Is Jow Forums the most loq-IQ board on Jow Forums? I don't even say that because I am opposed to their political views...

Is Jow Forums the most loq-IQ board on Jow Forums? I don't even say that because I am opposed to their political views, I dislike niggers and Jews also. But going on their actually gives me a brain aneurysm, see it amazes me that these retards are real

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>doesn't know how to crosspost
Embarrassing, you probably came from there. You should go back.

Acidic and bluepilled

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/b/ and Jow Forums are tied for the dumbest boards followed shortly by /tv/.

Kek if only you new how much falseflagging, shilling, and general sown discord there is on that board. It is no wonder that there are huge efforts of demoralization on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums in general, considering the people who spend time here are very likely ostracized above average intelligent persons who have not been exposed to much brainwashing. It's therefore important to blackpill them and make sure they are neutralized.

true, but Jow Forums is pretty far up on the list as well

Nah /tv/ is one of the best boards because of memes

I'm not saying that /tv/ isn't entertaining. I'm just saying it's filled with Jow Forums crossposter brainlets. They're funny brainlets but still.

It's just the large amount of trolls on Jow Forums that actually make the board look dumb. Lowest IQ board is /x/ by far.

>it's an "user gets BTFO on Jow Forums so he cries about Jow Forums on another board" episode

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>considering the people who spend time here are very likely ostracized considering the people who spend time here are very likely ostracized above average intelligent persons
>considering the people who spend time here are very likely ostracized above average intelligent persons
>The misguided smart kids they're totally smart just a bit deviant as only smart people would do what they do
They're actual idiots, it's not magic they're fucking retarded.

OP sounds Jewish

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What's with the sudden surge in anti-Jow Forums threads? It's almost as if... Someone doesn't want you to go have a look.

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>Racebait threads and bullshit about blacks, Jews and Asians everyday just shitting up the board
Fucking faggots it's because your all stupid and and your destroying the board it's disgusting it's fucking annoying it ain't the Jews it ain't Muslims it's fucking you, your all why we hate Jow Forums you oblivious abhorrent cunts so please fuck off for the good of this board and send your stupid pasty mutt asses back to your own board.

only after this literal kids board

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Jow Forums belongs to Jow Forums.

>shill threads represent Jow Forums
No. You are the idiot

just gonna post Jow Forums memes

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>just gonna post Jow Forums memes
I'm in. Jow Forums actually has some of the best memes, perhaps not in funniness but they're all really apt.

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bump also checkem

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no. Jow Forums is a mixed bag of retards, redditors and actual smart people. /tv/, /v/, /x/ and this board are the dumbest boards by far.

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Which board would rank highest in intelligence?