Why can't "nice guys" get a clue?

Why can't "nice guys" get a clue?

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? looks like hes doing his role fine.

Now all he needs is a green wig

Because they have low test which makes them clingy and weak

If they had high test they would just fuck bitches

Oh yeah, it's time. I love these comics.

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Because you keep leading them on.

I think it takes incredible strength to be as strong as they are desu

What's strong about having a low sex drive?

See, that is a loaded question. No matter how I answer it there is a bullet in every chamber waiting to blow my brains out.

>muh testosterone may may
kill urself u geriatric boomer cunt

ohhh shit negro someone fixed this one haha last time i saw this it was on some bluepill shit

What's weak about not caving to social pressures?

You're projecting. Just because you want sex 24/7 like a whore you think someone who doesn't like it is strong. You assume they want it, but refuse to cave in to it. But they actually just don't want it. And there's nothing strong about that.

this one was also fixed

it went from just depressing to actually funny and true

Attached: doesn't have to try.png (386x571, 358K)

Mischaracterizing people definitely isn't strong, user

I'm not sure what you're trying to say, pookie

i love this one. lol

who /socially dense/ guys here

this is why i think men are oppressed btw

Oh, they do. MGTOW is growing by the day.

Guys are more straightforward in communication than women. You convey that youre not interested, but they wont get the clue unless you tell them that directly and straight to the point.