Is Henry cavill the most fittest man alive?

Is Henry cavill the most fittest man alive?

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How can some people be so handsome
I swear it's not fair, we've been doing this sexual selection thing at intense levels since civilizations popped up, why are there still ugly people around reee

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>gyno on that one kid

This can’t be real.

Rich men are to blame.

Einsteins theory discusses this.

It's called the theory of relativity.

You haven't seen the news?

>most fittest
Is OP the most dumbest man alive?

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Because it’s whats on the inside that counts

>we've been doing this sexual selection thing at intense levels since civilizations popped up, why are there still ugly people around

One word. Alcohol.

*most dumbest

Would do anything to look like guy in pic related. He's beautiful.

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Because sometimes products of selective breeding decide that they're gay, thus ending hundreds of years of effort.
Also, are you with Bene Gesserit?

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Most dumb* moreon


im disgusted by them letting that dog next to the food

>American who wears shoes in the house covered in shit

Literally the best skull shape on the planet and it's not even close

yeah, he looks like a god. its such a shame about the hair though. i mean it looks fine when he's all done up for some event, but in the op pic it just looks like shit.

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lol at that chicks gyno on the right

hes dead retard

>Henry Cavill
>looking like shit
>due to hair
user, I'm not saying you're delusional, but you're complete, utterly, buttfucking turboretarded.

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how do you just
put your hands there

2 > 4 > 3 > 1

Alpha male

>reading comprehension
his hair look like shit *when its not done up*
alos, he's a manlet, but aside from those two minor things, his face is perfection

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I would never cheat on my daughterwife.

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>doesn't even hover hand
chad and cunnypilled desu