Why do normies insist in making side comments about you when you're minding your own business

Why do normies insist in making side comments about you when you're minding your own business

I swear to god I can't go out in public without some random faggot trying to narrate what I'm doing.

Are you so fucking uninteresting that you have to zero in my goddamn actions just to have something to talk about


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I hate normies just as much as the next robot. Welcome to our world.

>tfw a random roastie openly laughed at me when I was buying chocolate milk at the convenience store

>tfw coworkers imitated my voice and laughed, afraid to ever speak now

>implying they were looking or even talking about you
Unless they specifically point you out there's a 90% chance they weren't talking about you and it was just your insecurities getting the best of you
Most of the people you see on your day to day wont even notice your existence

>this normie victim blame

they were literally pointiing out what I was doing

what exactly were you doing, curious

if youre a grown man and do this i would laugh at you too, sorry pal. maybe buy milk and coca powder seperately next time and make it yourself at home

I was a teenager when it happened. I've been too worried to buy chocolate milk since then.

Glad I'm not the only one who recognizes that they do this. It pisses me off to no end but after reading things like the NPC stidy and just observing human intelligence I've come to theorize that the particularly highly extroverted low intelligence people in the world actually can't process thought without saying it aloud. When you look at it like that its easier to just ignore them when they do this

What especially pisses me off is that normies will outright lie, and say "nobody cares about you" "nobody is looking at you" "nobody is thinking about you". And then what do they do? They start mocking the abnormal people they see.

It's all part of their invisible game. Do everything in your power to subjugate those you dislike while doing everything in your power to pretend you don't. Sometimes they take the latter part to such a level that they honestly fool themselves.

I disagree, the things they say are from after they've sized you up. They are comparing, analyzing and judging just looking at you.

Why do you even care what people buy?

it's called gaslighting. learn their tricks.

But hear me out, what if they are literally incapable of processing these thoughts without speaking them out loud? As people who are able to process things internally, they probably pick up on our differences right away and give us more attention as a result

we live in a society etc etc

No dude you're just one of those annoying people who sticks his nose in other peoples business for no reason.

Of course in reality you're probably an incel who wouldn't do shit.

calm your autism baby boy, its absolutely normal to look what other people buy, same as observing whatever else other people do, autists like you are the exception, not the rule, you probably dont even understand why we do this or how society works in general i guess, but hey, whatever

I think obsessing with what other people buy is a bit more on the autism spectrum honestly.

if you are getting people to comment on what you are doing then you are probably doing something weird or are dressed weirdly or like super ugly, people don't care about normal other people and wouldn't bother them, it's the weird standouts that get the negative attention.

theyre actually trying to help you by alerting you that youre standing out in a negative way, if you ignore them they will try to force you to conform by bullying you. its a natural mechanism that tries to prevent larger conflicts by keeping everyone in line

this is true, are you all like super autists wearing naruto headbands while grocery shopping or something?

you sound like cuck

suck their dick preemptively while you're at it. baseline human decency you don't harass random people

>its a natural mechanism that tries to prevent larger conflicts by keeping everyone in line

I love it when autists try to sound normal and con-formative but give it away when they display their autistic analysis of human behaviour.

Just confirms that autists really are just robots pretending to be humans.

People with low intelligence can't internalize their thoughts. They literally just say whatever they happen to be thinking.

>they're trying to help you!
>so just fuck off and leave us all alone, it's for your own good, I'm just trying to help you autist!
Classic self-delusional normie mind games.

No that's what I call a "jackass"


>have an interest in something
>normie calls it "autistic" or "stupid"
>he has absolutely zero interests beyond some mainstream bullshit everyone else likes
Why do normalfags always give their shitty side remarks that don't add to anything?

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>not in so great of a mood
>get a straight face and a thousand yard stare when I'm upset
>walk by a couple while looking straight ahead
>"Oh my God, that guy looks like he's gonna kill us all, haha!"
Not the first time nor will it be the last.

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>walking with my dad down the sidewalk intown where all the old timey shops are
>two women come out of a shop one a semi landwhale, other kinda passable still a bit fatish
>probably both will turn out to be lard balls when they inevitably hit the wall
>"look at those two gorillas" said the landwhale loud enough for me to hear
>i stop for a second and look at her in the eyes with the thousand yard stare of death into her soul
>she shuts the fuck up

even fat bitches have no humility in them.

What the fuck is wrong with normies that they have to do this stupid shit

Never happened to me, guess you're just fat or ugly lol

I don't know, but for some reason normies think that if you don't walk with a smile 24/7, with nice, fitting clothes, and friends, that you're miserable and most likely a potential school shooter, rapist, etc, when you're probably just miserable. When they see someone who they can associate with misery, it reinforces a false feeling that they're superior. So it probably makes them feel like they have the right to degrade someone in public. The truth is, their mommies and daddies gave them everything they had including the nice, trendy clothes on their back that everyone else is wearing to be cool! I think they're just demon possessed, desu. Just an example of society's bullshit conditioning of people's behavior and it's control over the definition of what "normality" is. I don't even consider them humans. Just parrots doing what everyone else is doing, without the ability to think but only in images, and patterns. Like NPC's in GTA who call you a cocksucker as you walk past them on the sidewalk, then run away from you when you stick your fists up.

No you wouldn't you fucking pussy bitch

that really sucks bro

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Holy shit, this happened to me too when I went to buy chocolate milk and some cookies. They weren't roasties tho, just some young dudes. It's not fucking fair, do normalfags don't like milk and cookies? I find it hard to bellieve, then why do they do it?

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