September 9th, 2018

>September 9th, 2018.

Attached: 1535793100888[1].jpg (700x466, 169K)

Just wait two more days.

>2010 was almost 9 years ago

Attached: 1520870614464.png (866x928, 529K)

>9/9/2009 was 9 years ago
and now angry ticks fire out of my nipples

>9/11 was 17 years ago

Childhood gone

>only 3 more days left of NEETdom

Attached: 1533690854443.png (625x350, 262K)

The Dreamcast came out 19 years ago.

Do you get a job after that?

I'm still 18 so I don't really know this feel but I have empathy for all you oldfags

or killing himself

I don't know if anyone else cares but ustream is killing free accounts next week and a lot of neat japanese streams and radio shows will be gone. Not sure where they will move to. No little guys paying $100+ to subscribe to IBM.

2020 is gonna be a real killer guys. How many robots will commit suicide on this day?
It felt like it was so far away.

Attached: 1506305965898.png (1070x601, 463K)

[currentdate, currentyear]

holy shit. this
my parents used to tell me about how the year 2000 sounded so futuristic and seemed to be so far away when they were kids
and when I was a kid I used to think the year 2020 was so far away it would never come
and now were less that two years away from it. im scared.

>I'm still 18 so I don't really know this feel but I have empathy for all you oldfags

Don't worry, you will, sooner than you think.

It felt like yesterday I was 18 giving old people shit for saying they were young "just yesterday".

If I haven't graduated and am still HKV by then I must might

Attached: 1496548380511.png (1015x1527, 529K)

Also from the other thread "were closer to 2040 than 1996".

I keep catching myself doing this with 2040 (i was born in 98). I have to keep reminding myself that things will probably only get worse and its just going to be an even gayer earth.

>September 11th, 2018.

I think I'll keep the tradition going
>Here user, have some shit

How old are you now? How was your life at age 18 compared to now?

>How old are you now? How was your life at age 18 compared to now?

Thank you for the shit.

28. Life was more carefree and interesting. Things were new (clubs, pubs, adult stuff, cars, living alone, travel etc) and therefore more exciting. Everyone from school was in a similar boat so nights out were generally a highschool reunion.

Now its just really work. Clubs, parties, fast cars etc have all lost their appeal. People have moved on (overseas, married etc). When they do go out its usually for one or two at the local.There's not much to look forward to like when your 18 (e.g first job, graduation etc).

To add though. You appreciate the little things for example:

> Someone else cooking food, even if its not that great.
> Downtime at work where you can do nothing for a bit.
> Walks
> Being alone at times

I still have a lot of shit to look forward to in life, and the fact that I'm NEET right now planning on joining the airforce soon will hopefully be an interesting change of pace if nothing else, then I'll have college to look forward to after that, so honestly I think I'll have enough variety for at least the next 10 years of my life to keep me sane.
>Everyone from school was in a similar boat so nights out were generally a highschool reunion.
Yeah I have enjoyed this a little bit, but I really don't have many friends at this point, most have already left for college.
I'm already to get tired of life in general, I can't imagine how mundane it will feel if I continue to live like I am.

Your life does sound kind of comfy though. What do you do for work?

2016 being two years ago is hard to believe

2000 definitely feels like nearly 20 years ago. I was 13 that's year so suppose alot has happened since.

1987 was 31 years ago and that feels like 60.

It's mote the recent years. 2010 doesn't feel like nearly a decade ago. Can't believe it's been 8 years

>2016 being two years ago is hard to believe
This. We're already 2 years into the Trump era. we're nearing our next rendezvous with destiny and it's crazy to see the history of this site, and the world at large shift and evolve like it has been.
Now that the SJW fueds of 2013-2017 are pretty much over it'll be interesting to see what develops next and what happens to this place.