Virgins! Why not just hire an escort?

Virgins! Why not just hire an escort?

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Nigga i'm broke

Illegal in my cuntry

how many times it has to be said?
we don't want to fuck whores
we want to be loved

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look at that butthole

To self-conscious. I'm Jow Forums but not Jow Forums enough try.

Anyone feel weight drop off your shoulder after having sex with escort?
>t. Virgin

Its too impersonal. Id rather fap, than fuck some slut whos going through the motions so she can take my dosh and leave.
If theres no feelings involved, then the sexual experience has no point imo

dont speak for everyone on r9k. some here just want to lose their virginity instead

Why not just get a doll?

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I don't want to hire a gigolo.

I did it quite a few times and I still feel like shit.

if I pruposely break her asshole I'm scared I'll get ambushed by her pimp outside

60 bucks for a blow n go

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I live in Birmingham UK area. Pls could someone tell me how to order an escord. Backpage was banned.

I tried. Ended up losing my virginity to a Brazilian tranny

not really , but feels good been bj by a whore

You want a 10/10 virgin waifu to magically appear in your basement without making any effort. Stop lying.

What site is this? I know nothing about escorts.


also poor

Sure. Do you know one?

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Idk thats the last strawxfor me butvi am already 23 so idk

I can't afford one. I'm a broke NEET. Any generous fembots out there..? ;-;

I lost my virginity via Craigslist casual encounters. I fucked a white woman who was married to a Brazilian man and he was waiting in Brazil for a visa with their two kids.

I ended up fucking two more married women via Craigslist and overall I could have had sex dozens of times but either refused, got flaked on, or it was impossible because I was a loser who lived at home.

I Imagine if I were a college student in a dorm it would have been super easy mode with Craigslist. It's a shame they banned casual encounters.

shithole no.241

I didn't lose it to an escort but I did get an "Now that I've done it I realize it doesn't really matter" feeling about it. Of course that is much easier to say after having done it than before.

I've had sex with two escorts since. The first one was really great and I got to try a ton of positions with her for an hour. The second one I wanted to try a clothing fetish thing but the escort was not into it at all.

She had a seriously huge ass though, like I felt my penis go from normal sized to small when I put it up against her ass when we were about to do doggy style.

ever found a virgin hooker?

>losing your virginity will solve your problems
Normalfag logic, normalfag logic everyone

To be fair, robot logic has said that shit too. Especially in the form of
>having a gf will solve my problems

i want love, not really that interested in just sex. i want a life partner.

honestly at 23 I think I might as well hold onto it until I meet a nice woman. the "time" to lose it was back in high school when I was actually approached, or college, and I missed out on both of those, so screw it

I was thinking of doing this recently
I live at home and eat rice, so i have a lot of spare cash lying around
My main objections to it are as follows;
1. How can i ree that i hate free sex movement/non virtuous women, whilst also supporting whores?
2.Don't want STD
3.Will i just nut, and get angry at self for basically wasting 100 on what I could have done with a doujin in 10 mins
4. Will probably become dependant, will form a habit I cannot afford long term
5. Greater anger i'm not getting this constantly

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Because I don't wanna get fucking arrested over some $100 pussy. Police stings are a thing, and I'd be too paranoid the woman is an undercover cop or some shit wearing a wire.
Plus I'm too poor to fly over to a country where it's legal.

question for you robots who hired an escort
is hh good enough or should i get the full hour? also is msog implied if not stated or is it only 1~2 pops?

prostitution laws are so retarded
>virgin wants to lose virginity in the only way they can at whatever point in their life they're at
>gets arrested

how the fuck can you call yourself a robot if you're only miserable about not getting any pussy?
that's just pathetic, try finding real problems

I don't know the laws, but what stops women from just "hanging out" with you for some money, then having sex?

pretty ridiculous it's illegal. politicians act all high and mighty and ban it, then go bang some college intern behind their wife's back

america has a hard-on for this pseudo-Judeo-Christian value system where we ban and crack down on drugs on prostitution, then we act dumbfounded when criminals seize the initiative and the throngs of people we locked up emerge from prison worse off in life

>but what stops women from just "hanging out" with you for some money, then having sex
It doesn't. (or shouldn't)
This is exactly why escorts are escorts and they aren't prostitutes
iirc, where it's legal to escort, they have to have a claus that says you're only paying them for companionship and not for sex (but that sex might happen) as legal ass covering.

True, but I think that proportionnally, adjusted for population, there are more blackpilled robots than bluepilled ones on this site. At least we see normalfags for what they are

It's unfucking believable
It's worse because everyone automatically writes criminals off as the absolute worst people (even if its literally just smoked a joint, got put in jail), ie nobody wants to help them, except for perhaps a very small amount of people. And even then, most people won't listen to em.

Yeah you're probably right
>the normiest of normies
literally the worst kind
Normies are the 'enemy' in a certain regard, but convincing normies is the only way we can get shit to change kek. Kinda shitty.

I'm just surprised this niche isn't bigger. I'd think there would be big escort clubs in every town. then again I'm pretty naive

bigger with normies?
Probably because escorts charge a lot. plus that strong social stigma and its strong association with prostitution in their minds

>no shame, no inhibitions
>backdoor is a "hard no"
She's giving prostitutes a bad name

only hard no's are back door and what is the other one?

what kind of shithole bans prostitution?

Retarded burgers, of course

I've no idea. Is it a folder with XXX on it? Maybe filming for porn?

Seconding this.

Is that cake?

Just realised it's meant to be a cream pie

Ohh. Makes sense.

its more like
>having love with help with depression so I can deal with my bigger problems
problem is girls only want you when you have your shit together

Don't fall for the escort meme anons. You will regret it and it doesn't make you feel any more of a man.

>problem is girls only want you when you have your shit together
No arguments there. It's true.

>having love with help with depression so I can deal with my bigger problems
This, sadly, is rarely true. Very soon those same problems will make themselves known again and then she won't be able to deal with the slew of problems you bring and rip relationship

The only way I would pay for an escort is if she was bubbly, extroverted, and up for any kind of fetish and roleplay scenario. As soon as I'd see "no anal" or limits on roleplay scenarios (that is essentially nothing but talking), I wouldn't want to pay a cent. I haven't had sex in four or five years, but I rather jerk off than pay $200-$500 for boring generic sex with someone who wouldn't even like me. I would need depravity and filth that I couldn't get from any relationship.

I want to but I don't know how and I'm sure I'll spill my spaghetti trying

environment you live in can affect you. when i was in high school everyone around me was talking about scoring pussy all the fucking time. it gets to you and you feel left out. you know youre not like everyone else but you cant help but feel curious once. im sorry that not all robots are the same.

I had sex with an escort during a dry spell (low-tier normie who occasionally goes a month or two without sex). It doesn't feel that much better than a hand, and 90% of what makes sex great is knowing that you seduced a woman.

Do you tell them that you're a virgin?

i cant think of a single situation where you want to tell a girl you're a virgin before you have sex

Definitely not with a regular girl but escorts might be fine since you're paying money for their time

>i cant think of a single situation where you want to tell a girl you're a virgin before you have sex
If she asks whether you've been tested.

literally everyone always talks about scoring pussy all the time, i'm fucking 21 (i know that isn't old but it sure feels it) and the few friends i have STILL talk about not much else than that
normies are fucking pathetic my dude, don't let their NPC-like mindset fuck you up

I'd likely get caught in a sting.

prostitution is ilegall

what if they try to take advantage of your inexperience. it's not going to make them do a better job at least

why would they believe you in fact if i heard that i'd assume the opposite was true

i want a 2/10 misanthropic virgin waifu, not even gonna call it settling, this is literally what I want
>ywn have a LDR with a depressed awkward shut in girl
>ywn call each other to say good morning every day and coax each other out of bed
>ywn have someone you can trust completely and confide in
>ywn have someone that makes you want to keep living through all the meaningless bullshit because you will always look forward to talking to them
lol doesn't matter i guess, i've been in isolation so long i probably couldn't talk to anyone anyways

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>why would they believe you in fact if i heard that i'd assume the opposite was true
"I mean, I can get tested for you, but I want you to come with me for the appointment then because I'd be only doing it only for you. I know I have nothing because I never had sex."

There. If you're a virgin and they are as well, it works in your favor. Otherwise they'll be too lazy to go with you and will instead believe you.

these. I would never be able to find an escort.
Also, it wouldn't solve the self-esteem problem and I'd also probably get an std.

>tfw i have exactly all that in a femanon gf

Do it once so you have something to think about whenever you get the itch again then just jerk off to it and save money

They're gonna find out anyway

escorts ONLY make sense if you're somewhat decent looking and only can't get laid because you're awkward. if you're a decent looking dude, the escort will practically work past your social anxiety and will kind of have a decent time.

if you're not decent looking, even the best escort won't be able to hide the fact that she'd never bang you IRL. the difference between a good escort experience or not is whether she can conceive of a way she'd actually bang you without paying. she probably wouldn't actually do that, but you have to be good looking enough for her to actually play into that fantasy so you can both have a good experience.

Why are you even here? Leave this shithole and make the best out of your life.

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what if they just think you're bad at sex

I like reading the topics posted here, I like seeing various opposing views discussed, and as a previously "incel" (but more like failed normie when compared to how bad some robots have it) i do sympathize with people here. Sometimes i like shitposting too

why would you want to have lose your virginity to a non-virgin?

Well, the thought of you coming to a place where you don't belong just to amuse yourself with other people's suffering and to occasionally torment them leads me to believe you are a terrible person, but this place is nothing close to what it used to be anyways so it doesn't matter I guess.

>false rape
>sperm jacking
>jail time

>Well, the thought of you coming to a place where you don't belong just to amuse yourself with other people's suffering and to occasionally torment them leads me to believe you are a terrible person
Literally not even remotely close to anything I said
But if believing that makes you feel better then fine.

>Literally not even remotely close to anything I said
You said you come here because you like reading the topics and shitposting. If you still waste your time here when you aren't alone anymore you are either a complete idiot or a massive piece of shit.
>i-its different because i sympathize with everyone here!
no fuck off

>making shit up
literally not what I said at all, and you are creating scenarios where i am shitting ON YOU when i don't and never said I did, my butthurt friend
ALso i said SOMETIMES shitposting. like when a thread is obviously off the rails. No sense in trying to save that mess
>no fuck off
imagine being this blackpilled

The United States of America
Shit sucks, I've never been in trouble with the law before, and I don't need the law to see me as someone "taking sexual advantage of poor desperate women"

>literally not what I said at all
>I like reading the topics posted here
>Sometimes i like shitposting too
>failed normie

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always remember kids it's not prostitution if a camera is involved

Jesus is the US just a big dystopian joke

costs too much
chance of stds
the girl doesn't even want to do it with you
it's not intimate
it's fucking illegal unless you fly out to a place where it isn't, and even then it's risky

Nothing in there suggests I come here to shit on people
What is even wrong with you to take it so far out of context

I'm scared and don't know how

>Nothing in there suggests I come here to shit on people
Your presence here makes the board less of what it should be. Go talk about your gf somewhere else.

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>what it should be
a shithole echochamber?
>my gf
I literaly never mention my gf except whenever the topic comes up
I'm telling him it can happen and that he can find happiness in that
but nah just wallowing in your suffering is a better cope mechanism heh

I might fuck my younger brothers ex, she's a prostitue now and from the pictures I've seen she has a really tight asshole. I bet she'd do it for a percocet. Too bad I don't even know how to ask for sex.

>a shithole echochamber
>everything should just be an amorphous blob where everyone is accepted otherwise its an echochamber

>I'm telling him it can happen
Just because things worked out for you doesn't mean they will work out for everyone else. You don't know what other anons are like and we don't know what you are like. For all we know you could be some late teens/early 20s kiddo that just meant someone that is similarly naive in a chatroom. False hope can be the absolute worst, sometimes its better to focus on other more constructive things.

>tfw lost my virginity to a Thai prostitute at 17 and now go on yearly trips to asia

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It ain't false hope and nobody asked for anything more constructive because when i responded the first thing was gtfo normie fagit etc
>You don't know what other anons are like and we don't know what you are like
You're right
But that guy was just espousing hopes and desires, and i told them my own hopes and desires were congruent with his and that i managed to find fulfilment
If someone wanted to break everything down and talk about it constructively that's fine. But that's not the sort of response I got.

Adultwork. I hate the site because it's been reduced to a paid hookup site instead of proper punting, but it is the easiest way to get laid provided you're willing to settle for frumpy old hags or foreign cunts with attitude problems.

I'm too stupid how and I'm embarrassed.

I did, huge fucking regret.

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