Any anons here from Michigan? It's lonely and I want to know that I'm not alone

Any anons here from Michigan? It's lonely and I want to know that I'm not alone

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Move me to Michigan and I'll make you not lonely.

Okay where you from anonii? Why do you wanna join the Michigan gang?

Colorado. I do not like Colorado and Michigan looks pretty and I've heard there are good jobs.
Plus weather. plus I'm alone

yep I'm from Michigan. Living at MSU for now.

I'm from Michigan but no fags pls

Pretty lame. College is for plebs
Michigan is pretty. I don't know about the job situation though

Im here whats up. Let me guess you live in Paw Paw or some shit like that lmao I'd want to kms if I lived in those weird cities too.

What the fuck is Paw Paw I just moved here man

paw paw is the land of the paw paw fruit
why are you mean


One of those hills have eyes cities in Michigan

616 bot but im not a faggot like your image suggests

Just looked it up and it's across the state. I'm closer to the Detroit area

based tyrone knows about Brody! I ate there today.

Kik is clownworlder. Message me my dudes

I've lived here my whole life OP. Not much to say about this state. It's pretty average in pretty much every aspect.

stop projecting you nerd

Based. agree'd.

yes, Oakland county. This place is lame. It's about to get so fucking cold and I'm not looking forward to it.

Hey at least you live in a wealthy area.

Anyone know how long it takes to get a med mj card? I sent in my app a week ago and I'm curious how long it'll be.

From Missouri, but living in Michigan right now for college at UMich

hey, my best friend is going there for computer science.

I still live in a shithole and work for all the wealthy people.

i live right across the state line in Indiana can we still be friends anonkun?

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Indiana is pretty chill as long as you're white.

im white as hell familam. none of that 56% bullshit

Yep. Add me.
Discord is... Luddy#9750

Hey another Colorado user here. Not enjoying the incredibly expensive housing market?

248 here.
Two months until I move out of this shithole for good. I'm heading to Thailand, then China. Going to drown in gook pussy one way or another.

hey I'm 248 as well user.

are you guys from where i think you are from?

depends on where you're thinking of.

I'm thinking of the hills

My fwb lives in 248

>tfw not canadian

nope, I'm very close though.

I almost moved to the UP. I like the summers but the winters are too cold for me. id rather not live in a freezer

Michigan user here. It's terrible and I hate it. I can't wait until snows 10 inches again and I crash my fucking car.