>wait so... you don't play any sports?

Attached: ahaha.jpg (666x375, 38K)

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I love how you mentioned all the sports you play

>I play esports.

Attached: 1547253633492.jpg (1536x2048, 318K)

Black-pill: Women don't give a fuck how you achieve your goals, just so long as you achieve them, whether that be your aesthetics situation, or financial situation.

are you fucking deaf bitch?

>he really doesn't

Attached: ooh.png (754x325, 270K)

I play pocket tennis

Is that Sneaky?

no way

Gymcels here don’t play sports because they simply suck at them. You develop all your coordination skills and abilities necessary for your respective sport when you’re really young(age 7 and below). Everyone here is past 18, too late in the game for them. There’s a reason why there’s never been an elite athlete who picked up their sport after puberty and became great at it

This is so wrong. I have relatively uncoordinated friends who picked up basketball in their 20s and improve every year.

any source on that?

I can't, I have a knee injury.
Please be a bit more considerate next time.


No, but I play CS. It's an esport, I'll show you if you come by my place.
You have a beautiful laugh.

Attached: darfeel.jpg (400x400, 16K)

Someone post him without the photoshop and good lighting


Got the age range a bit wrong, but still everything I said is right

I feel sorry for anyone that actually jerked it to this dude.

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Biggest pile of broscience shit I’ve ever read. Absolutely zero sources. It doesn’t take a genius to know training from child is beneficial

absolute trash tier trap. Sad!

i do football and futsal you thot

So it is all about angles after all.

Anybody else never really into team sports?

I did wrestling and track in high school instead and swimming my senior year. Now I climb and go to a BJJ/kick boxing gym. Only team sportish thing I like is paintball. Basketball I guess can be fun.

Whamyn agrees

Source: your ass.
Joel Embiid, an elite NBA player started playing basketball at age 15.

W-wait..isn't lifting a sport ?

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How is that a blackpill? Women like ambition (that pays off).

Are you me? Yea bro I was a top swimmer in my school, then transitioned into fighting sports and weightlifting, if I lose or win I wanna know it's because of me

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>mountain bike


Actually this is only semi correct, women only care about the confidence you gain from completing your goals, however small they may be.

What's a good sport to get into as a Jow Forumsizen?
Is boxing fun?

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