Is he going to take us to Mars, or JUST himself?

Is he going to take us to Mars, or JUST himself?

Attached: musk.jpg (1125x948, 83K)

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probably neither

He will definitely take us to mars

Musk looks like the kind of guy that would JUST himself.

Attached: 170807-elon-musk-billionaire-2.jpg (2000x1275, 613K)

Yeah just like he'll transport men to LEO. Still waiting on that one

Your pic is proof that he unJUSTED

His hairline is returning?

Elon Musk is a bad guy right? Neoliberal something or other?

JUST himself. Tesla is gonna die withing the space of 1 year most likely.

Amazing what plastic surgery and hair implants will do for you, eh?

He's going to JUST himself. There's just not enough hype around going to Mars as their was during the space race.

Attached: 6881678031605.jpg (640x620, 62K)

>Neoliberal something
Nope, (((they))) hate him

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>hurr he can't do it overnight so its not worth doing at all
wew that nirvana fallacy

I never said that or even implied that. I'm rooting for Elon and a big fan of his. I'm just rightfully skeptical. Saying it will "definitely" happen is ridiculous.

Fair enough user. sorry for throwing that accusation your way
Not him btw
I think it will "definitely" happen, its more of a matter of timeline.
He wants the bfr to the the thing that takes people to space. That thing better be engineered well and actually reduce costs and also be safe enough. Literally nothing will tank his goodwill more than getting actual people killed

All billionaires think of the regular person as rats, I was either very surprised at his down to earthness or suspicious, like he was playing the Hillary but in a more sophisticated and less obvious way.

his final solution to the jq and nq is to escape earth with the best and brightest and then blow the planet up. p based and redpilled imo

The whole Pravda thing is a joke right

Musk is already a demon.
But I heard he's pursuing new research in South Africa, a weapon to surpass apartheid.

Attached: sunrise imminent.png (1125x948, 1.19M)

Is Elon a sperg? He comes off awkward as all fuck

Many of us are probably spergs too

He wants to nuke the poles of Mars for an atmosphere not realising that if the magnetosphere is unidirectional, having a synchronized atomic blast would need an anti-nuke synced to keep the planet on the quantum field.

Otherwise, generating a synth-atmosphere would require the entire field be manipulated to favor atmospheric conditions, without drawing cataclysmic meteors. If it was a necessity, we'll come up with c02 conversion before sinking it into the QF... like an oceanless planet full of trees that exhaust enough oxygen to propel meteors or something similar.

Ten years ago I had heard of this guy like twice. Now he's everywhere.

The guilty dog barks the loudest.

>The guilty dog barks the loudest.
Whoops, forgot the image

Attached: elon-musk-jewish-reaction.jpg (1200x848, 170K)

I've never understood the interest in mars.
It's a dead planet, no geologic activity and next to no atmosphere.
Venus is far more interesting, is closer and similar in mass to earth.

Greater possibility of life and teraforming.

Venus' day is almost as long as its year
Runaway greenhouse effect
Sulfuric acid rain
Hot enough to melt lead
No magnetic field in addition to being much closer to the sun
Venus would be a nice terraforming project AFTER we've already gotten started with the whole multi planet species, and are on the way to being a type 2 civilization
Trying to do anything with venus would be like a caveman trying to build a modern 2 storey house to modern codes and specifications
Try a grass hut first (mars)

Socialistic Americanism, if you can wrap your head around that

>Greater possibility of life and teraforming
The surface temperatures of Venus are at least 735 K (462 C; 864 F), that's the temperature of sterilization

i find it more concerning that people are concerned over a guy who wants to fact check the news.

I'm aware of all that.
I was just suggesting a specialized rover equipped with everything it needs to over come such a hostile environment.
It has to hold a treasure trove of discoveries.

that's why you live in a cloud city floating in the upper atmosphere

Oh scientifically. I understand user
I think even rovers are difficult on venus though. You'd need a way to either keep electronics cool against lead melting temps, or have the electronics operate at ambient venus temperature (which would melt solder used in the electronics' components' connections to the circuit board)
They've sent landers before but they don't last very long. Venus is typically explored via orbiting satellites. cloud penetrating radar and such
the most interesting aspects of venus imo are the lack of magnetic field, its retrograde rotation, and its runaway greenhouse shit and none of that really requires landers
not sure if i'm missing anything atm

That would be fucking horrible though.

>We control Mars too, Jokes on you.
Kek'd. That Jews comment seemed to slip from most people's gaze. They probably are trying to control Mars, if not already do.

BTFO nigga

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Why do you say that? You mean he's guilty of shit so he's starting to talk more and lightly reveal truth? I thought I remember hearing him be anti-trump so I assume he was in on the whole thing turning against Trump but maybe he changed a bit later?


More like "deliberately deleted."

dear reddit today i learned elon musk is a big fat jew

Something so satisfying and comfy reading this absolutely mad lads' Tweets. Fuck, when all this shit was happening, I was too drugged up on prescip meds for anxiety to really read on it.

He is a jew but, he was clear on the *powerful people* part. Saying it's bigoted to assume he's being anti semitic is correct, since even though most of those powerful people are Jews, many of those "Jews" are fake Jews and aren't truly Jews in blood. Also, it's correct since all of those powerful people are Jews, but that's still less than a percent of all Jews.
I swear, most Jews in Israel are decent people and actually dislike the modern changes in their government. Look up Anti-Zionist Jews, they've existed for a long ass time and are decently large in numbers.

kek. Saved and this is original.

>If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous.