Is pic related too suggestive to wear in public? More specifically...

Is pic related too suggestive to wear in public? More specifically, is it appropriate for wearing on a college campus and in classes?

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If I actually saw a girl wearing thigh highs on campus I would be forced to go ask her out for coffee. Even if she was way out of my league and going to say I would try. They are outrageously cute

the skirt is a littke short, some girls wear shorts under them so no one can take a peak. I wouldnt say its TOO sugestive, but its a tad provocative.

Any is fine, just don't act like a slut.

asians regularly wear that kind of shit all over uni

No one will care, wear w/e you want

i'm subscribing to this thread as i am interested in the answer. personally i found those skirts with thigh highs very sexy.

my opinion, if the school doesn't have a dress code forbidding it, and if it is legal, then it's fine. that of course doesn't remove any social consequences that might arise.

Nah, just don't show off

I think it's a bit too suggestive but someone can wear it without being looked at too much.

I agree that they are pretty cute but are they too cute? Like... are they one of those kind of slutty things that makes you think a girl is wearing it for attention?

Yeah that particular skirt is pretty short. Im moreso wondering about your opinion on the idea of the bare skin gap though. But yeah, a girl has to be wearing a fairly short skirt for this to even be relevant.

Jesus fucking christ this is the worst post I've ever seen.
Oh you're "forced to" ask her out are you? "Outrageously cute" huh? Fuck you. I bet you're the sort of guy who donates $100+ per month to a cosplay model's patreon.

>are they too cute? Like... are they one of those kind of slutty things that makes you think a girl is wearing it for attention?
not that guy but yes. id rather ask out a girl with short skirt + spats *drool emoji*

True. Asians are pretty short though, they got less leg action going on

>is absolute territory too cute
This is like asking if Jesus is too holy. Could the very embodiment of a thing be too much of itself?

t. virgin neckbeard who gets mad any time one of his friends get a girlfriend because he can barely manage to muster up the courage to hold eye contact with a girl

>the bare skin gap
dick = diamonds

Stop being a tranny Jeffery

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Oh shut up you weeb

If spats are what I'm thinking, that's super tacky... pretty sure those are just for working out and wearing hidden under your skirts so you don't flash people

Well i think the general consensus is that people like to look at them. And that they're sexy but not too sexy which is a little confusing but whatever. I guess yoga pants are worse (unless your butt is small)

>And that they're sexy but not too sexy which is a little confusing
there is an element of cuteness mixed in with the sexy. i hope that makes it less confusing.

they'll draw less atention than your wig and hairy legs

Actually now that I think about it, thigh highs are almost more sensual than over the knee socks.. what's your opinion?

No. Fuck you. I'm a goddamn normie and frankly don't belong here. I'm mad because of how cringy that whole post is. Every university campus is filled with these fucking losers who cum in their pants whenever they see thigh-highs and I can't deal with the second hand embarassment frankly. Jesus christ this thread is already filled with dudes trying to orbit this girl who they haven't even seen the face of.

Why does everyone on r9k have to be a guy? Is it too upsetting to consider that there are real grills here and that they possibly wear skirts??

>pretty sure those are just for working out and wearing hidden under your skirts so you don't flash people
yeah, you don't want an athletic gf who wears skirts instead of fugly yoga pants? your loss buddy

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Wow you seem pretty angry about a post made by some anonymous guy on an Alaskan seal clubbing forum. Maybe you should take a break and go have a snack big guy.

Dude needs to know how cringey he's being, otherwise he'll never get laid.

also, wax your moustache. that shadowy beard is a huge give away

Literally any female outfit that doesn't make you look like a sex slave is fair game on college campuses. I've seen a lot of thottery all ready, like yoga pants/tights that are easily seen through and shorts with ass hanging out. Midriffs plenty.

I never said i was a girl, its obviously not possible ree. Regardless the average guy on a college campus is not some virginal pants jizzer. A lot of the people posting here are probably normies too. The thing about this board is that the typical r9k poster, normie or not, has a more traditional view of what's provocative and what isn't than /fa/ in my experience

rolling for ben

Thigh highs are 100 % more sensual than over the knee socks, thigh highs are at the height of stockings and stockings are obviously sensual. That's my autistic way of viewing it

Over-knees make my penis hard

Roll,october 2018.

>not shaving your legs

oh i suppose there are a few of them here, they are like parasites try to ruin all the cool places

come on ben

Are you gonna keep bumping my thread in your desperate pursuit for Ben's cock?

who dis?

Yeah I wear thigh highs out all the time. It's the perfect season right now.

pic for teasing purposes?

I wouldn't say it's so simple. I guess it's like a combination of fashion choice, wanting to feel cute and wanting to be comfy in chilly weather.

um, i was asking for a picture, not an explanation.

One roll please, hold the mayo

Roll for ruining the kike's eugenetics

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big roll

big fat original nigger dong slong

Lolling at me penis and rolling my quads right now



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Anything above B is a whore!

A man wearing any kinds of womens clothes is inappropriate in public

I want Ben Shapiro to react to my penis

Well in the end I decided to go with E because the inherent sensuality of A, B, C, and D make me feel nervous. Thanks for your opinions. I never realized how universally appreciated those socks are on even meh looking toasty roasties

Here is a really good one though. This is now a zettai ryouiki thread

Well shit damn origama

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damn you. i left /b/ because i didn't want to fap. looks like there's no way out except through.

Try again in November or stop entering threads about things that arouse you

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im pretty sure i get a zero...

holy canole, batman. where can i find a female who wears this IRL?

At a convention

Skirts themselves are certainly appropriate, but an obviously short skirt defeats the purpose. The whole appeal is not knowing what is below, and in the small acts of God and occasional voyeurism that give you a glimpse into that unknown, unexplored territory. If a skirt is exceedingly low, I would take it as somewhat provocative, and less appealing and sexually stimulating than a slightly longer one.

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I love spats!!!!

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So I should just wear really short shirts and let my butt checks hang out cuz it's less slutty? That honestly makes zero sense dear user.

Short SKIRTS fuck

I made some statement errors. I meant to suggest:

>"If a skirt is exceedingly high I would take it as somewhat provocative, yet less appealing and sexually stimulating than a slightly longer one."

Simply put, as long as you're not flaunting it directly, and have enough of a length buffer so that you can sit without your underside being exposed from the sides or rear, you are at a socially acceptable length. You can be cute or sexy without being an outright sleaze. This is my view, at least.

No one wears a skirt in uni, its not a thing here. Only once i saw someone wearing a skirt and they had like 100D pantyhose on so it was basically optional.
Girls would rather hang their ass out with leggings, its disgusting. They only care about how thier ass looks so we end up with 3/10 butterface twinkies but since they have a thicc package it bumps them up to a 8/10.

Find me a uni girl who doesnt display thier ass ffs, even the pajeets who wear a burka do this.

rollin for benny "libtard annihilator" shapiro

whoop whoop whoop

rollin cuz its time to FAP


>tfw thigh highs
every tiem

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thigh high is really hot but most appropriate but over the knee just seems fine with ankle as well though