I work at Chick-Fil-A

I work at Chick-Fil-A

AMA robots

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Whats your hourly rate
And do you get free food

$8.50, you get a free meal worth $7.50 at the end of each shift and a 30 minute break, if you are closing in the back you get leftover chicken

only 8.50? I live in commie land, next year min wage is gonna be $15 an hour.

Why is the food so god damn expensive?

Do they ever address the gay issue in your training? I mean, do you have a script or a process to follow if you're questioned about it?

Are you black?
I see black people go and work in Chick-Fil-A, is there something about that place that I dont know about?

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Because its higher quality than mcburger

Im white, there are a bunch of black coworkers tho, they like the fried chicken

No, if we have protestors we ask them if they want water or food nicely, most of my coworkers are conservative and hate them libtards

any plans to get a better job or are you gonna be a chicken man for the rest of your life?

I love going to chick fil a, thank you for working there. My questions
>Favorite menu item?
>Things to avoid ordering?
>Worst type of customer?

so you said the largest cock you've sucked was from a hipster looking faggot?

Why is it that the only time I'm near a Chick-Fil-A it's Sunday?

How do I get the friendly Chick-fil-a people to not talk to me while I'm eating. Its a nice gesture but I want as little human contact as possible.

8.50 Omegalul!!!! You work minimum wage and still get paid as if it was the early 2000s. You get paid slave wages and they still take about another about another 7 dollars off every hour. Op why do you settle with getting shit pay?


Kids these days

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Every person I see working at Chick-fil-a is high school aged so OP you need to leave before you get banned

Isn't minimum wage around 7 dollars? I've never heard of a fast food place paying up to $9 unless your position is high (manager)

>Favorite Menu item
Spicy sandwich or nuggets
>Things to avoid ordering
Strips, Superfood
>Worst type of customer
Fat single moms

I have friends that work at mcds and still earn like 12 dollars. I'm not sure if he is lying or not since when i started working fast food back in 08 i was getting paid 9 dollars each hour. Keep in mind this has been like 10 years a go. Now i work 40hrs a week make about 80k a year.

I'm a delivery driver so I only make $4.50/h. Sometimes on good afternoons I make $50~ in tips but some days all I get is 20.

It depends on the market you're in. The Mcdonalds around here pay 10.50+ because all the retailers around them pay 11.00 an hour or more. In places like North Dakota the pay can be 15/hr+ because every unskilled mong just goes to the oilfields and makes 65k starting

Foot lettuce when?

Pic. Unrelated

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Earning 65k for an unskilled job is great. Op should move to north Dakota.