etc. I tried the Jow Forums sticky but i didn't understand it

Working out is a total joke, most of the time just having an active life style is enough to keep yourself healthy.

I have really heavy meals sporadically when I feel like it, obviously not processed stuff like fast food. I feel like giving my body an overdose of nutrients is actually good for my health for some reason. But then I also eat very little sometimes, if I go a bit less than a week kind of starving myself I can look very skinny - I only do that if I'm sleeping well tho, or my health goes to shit.

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Unless you have a medical condition you'll just have to train your body to get used to eating more.

Where the fuck do you fat fucks get the money to consume 4000+ calories worth of groceries everyday?

Did you think Newton was chugging Coca Cola all day? Your body is perfectly capable of producing energy for your brain without eating refined sugar.

Do you eat fried butter for breakfast?

>>Literally shaking and sweating
>is trying to lose weight
>complains about passively burning calories and losing water weight


have you tried drinking water? i'm a skinny guy but i starve myself for days drinking water to alleviate hunger

vomiting brah. It's like cheat codes for obsessive eaters

>dude just stop eating lol


>>Literally shaking and sweating from hunger
No, you're just an addict.

>give yourself bulimia
you can die from that

Nigga just don't eat haha like wtf are you doing

You can die from being obese. Middle ground is where it's at.

jesus fucking christ, i'm a fat land whale but even i dont consume that much. the worst ive gotten is like one bag of doritos and a 2 liter of coke in a day, how the fuck do you function?

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>"I'm too fat."
>"If you eat more food than you burn, it will be stored by your body as fat. The solution is to either burn more energy or to eat less."
>"That's impossible!"

The obvious solution is vomiting you moron
The thinking man weight loss solution

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>"Guys i can't stop eating help how do i fix this"
>"If you just eat less food you'll lose weight"
>"Yes i know but i can't stop eating, how do i stop eating?"
>"Listen. If you just stop eating you'll lose weight. Dumb fatty"
>"Yes man i get that but HOW do i stop eating"
>"Lol retard. All you have to do is just stop eating"
>"Yes you fucking faggot i get it i'm asking HOW DO I STOP EATING i tried everything i just can't control it"
>"Wow fatties are really dumb. All you have to do is just stop eating"

It's like talking to a brick wall

>The obvious solution is vomiting you moron
>The thinking man weight loss solution

for the retards who didnt get the memo, dont do this it will fuck up your insides forever

God damn it, user! You're a god damn genius! That is the most outstanding answer that I ever heard. You must have a god damn I.Q. of 160. You're god damn gifted, user!

Here's how you stop eating so much: grow some discipline.
Other people can only do so much for you before you have to accept that the source of your problems is you and your refusal to do anything about them.

give yourself cancer, heard it's great for weight loss

>have about 700 calories daily
>still a fat fuck
Is there something wrong with me?

are you exercising on live an active life?

I've taken to eating only cucumbers and precooked bacon. The cucumbers are literally only 50 calories each, and I can pound down two every meal. The bacon provides a nice salty flavor, the precooked stuff is only 50 cals for two slices, and it keeps my dignity about me by not going full vegetaritard.

I go for a jog every morning and night for half an hour or so.

there's no way you're eating only 700 calories.
get a food scale and look up calories per gram for different foods.

Are you 4 foot high?

make shakes you can slurp on between meals

keep eating the same amount, but only eat vegetables and meat (not fried and breaded meat either)

Eat fat rich food faggot

Have you seen a doctor? Maybe you have a pituitary gland problem

I eat a fruit, a Siggis yogurt, two slices of wheat bread with peanut butter.

That's like 550 cals. Not sure how people eat so much for breakfast.

Jesus user, stop starving yourself and get a pizza with some sides

>fuck up your insides forever
>u dum
cool story bros

>tfw got fat gene from parents

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The magical fat gene that makes your body violate thermldynamic laws.

Reminder that genetics play role in obesity but it isn't an excuse you fat fucks.

calories in calories out you dumb fat fuck

>extremely fat fuck
>not joking, we are talking 400 pounds
>attempt to eat less or skip a meal
>start feeling weak and start trembling
>unbelievable craving for food, can eat everything in sight at this stage
>after I eat it stops

What the fuck is this shit.
No, I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with me. I need to see a doc.

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>tfw mommy taught me to microwave cheese on bread
I never stood a chance

Drink diet Coke when you are not hungry to increase the hunger

Somedays I only eat a Quaker Oats bar and a Cliff bar and drink nothing but 2 gallons of water.

I still cant get slim enough for a six pack.

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Here's the real fucking advice you fat fucks.

Just create good habits. Trash all liquids that isn't pure, unflavored water. You probably get 500-1000 calories a day on sugary drinks and dairy alone. Stop eating after 9:00, this way your metabolism isn't given too much to handle when your body goes into storage mode when you sleep. Stop eating fast food. Seriously just stop eating fast food. Throw away all chips and carby snacks, you can still snack but replace it with good shit. A small serving of cheese, carrots and hummus, whatever. Lastly this one is extremely important but it's the hardest one. You NEED to fix your portion sizes. Start out slow, serve yourself the normal amount you would eat and then take off a quarter of it. Do that for a bit then take off a third, then a half. Stay at that and you'll be doing much better. STOP GETTING SECONDS YOU FAT FUCK EVERY TIME YOU GET "JUST A LITTLE MORE" YOU'RE WILLINGLY MAKING YOURSELF EVEN MORE OF A USELESS FAT FUCK.

t. lost 30 pounds over a summer by just making little changes.

Drink lots of coffee. That should suppress your appetite

anony i can help u do u have discord? i will make u a meal plan

You conditioned yourself to just consume more then needed.

I highly recommend you buy an acidic fruit like oranges. When you feel hungry eat 2 oranges and keep chugging water until you feel full. Only eat 2 big meals of real food and reduce flour and bread intake. Only drink 1 can of soda daily.

Good luck. This is how I lost 100 pounds.

3200 is my max when bulking lmao

It feels good not being fat

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what if stress is causing my fatness?

Quit making excuses you lazy, pathetic, weak piece of trash. You're doing it to yourself. Seriously, there is no excuse that justifies why you're fat. It's up to you to stop making shitty choices and actually try to take care of the one body you get.

Nice motivation but killing stress is more important than not being fat.

You should probably see a doc about metformin or weight loss surgery.

Literally just stop eating. You sound like a depressed faggot who whines all the time about how they can't do things. Just fucking stop eating so much.

I'm not trying to motivate you. I'm trying to make sure that you understand that your weight is your fault and not the shitty excuses that you make up for self's fault.

>mental illness is your problem
yeah, okay

>being fat is a mental illness
You're everything that I'm talking about. You don't want to accept that YOU made yourself like this. YOU chose to eat shit. YOU chose to do nothing about it. It's easier to just blame it on an outside variable and live life like it's a pity fest. You aren't going to get better until you realize that it's all YOUR FAULT.

Please kill yourself.
Mental illness and depression is the problem which causes someone to find comfort in eating. It's a proper fucking addiction just like drugs.

It's not "lol just eat less fatass".

>being a virgin is a mental illness
You're everything that I'm talking about. You don't want to accept that YOU made yourself like this. YOU chose to self pity. YOU chose to do nothing about it. It's easier to just blame it on an outside variable and live life like it's a pity fest. You aren't going to get better until you realize that it's all YOUR FAULT.

I was talked down from a ledge a year ago. I smoked weed every day and likely took in over 3500 calories a day. I literally decided to only drink water, stop eating fast food, and eat less and I'm losing weight like dead skin. You need to get over yourself. It is "lol just eat less fatass." You have the power to fix it because it's all your fault in the first place. Quit pretending that your problems are oh so bad and that you have so much to deal with. You're just being a whiny little bitch who's too scared to accept that things would be way better if you just sucked it up like everyone else. You know that it's your fault and you're afraid to admit it.

I have a girlfriend lol. Losing weight boosted my self worth and confidence and I'm in a relationship because of it.

>I have a girlfriend lol

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>my fault is that i have depression which makes me eat too much

no drink shittons of green tea. it does all the same things water does but also makes you less hungry and more caffinated

It is. I resolved my depression by finding things that give me a reason to wake up in the morning. Volunteering, working, hobbies, and eventually I fucking got over it. Then I realized that I was fat because I was lazy and unwilling to make easy decisions. Depression doesn't make you drink soda. Depression doesn't make you eat four servings in one meal. Depression doesn't make you snack at night. You have to understand and decide that you should and can make better decisions. Once you do that you'll get better. It's up to you. Wallowing around in self pity hasn't and will never get you anywhere.