Tfw no wheyfu to bully me

>tfw no wheyfu to bully me
>tfw no wheyfu to pin me down and rape me
>tfw no wheyfu to be my big spoon
>tfw no wheyfu to hold my hand
>tfw no wheyfu to cook for
>tfw no wheyfu to worship
why did it have to be this fetish? life is so cruel

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Make your own wheyfu senpai. Find a shy qt fembot and pump her full of Anavar.

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>tfw no wheyfu to give me bicepjobs

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I want to kiss her delts

where can I find a shy qt fembot willing to take var tho?

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This is very arousing

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>tfw no /deltporn/ gf to play with my boipucci

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>implying she'd stay shy for long as soon as she got jacked

People who look like superheroes tend to act like them too.

>tfw shy qt fembot gets swole and confident and bullies you harder

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More like
>tfw when a shy qt fembot gets swole and confident and is suddenly being plowed by a 6'4" powerlifter at the gym.

oh damn it's hotter when they're clothed

My originalino nigga

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I need sauce desu fampai

> don't know how to get gf
> don't know how to get anavar

> not trying to become 6'4" powerlifter

what's with you anavar shills lately
also, what happens if you stop taking it? genuine question

>also, what happens if you stop taking it? genuine question
Nothing happens you keep your gains.

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>even if I got Jow Forums natty for a wheyfu she'd probably want a 6'2 giant like millionaire piano instead of a 5'7 twink
>I'm too technologically and socially retarded to acquire and use steroids

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mama bear wheyfus love to bully qt twinks desu

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Holy shit these transformations make me diamonds. I didn't know 3dpd could get his buff.

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I just like female muscle, and would shill to eternity for free. Don't care if they take anavar, myostatin blockers, test, natty supplements, or whatever.

will pharmacy companies provide me with a free wheyfu if i shill for them?

They have been getting huge since Bev Francis and Kay Baxter. Where have you been?

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I hope. I'd do it for free though.

As strong as they look, any decent tard rage could bring them down in seconds. Drop your fetish, faggot.

pic related is 6'0 220 lbs
do you think you can take her?

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>taller than me
>heavier than me
muh dick

and still growing desu

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I'll bully the life out of you but im tiny. Doesnt matter cuz when I break your mind you won't even want to wrestle with me

And I'm trying to lift more but it's really hard for me to eat enough to gain weight

I could take her pussy. Still, I'd suspect she'd be like every other white stacy I've encountered and ignore me.

tiny is ok as long as you have muscles
this girl is 4'10

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Yeah right. Most men can't bench 300 for reps or deadlift 400.

do 20mg anavar for 10 weeks and you will blow up like crazy
picrel is actual 10 week transformation

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Men are a little stronger pound for pound, but this "muscle women are weak" meme is about the most retarded shit I've seen. They still can lift over 2x their bodyweight overhead.

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Not him but Shelley Beattie will always be my fave classic girl

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My bicep is big enough to wrap my hand all the way around and my hand isnt big. That's what I mean by tiny

Give me roids then. If i post my address will you ship them to me? :)

> 69 kg
> one weight class which matches between genders
> female C&Js 153 kg
> males C&Js 196 kg

196/153 = 128% stronger

> 63 kg female vs 62 kg male
> essentially the same weight class
> female C&Js 147 kg
> male C&Js 177 kg

177/147 = male is only 120% stronger.

Since it's comparative, it should be 28% and 20% stronger, respectively. My bad.

muscular women are not attractive, its gross as fuck

> they don't attract ME
> they are not attractive, and everyone that thinks otherwise is gay

nice NPC opinion

yeah you are pretty gay, you're right, muscles are a masculine feature and you're all gay, good point


hello cancer

Tina Lockwood for me. The closest I have seen any current gen woman come to her is Micaela Viscido

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Here's Micaela for comparison

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Hello NPC. I'm sure you think your views on muscle women are original and your own, not some borg programming from the central AI unit.

Masculine =/= male
muscle =/= masculine necessarily
you need a penis to be male. I'm sure this is tough to understand for a user of the board which has the most trap threads.

Check out Anya Pardjiani @powerlifterfromhell

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we can't have a wheyfu thread but 10 trap threads is ok

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only if you allow me to measure you daily to track progress

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Oh yeah, I know about her.

I didn't know her insta name though. Thanks.


These girls basically all end up married to millionaires.

Trying to make the most of tonight, don't know how long I'll be here for. Went to see what the gym area was like but didn't go in, I forgot what changing rooms are like. Not that I have body issues but picturing myself without clothes in seems too lewd and so I couldn't bring myself to change. Might give it a go tomorrow given that the place opens at 7:00 A.M. and I'm probably going to be in the library all night. I didn't realize how weird it is really, I mean in P.E. it never felt weird since there were always people doing it and it was mandatory but now I feel really like someone going to randomly embrace me from behind and do all kinds of horrible things to me while I'm unable to defend myself. W-what the heck do I do about this?

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