Doesn't bulk up khacapuri and khinkali

>doesn't bulk up khacapuri and khinkali

it's like you don't want to make it

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Because I don't need obscure shit to bulk up. I eat potatoes and fish/meat. Get the hell out with your shit skin food.

uncultured swine

Great. Now remove the unnecessary carbs.

Is that georgian user that lives in Netherlands?

You shouldn't ferment pork


go eat dogs chink

Saw you in cbt month ago ,we discussed about georgian food back then lol

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No wonder why every man (except the Bassiani fag types) is jacked in Tbillisi.

yes, i remember you, how are you. My nephew brought some sulguni and fresh red tgemali

You gotta be kidding me lol i grew up in tbilisi and unhealthy lifestyle is very promoted when i go out with friends always see 12-13 year olds asking for cigarettes,dont know how bad it is in other countries though
Thanks im good,try and toast sulguni between two slices of bread ,add butter ,cheese gets kinda elastic and its really nice,can you find that kind of cheese in Netherlands though?

Waar kan je Georgisch eten makker.

georgian cheese here, no. Even when i went to the Georgian restaurant the dude was using the cheese found in the Netherlands. Sulguni is pretty good but i really love the tkemlali, slice some sausages and dip it in there hmmm.

Thats probably true, but i was talking about older generations. Take and an average 25-35 year old Georgian and 25-35 year old German lets say and match them in arm wrestling. Georgian wins most of the time lol :D

Twee plekken in Nederland zo ver ik weet, eentje in Amsterdam, het heeft alleen adjaruli khacapuri (wat je ziet in mijn OP) als khacapuri, ze zijn heel erg lekker. Kost rond de 12.50, en khinkali is rond een euro per stuk.

En één in Den-Haag, weet niet hoe het daar is dacht een stuk groter.
blijkt dat er véél meer keuzes zijn.

Georgian food is fatty, mainly because fatty food just fills you. Georgian national dishes are not crazy healthy but do make you go up in size.

U live in ukraine op ?

read thread

Oh yeah it goes with pretty much everything that has meat in it lol
Yeah probably cause older generations have seen a lot of shit there was civil war in 90's and country was in chaos at the end of century

Gebaseerd, ik zal wat mensen vragen of ze mee willen naar die in Den Haag.

>be Georgian
>just eat bread and cheese 90% of the time
>spend entire life in a drunken stupor to make it bearable
>constantly make toasts to make that acceptable

Attached: 170518122531-joke-thumb-2-large-169.jpg (460x259, 18K)

>be russian
>die for oil

sure, have fun there.


townis bread is fucking delicious i don't blame them


Georgians like to drink wine usually at supra (toasts) not drink themselves to death like russians though

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Thats not true lol, food is very cheap but salaries are small too,food is not a problem here.Drinking and saying toasts are part of georgian culture but yeah we overdo drinking part and get shitfaced mostly.

alot georgians are fat fucks what are you talking about? what a waste of autistic caucasus genes. sounds like you never ever been there

how good are georgians at csgo? on par with cykas?

its like once you get job in georgia you get fat theres no other way around you can rarely see teens that are fat.i blame that fatness to bread in our diet.
csgo is dead in georgia

georgia has a population of like 3.5 million doubt it has any good ''gamers''

If only I could...
Based and caucasuspilled anyway

What's popular in Georgia?

COMBAT ARMS. saw fuckton of georgians back in the day or crossfire

I am genetic trash and I presumably have some kind of gluten sensitivity that aggrivates my fucking shitty psoriasis.
But yeah I used to love fucking хинкaли
