/fat/ - That Jow Forums Guy's In There Somewhere, Now Find Him Edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For roly-poly roundbois who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss, but use that thread for general questions.

>Read the Jow Forums sticky (redundant in that you should have already but it covers all the basics of diet and exercise)

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Works best on smartphones
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>count calories, all of them.
>buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate.
>learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables.
>develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits
>eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight)
>cardio. learn to love walking.
>start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners!
>post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

>eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
>eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
>drink your calories. alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
>be a retard

Previous thread:

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>exclamation point

Which is the true Church?

The one who posted first.

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I know not what I do. I had a 20 ounce frosted strawberry lemonade today. I'm going to run extra hard today as penance.

Hello fathers, it is I the infamous Large Man. Over the two years I have dropped a lot of weight. I was a whopping 540 lbs back in summer of 2017 and now i am entering the 280s, I still have ways to go. I left my wife because she wasn't contributing to the weight loss journey we agreed to go on together so I ditch her. I did however sinned. I ate 5 slices of pineapple pizzas yesterday and I feel like shit. So forgive me father.

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I wanna have an out-of-body experience and then keep running away from it.

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It sounds like you're doing great. Do you have any progress pics?

Got any progress pics user? You're doing really good. Don't know how you can make that much progress and eat pizza like that afterwards though. I'd be so afraid of falling out of a good habit. Sounds like you haven't learned anything.

What exactly happened with your wife? It was brave of you to leave her. Was she fat as well?

So many questions!

You dont get down from over 500 pounds without hurdles and speed bumps. You are forgiven. Now, move forward!

No he isn't.

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not gonna make it, boyo

can someone red pill me on being fat? i was over weight once being 230lbs no muscle at 5'9 but i just didnt eat like shit and ran every morning. now i just do that every time i get anywhere above 180. just dont eat junk and run. am i missing something? why do fat people get so fat? lack of willpower?

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>cheat meal turned into a cheat day

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>I was fat
>how do you get fat


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im talking about people who get like BIG

Just made it into the 70lbs lost territory! I'm gonna make it, bros!

go back to posting in other boards man. you're clearly not committed to losing weight and just want to go back to being a fat fuck, "getting back on the wagon" isn't even an option for you.

Ate 3800 calories yesterday. So I ate for three days in a day.
Fasted for today, gonna try fasting tomorrow as well. Still stupid as fuck. But at least I tracked it.

Recovering fatty going full steam ahead here

Changes I have noticed in my body:
>Can put on socks without struggling
>Not winded going up one floor of stairs
>Have to tighten seat belt in truck
>Man boobs disappearing
>Less painful boils on thighs/armpits
>Hair regaining color
>Can see tendons in back of hand
>Don't have to swing my leg to stand from sitting
>Lots and lots of pooping of solid massive logs that usually clog the toilet
>saved money from not eating fast food/take out
>tried coca cola after not drinking soda for a while and it made my teeth feel weird didn't like it
and the one I'm most happy about
>No more heart palpitations constantly

Keep a diary portly fellows and write down the things you notice, it's helped me tremendously. Let's all go out there and make it.

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>progress pics
I do, but I want to hold on them atm. I want to show them off when I reach my goal weight (and remove this excess skin)

>What exactly happened with your wife? It was brave of you to leave her. Was she fat as well?

We both promised each other to lose weight, and eat healthy for the sake of our health. She doing anything to lose the weight. We walked almost 2 miles that one day, and that was it for her. I tried my damnest to motivate her to walk and to go to the gym to exercise with me but she wasn't having it. It got to the point where it was non-stop arguments and denial about how she's not gaining weight all while eating from fast food joints. I know this because she always leaves behind her burger king bags in the backseat of my vehicle. Long story short she was being irrational, she wasn't losing the weight. I tried everything I could to help. But I just couldn't support her anymore. She was out of job and I had to but my ass to pay the bills. She was in her 300s at 25 and now lives with her uncle. I just wish the best for her.

Anyone can buy some ice cream 40 minutes later to back up their shitposting story. Just fuck off already.

Mental problems for the truly monstrous is the only answer I can think of

There are a lot of different reasons. My starting weight was 233 but i can understand how i got there. For me, i grew up with parents who made disgusting charcoal hockeypuck steaks every fucking day; (they just could not cook anything good) and rewarded me with good food like mcflurries when i succeeded with school.

Sooner or later i realised the only "good food" growing up was stuff like wendy's and tied with depression/mental illness it became something addicting because serotonin making you feel good + the reward system of eating. To this day i still want to reward myself with food for hitting milestones with my weightloss.

Luckily as i was getting overweight, i started taking depression medication to change physical problems i had with it. (Which i now no longer need). Its easy to see that the fatter some of these people get, the more food they might think they need to feel better, since they feel MORE terrible. Especially if you have problems with low blood sugar when you don't eat, or an addicting personality/cravings. It must be hell if being fat is all you've ever known or grew up with. Their stories are the most inspiring. Only three years ago i was a measly 145 lbs so i'll never know their struggle.

Fatbody here.
5'11", 284lbs 2 weeks ago, 27yo male.

I was a skinny little kid until I was about 8 years old. IDK what happened to make me balloon up, but I have been fat ever since. I will try to answer your main question.

>why do fat people get so fat?
My father was in great shape from when he was about 23 years old until even now (he turns 71 this June). Growing up, he was already older and past his phase of working out regularly, which he stopped in his thirties. His active lifestyle kept him from getting fat, because lord knows he eats what he wants. In his prime he was 6', 215 pounds IIRC. Now hes about 230 pounds, got an old man gut, but still works in his garage every day, climbs ladders, picks up heavy shit, etc.

Anyway, I saw this and didn't realize the work he had put in to get it, even though he told me many times. He was kinda fat as a teen. I naively, truly thought I would "grow out of" being fat. This coupled with the fact that I am not hindered in any way in day to day life. I have had active jobs, I dont have any real health problems, I dont look like a slob, I'm proportionate, etc. No big exclamation marks that go "dude, you NEED to lose weight". Everything seems normal, you know? At least for a long while.

Once I hit 18 or so I moved out and didnt work out much. I didnt have a desk job but I did not push myself much. Lowest I ever was as an adult was 220 pounds. Just been gaining fat ever since.

Looking back, the biggest reason I think is that I had no real concept of just how much I was eating, and how little I was exerting myself. Now that I am tracking every calorie, I am becoming amazed at how much I ate FOR YEARS for one meal, let alone in a day.

So, bottom line? Ignorance, I guess. But ignorance is no excuse.

i just hate seeing people so big want to lose the weight hate their lives and wanting to change because it must really suck being that big and im sure its hard but what makes a person even get to that point in the first place.

Good job user but wow you must have been fat before, stats?

Here is the /poundslost/ chart guys. Everyone sign in.

I just got rid of the last boil on my leg too. Its winter here so i'm not walking around a lot- but in summer i would get a bloody heat rash on my thighs from them rubbing together. I hope i've lost an amount already where this has stopped.

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6'0 and at my highest was 385 pounds, I am quite muscular as I work in construction I wasn't sedentiary but just lacked discipline and had the wrong attitude for the longest time. What made me change is that I was put on high blood pressure medication and my resting blood pressure was consistently 170-180. The palpitations I hated, just your heart going thud-thud-THUD-...-thud-thud...THUD, that's something I will never forget and definitely something unsalvagable HAES fatties probably hide because god knows I did. I never want to have those again, also thanks for the kind words.

3 months and a human leg here anons

Dude, you've lost almost 200 pounds. Loose skin or not a pic would be great. Don't beat yourself up.

How much lbs of lost lard we are talking about here? Good job.

I'm halfway between "a newborn calf" and "a 2 month old horse" now. Goal is still "an average adult man".

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since late october 2018, 45 pounds

i appreciate you for sharing. these honestly helped me understand. i just actually wanted to know since i actually grew up being taught fast food is bad food and healthy food is like a blessing. every time i think of eating junk food i feel like shit afterwards so i avoid it and if i do eat junk food i make sure i go run at least a mile afterwards no matter what.

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Keep it up just as you are doing it right now. Seems that you are on spot. I'm really happy for you.

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>slapped on 50 lbs on a 6mo yolo bulk
>peaked at 255
>crushed first powerlifting meet
>move literally around the world
>can't lift/work/anything for a while bc medical reasons
>decide to cut weight because there's no sense being weak AND fat
>currently 235

I don't miss forcing myself to eat five pounds of beef and rice, PB&Js, and mince & cheese pies every day. I dont miss the hell it was on my digestive system. I don't miss feeling like a sausage in clothes that used to fit well. I don't miss having to leave work half way through the day because I split my pants. I don't miss carrying around all that extra weight. I don't miss being able to eat literally whatever I wanted if I had extra calories on the weekends. I don't miss the grocery bills. I don't miss the seemingly endless strength gains. I don't miss being out of breath after a long walk. I don't miss struggling to tie my shoes. I don't miss the way I looked in the mirror.

I miss the gym. I miss my friends.

Take me back bois.

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>Aspiring to be average

Unascended plebian slave morality

You're in the incipient vat of primordial goo when it comes to fit ascension

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Been going strong. Sore from working out last night. Tonight is abs and bent over row followed by an 8 mile walk. I'm going to have to order some heavier dumbbells. Might get a bench while I'm at it. It's been almost a month since I went on a walk besides short ones (I walk to run errands now in stead of driving). On Sunday I'm going to the grocery store for more chicken and veggies but I'm also going to buy a bag of chips. I'm really looking forward to those chips.

Tonight's menu is 1lb chicken breast, 1/2 cup rice (uncooked), mixed in with a 15oz can of pinto beans and some hot sauce.

>Don't have to swing my leg to stand from sitting
Just how fat were you, I'm obese and I've always been able to stand up/down without any efforts, walking is very easy but can be tiring if you walk multiple miles

Damn I miss lemonade.

385 pounds, probably not what you are imagining but it was just easier to stand up that way, my massive gut would get in the way and i would have to strain a bit to stand up normally. I never swung my leg in public though it would have been too obvious that I was a big fatty.

Not sure whatever I should be proud or not that I never went above 310 pounds

I'm curious, how are your hips compared your belly fat? My hips and thighs are enormous but my belly doesn't have as much fat in comparison

I blew out my knees from running and moved to a job where I was sitting down in stead of moving heavy things all day. I started drinking a lot but kept eating like I was when I was working out a lot. My metabolism got worse as I got older and next thing I know, I have two chins. I didn't notice that part until I shaved my beard.

>two chins
when you fold your neck skin or just straight neck?



Looking straight at the mirror.

ok serious question, why dont you faggot fast?

I hope you get better, that kind of double chin is not good looking

ok serious question, why dont you fuck off to /fast/?

Yeah it was a real shocker. It's going away but I still have a pouch under my chin.

this is your future fatty

I tried fasting and became an unhealthy mess. Ended up fainting in public once and in the shower. Could've put myself in danger, not worth it.

>not worth it.
not going to make it with that mentality, you just have to train yourself, if you even fast for 3 days you will make more than what you have done so far, fasting is unreal and becoming unhealthy its a lie if you dont follow the guides

My thighs and hips are pretty big, but I don't/didn't have much side overhang, it was all in the front, fupa was developing but only the inner thighs near the top was my fat accumulating, making my 6inch pen0r appear comically small. I do work construction so I did move around alot and had plenty of muscle in my legs/back/arms but all the excess fat seemed to primarily accumulate in my belly.

How about learning to diet properly instead of starving yourself, thus fixing the actual mentality and not wanting to binge :^)

I must not do enough. After a week of doing workouts, my legs and arms no longer feel sore despite increasing the intensity

Always sitting at 170~180 bpm and yet after 1 hour of work out, I recover in less than 5 minutes, do I need to increase this to 2 hours?

Soreness is no indicator of work being done, just of the muscle receiving a novel stimulus.

I should point out that it had been two weeks since I worked out. I don't really know much about lifting weights I just do what seems right in my head.

not a confession but I had a stressful day and I almost bought some fast food, ended up driving around for an hour to clear my mind before I went back home, you gave me strength to avoid my sinful ways, bless you father.

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Now after Christmas I'm at my heaviest weight in my life, 89kg/196lbs.

I feel helpless, I have lost and gained 30kg/66lbs over and over the last decade and now am so worn out.

Time to make a real change user. You'll keep ballooning if you don't make a difference with your life, not just your weight.

A human head and a guinea pig. Just started last Monday.

honestly, I think I was just ignorant to what I was putting in my body.
I'm not nearly as bad as some people, but I'm the heaviest I've ever been currently at 270lbs (6'1") and starting to count calories has been pivotal to getting on the right track.

I simply wasn't aware how badly I was actually eating and things just sort of creep up on you.
don't get me wrong, I knew I was eating poorly on some level, but the extent of it was were I was totally ignorant.

>just run

junk food + soda + constant sugary/fat food + lack of activity made me grow to 300lbs at 5'7
dropped soda, dropped junk food and everything else, only 30lbs lost in an entire year despite light activity.

the only positive so far is that I had the willpower to drop them, very happy about dropping soda, but I've not found that I am more energetic or feel any better than I used to, everything else just feel pointless so far

> had a footlong from subway before work
> 1440 calories in a single fucking meal

Gonna have to try harder tomorrow

is it not that simple?

i was the same when i got to 230. my wake up call was casually looking down in the shower and not easily seeing my penis

High five dude. What's your goal?

What are you doing that you were 300 lbs and only dropped 30 lbs in a year? That isn't a lot of loss for a larger dude, m8. Sorry it seems pointless


How do you lose excess skin, also is black coffee no sugar ok to drink?

I only got up to 236 but it was the antipsychotic medications that made me balloon to there from 190 when I started. Back down to 182 as of this morning. I'm going to beat these meds and be in even better shape than I was before I started.

Black coffee is great. Slightly increases metabolism and suppresses hunger. Just make sure it's black. No milk, sugar, syrup, or anything else.

can you explain why?

Who the FUCK else hitting a 800-1000 daily deficit?

glad you're coming back from that, brother


I had no idea pickles were so low calorie.
I'm gonna pick up some spicy pickles for a nice snack.

what are some other good foods that I can snack on?

i already run, it gives me 0 zero progress, just more oxygen to do actual exercise, i prefer to do bench presses or normal exercise, running is a meme

Thanks bud. I also started sarcosine supplements yesterday and I feel much better mentally. Between the weight loss going so well and finding the right combination of meds and supplements for my brain I haven't been this well mentally or physically in 8 years. We're all going to make it.

I think I could be, easily.
right now, my daily goal is 1850+exercise, mostly because I just started, but I've already realized that I can get away with 1500+exercise if I wanted to, which would end up being a nice big deficit.

I have an average deficit of 2118 cals / day since august. It's not that bad desu.

I'm getting about an 800 deficit daily. My TDEE is only about 1815 right now though, so I won't be able to keep it up to goal weight.

Why, if I eat like this every day, I do not happen to make it? Why? WHY?

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Tomorrow the holiday binging will end. I keep eating too much, saying that I need to eat it all up because I won't be eating it for several more months, but then I keep eating. The end begins tomorrow, and this time I mean it.

I fast every once in a while but Id rather stick to CICO, its worked for me so far so why fuck around with something else.


Why not start today?

>30lbs at 300lbs in a year
lmao really? you didnt drop enough faggot

why not just eat halo top?

sure thing tubby

just choose one of them

We're the best god damned runners on this planet son don't tell me it's a meme

Can’t stop me from drinking my calories, but thx for everything else OP.

The alcoholic gain goblin has a tight grip on me and he’s not letting go.