Does Jow Forums take any prescription medications?

Does Jow Forums take any prescription medications?

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Yes, be sure to take those meds every day.

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when did depression become an accessoire for girls?
If you really have it this shit it just wrecks your life like cancer.

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i've taken accutane in the past but that's it


Eat Clen, Tren Hard and Get Plenty of Test and you won't need drugs.

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Do not.
I took focalin for my adhd throughout middle and high school. My grades were great but it destroyed my social life. Now I’m in college finally learning how to communicate. My grades are shit but at least I can talk to human beings

Just medical marijuana. Not everyday and usually only at night like an hour or two before bed. Its the only thing that keeps me from drinking.

it's crazy that people normalize it these days, people joke about it and post memes about how they are so used to their depression coming back. but i bet the grand majority of them haven't lost a job, failed a class, ruined a relationship with a significant other or a family member, haven't really been through the depths of it. If you have really experienced depression you would know that it is no joking matter and normalizing it as a temporary state of existing for the sake of humour or relatability is retarded.

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just a daily reminder that if you were born cesarea, take meds and use glasses you shouldnt have born and your genes arent worth pased

Xanax, lexipro and abilify. I feel tired all day.

Kill me

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i basically wrote myself a medication for mary, not proud but its all that helps. I've managed to get through so much and work so much harder because of it.

Don't tell me you're one of those faggots who calls smoking weed "medicating"

no i dont really talk about it all

>taking meds


Does alcohol count because I drink everyday ahah

i'd rather just die desu.

albuterol for my asthma

I used to take anti-anxiety meds, but I swore off the pharmaceutical jew over a year ago. Shit was killing my sex drive and giving me gyno.

God no
SSRIs are the ultimate blue pill
While I do take propranolol occasionally (against performance anxiety), it's non prescription drug in my country

used to take zoloft and adderall
replaced them with lifting but lately ive been wondering if i need yo get back on the adderall
ive been having the problem of listening to people talk and focusing on absorbing what they say but never retaining the info
also been misplacing things a lot
plus it would help with the cut

Modafinil for "depression".
Xanax for panic attacks I don't have anymore.
Asthma/skin stuff because the nazi's didn't win the war and I am subhuman.

None I am clean cut, when I was younger they wanted to put me on adhd meds. My mom told them to fuck off , it was for the best one my good frinds take Adderall For adhd he so fucked. He does noting but play video games all day since high school, Has no job, almost never go out. Those meds fuck him up.


I've always refused to take medication and I'm doing just fine. I had a therapist try hard to push some on me for my anxiety, but I refused it and was able to overcome it without medication.


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Only ever taken prescription meds if I'm sick, though some antibiotics fuck my shit up.
Used to take Claritin and Flonase years ago for allergies/frequent sinus infections, but those are just OTC.
Openly refused anti-depressants at one point, and managed to get better mentally over time. Working out regularly greatly helped with that.

any sides?

yeah some libido / dick issues, but manageable with other supplements like zinc+arginine

undiagnosed sleep problem

Only antibiotics. I’m not taking those shitty addicting scripts (((they))) want you to take, being willing and eager to take prescriptions is a sign of personal weakness

Sumatriptan for migraines
That's it

Disgusting that Brave New World literally came true:

1) Everyone is addicted to "soma" a drug to "make you feel good" because they can't deal with life.
2) Having babies is considered bad.
3) People try to fuck the pain away with casual hookups with multiple partners.

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Damn user, sorry to hear that

12.5 aromasin on pin days brother

Just started Wellbutrin 2 days ago (mainly for anxiety but also high functioning depression.)
Anxiety is completely random, no triggers at all. As for the depression, well, half of Jow Forums has some degree of it I'd be willing to bet.
I also take clonazepam, just .5 milligram tablets on and off, for my anxiety. Seems to help, I don't really feel anything from them though, could be just kind of a placebo for me. Hasn't stopped my anxiety entirely hence why I'm trying an SNRI. Plus my depression I assume got so bad I'm suffering physically, mainly lack of libido and just a general feeling of restlessness. Feelsbad. But there are people who have it much much worse.

Yep. Inderal (beta blocker) and anti anxiety meds to stop panic attacks and a tranquiliser incase I do have one.


You fucking worthless psycho roastie

>test prop

I am one lean, mean, peen machine

>My grades are shit but at least I can talk to human beings
t.future burger flipper
but hey at least muh social life amirite ?

No, I avoid everything. I don't use "normal" shit like advil or caffeine either. Maybe a couple of times a year I'll have some caffeine or alchohol. I've found that caffeine is completely useless, it just makes it easier to stay awake.
I should probably get rid of sugar too, I'm way too addicted to it.

Weed. It's legal recreationally in my state but I actually have a prescription for insomnia, and that's all I use it for.

None. Antidepressants make me emotionally numb and benzos turn me into an asshole (and also wipe my memory for that week). Adhd drugs give me anxiety and anger, with inability to deep sleep. Narcotics make me into a onions nice guy.

The only drugs you should take is test and 5 servings of veggies/fruit a day. All your mental problems will go away if you just eat clean and avoid your allergies (that includes gluten, dairy, sugar, pufas, caffeine, alcohol).

and get 8hrs sleep opportunity per night

yes but only because i have a chronic genetic respiratory condition

Yes, "tegretol retard" it is called which I find amusing

fuck no. Depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc are a fucking meme.
No one had those 80 years ago, and their life was much harder.
Because they were doing shit with their lives.
Every fucking "depressed" faggot will just play vidya and binge watch TV series and movies all day long.
If you're unproductive, your mind stagnates.
Want to leave depression behind? Start doing meaningful shit.
Taking medication will only make things worse. It will fuck up your brain chemistry forever, and you'll be dependent on it.

They normalize it, because having negative traits makes you more accessible to others. It's a normie's way of appearing "interesting" to others.
Seriously, try to find a single person with "depression" or "anxiety" that has ANYTHING interesting to say about themselves.

Quite a few. None of them are actually perscribed though

Vyvanse, Zoloft and sometimes Xans.

you're an absolute idiot
im glad you were alive 80 years ago to know such critical information cause it means you'll be dying soon

don't even bother replying to this post you don't live in the same reality as everyone else; there's no point in trying to convince you of anything



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lots of this can be attributed to:

not moving enough
bad sleep quality

lots has changed in the past 100 years - widespread electric lightbulbs for example

>lightbulbs are the cause of bad sleep
no, cars are. There's constant noise in the cities, making your sleep really bad.


I'm taking otomize for an ear infection. I hate that I'm dependant on medication to function.

that too - sirens, cars, other assholes not sleeping. Central heating and insulation also keep your house a little too hot at night when your body is trying to shed 1C to sleep.

So yeah, 100 years ago for one people were probably sleeping better. There has been a lot of other probably related changes to increasing depression, anxiety, adhd etc diagnosises too

You can have real depression and still laugh at it. You can laugh at the bad and the evil.



Can that cause attention issues like that?I've been having problems with feeling tired all day despite 8 hrs of sleep, and my GF says I snore a lot so I'm thinking sleep apnea.

Why user?

i'm on risperdal, trazodone, seroquel, remeron, vistaril, depakote and abilify

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i keep trying to kill myself
i'm on suicide watch. i have to see my counselor every week or they will send the sheriff to my house lol

depression was a thing in ancient greek. whats why the dumbest most inbecile autists talking the loudest?

i have an abilifly antipshycotic depot injection every 4 week

>depression was a thing in ancient greek

You have no sense of humor.

Whats funny about taking that med...

Either bait or you’re dull.

None. Fuck meds, I won't take them unless it's a life or death situation.

Neither of the two. I have AIH, why you being a cunt?

Not to throw out some low-tier Sean Hannity rant, but it's unironically part of the oppression olympics. Having depression allows them to have a reason why something is going wrong in their life. It's especially handy for when the bad outcomes are caused by their own decisions, because then it can be cyclical (I'm depressed so I didn't do this, which caused this bad thing to happen so now I'm more depressed). In reality, they just conflate the typical malaise of life with this overwhelming mental illness because webmd said it's a symptom.

It's the same issue with trans people. In an attempt to ally and support a massive sweeping minority, the media coverage and community involvement have fucked it up the point where shit loads of people who otherwise go about their normal day as before say they want to start hrt.

They don't know what it's like to almost disappear for a week, only to have their soul crushed as they call their mom from a psych ward phone to say they attempted suicide. They don't know what it's like to have their closest friends move onto greener pastures because they don't want to be around if you actually kill yourself. They don't know what it's like to stop everything in it's tracks for a year to try and undo the damage done overtime.

To them it's just a pin they can get at Hot Topic to put on their backpack next to their Fallout Boy pin

kys faggot

Based and realitypilled
Cringe and pussypilled

Olanzipine and Sertraline

I just started modafinil. It's awesome if you work swing shifts. Much less of a jittery feeling compared with amphetamines.

literally for faggots. I went on their web site when we were studying antiretrovirals in nursing school. The homoerotic photos made me uncomfortable

i take lorazepam for the ocasional sleep problems



*clears throat*



Thanks you

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Absolutely nothing, not even food.

Depression does not exist. The only two nemesis on this planet are boredom and pain.

Based. If we wanted to scientifically group "weak willed pussy ass faggots" together we'd give them tests for depression and anxiety.

I'll admit that some of the memes are very relatable which makes me think that they're not pretending

Depression is a very general illness. That's why people conflate rough moments with it. And with the large amount of people on the internet, stories can basically be copypasta'd

I took Prozac for like 6 months to help with suicidal thoughts. Quit cold turkey and have been fine since then.

I hate these memes because when I was actually depressed and wanted to kill myself with a side of mental breakdowns daily, I would ask for help and shit but no one took it seriously and just thought I wasn’t serious or joking.
Now that I’m not depressed, the memes are really cringey and unfunny

Pic related

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Only the dodgy valium my dealer sells me desu.

I take humalog insulin because I have T1 diabetes

The way you started out, I thought this was going to be another "depression doesn't exist" post. Sorry you've gone through all that, hope things get better going forward.

It annoys me so much, not only because I feel that most of them are just idiots being duped into enriching pharmacists over minor symptoms, but they and their annoying "omg this is so me" sense of humor have colonized all the websites and communities where conversations about mental illness were supposed to be held.

If you have Social Anxiety for example, you'll feel alienated twice: once when that shit ruins your life, and then when you try to find people with similar struggles online to ask for advice, and all you'll see are threads where some dumb chick complains that she feels lonely when she's out with her friends.

I hate it. These dumb broads know they're not mentally ill, they're essentially just buying a personality trait and something to help with their exams.

i just googled abilifly bodybuilding
what the fuck is this lol

Why are you such a joyless puckered asshole?