"Mom.. Dad.. Meet my gf"

"Mom.. Dad.. Meet my gf"
How do they react?

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That bitch looks a man, fucking Prince looking bitch up in here, fuck outta here, nasty af

With absolute joy

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"son why are you a white man?"

>"See, told'ya he wasn't gay"
>mom hands dad $50

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was lightskinned

Just because you don't like black women doesn't mean she looks like a man.

My parents would just be relived I finally got a gf.

Same way they did when I showed them my black gf irl; kick us out and disown me.

lol your mom must have been jealous as fuck

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Why is it that these post always litter the catalog? We get it. Stop posting the same shit everyday. Stop promoting WM BF couples. At this point I know the poster is being paid for this

I wish I was being paid. I honestly just keep making them because guaranteed replies also because I like black girls.

Don't know but my grandparents took my uncle out of the will just because he dated a nigger. Didn't even marry her, just the fact that he dated one was enough.

My dad threatens to disown me for dating a black girl while boomers here keep telling us we'll have cute babies

Your parents did the right thing.

>>How do they react?

My brother, 30, still living in his childhood bedroom, working part-time at a Carl's Jr and is just over 400# with diabetes, gout and apnea, he takes a weekly bath and spends most of his time gaming, claims women only want "faggots" and not "real men"
Tell parents he has a girlfriend, met online, wants to bring her to dinner, he has a major announcement, folks invite my grand parents, great grandma, couple of aunt's, I am in the service, 9 years younger, so I hear all this from my mother.
Brother shows up with a short, fat ghetto nigger. Not a black girl but a ghetto trash full on worthless bigger.
Long fingernails, blonde weave, blue contacts, mother says she can't understand anything she is saying.
Dad come inside, BBQ King, takes one look and tell my brother to remove this "Dirty Nigger Monkey" from his house.
Brother says this is his fiancee and my father needs to accept.
Dad gets his gun, tells brother he will shoot nigger dead.
Brother leaves, mother walks them out, she has 3 kids in my brothers van, full of clothes, brother tells Mon he planned to move them into his house, Mom says "You mean your Room?"
Dad gets some garbage bags and loads up my brothers stuff, takes most of it outside and empties the bags on the sidewalk.
Nigger, (her name is LeManns) yells at my Dad calls him a Racist, Dad tells her he is also a Klan member, Nazi and a Republican.
Find out later, the spent a few weeks in a motel, the girl is 22, oldest kid is 9, father of kids is her former pimp, now in prison, brother drives her to prison so she can visit weekly, he stops going to work, loans her his car to make the trip 2 weeks ago, last time he has seen her, she took his computer and his credit card, he gave her his pin for his debit card, bet you can guess, no more money, card is at Max.
Tries to come back home, Mom wants her "Baby" safe, Dad says not as long as he is alive.
Great grandma is letting him sleep in her car.

They'd probably be upset but I think they'd get over it. Worst case, I just won't bring her around them and I'd spend less time with them. They're old anyway, they need me more than I need them.

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"Ew, she's a disgusting ape, but I still love you and I understand that it's your decision. I'd still prefer you don't date a monkey though."

>guaranteed replies
Why is that important?
Is it like karma on reddit?

wtf you got a gf.

makes me feel less lonely

ayo she cute

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That's great son I was beginning to think you were a raging homosexual.

>tfw dad is a conservative afrikaner
he'd probably have a stroke, my mother would just be glad that i've finally found a gf

Funnily enough I have had a conversation concerning this hypothetical topic with my parents before. They already said they are fine with any woman I choose so long as it's not a black girl, but that if it was a black girl they would begrudgingly accept her if she was a good person.

I did that with crazy Asian and they canceled Thanksgiving! Would of been a disaster if she came and drank. She chugs beers like she's the state champion.