I don't even fucking know anymore

I don't even fucking know anymore.

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yeah but can I substitute barbell for that?

She's humble bragging. Women are going to hate the new society they are creating. They literally need male validation to survive, and any of them who deny this are full of shit. Women have no idea what they want and were unironically more happy when they were just used to pump out kids.

I finally figured out how to shut up your female friends who go "Just talk to her user tee hee!"
I asked them how many unsolicited approaches from strange men were positive, comfortable experiences for them. Shut them up forever.

She's right in a way, though. Asking a girl for her number should only come after SOME conversation of some kind.

You have to establish some social rapport first.

>hurr durr what's your number pritty gurl i never spoke to before

Fucking losers.

it looks like shes joking dude calm down before you blow a gasket with your incel rage lmao

For the woman? Easily.

She isn't joking.

>live life on the defense
>TSA agent
you just know that he was a brotha. racist cracker bitch should be raped.

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She wasn't joking. She makes feminist/pc comments like this all the time.

You're wrong on multiple accounts, but I can't be fucked to explain it. How do you expect me to get a date except by asking a girl for her number when we meet? All my coworkers are male, all my friends are male, and I don't do shit like going to bars or clubs. All my free time is spent doing shit on my own or going out with friends.

Prove it.

>hurr durr guys it was just a joke
>lmao incels

post body

Ah, the cry of the incel. Maybe if you weren't a repulsive creep, women would approach you. But go ahead, blame the world for you being an unattractive loser XD

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I’d have to phrase it differently since some of my female friends seriously benefit from the attention and totally get guys that way; they handle the ones they don’t want by not doing anything with them.
But then, I have a girlfriend so this conversation would never come up.

crtl+f brie larson

what are some repulsive creep behaviors of note, user? I need to know what not to do.

This woman is toxic as fuck. I actually thought captain marvel looked entertaining ( i know ) until i learned about her shitty fucking personality. Completely ruined it for me.

Her entire life she'll be "on the defensive" because she's an angry, bitter woman with no optimism towards the naturally loving nature of men. Fuck her.

must suck being ugly lmao

Browse Jow Forums

Uh oh.

Maybe if you weren't such a repulsive creep women wouldn't be offended when you approach them. But go ahead, blame the world for you being an unattractive loser XD

This is why you are involuntarily celibate.

Being a manlet, ugly, poor, generally not being chad

Brie you're a 4/10 at best right now. Just wait until the wall is completely done with you and you're a sagging wrinkled old hag and no one will hit on you ever again. Your disgusting exterior will finally match the interior you reprehensible wretch. Kys as soon as possible

Top tier trolling

Because I make an effort to approach women? I'm not celibate btw, because regardless of what you cockless retards think women actually enjoy being asked out by men. Even if they reject him it boosts their ego, so it's a net positive experience for them. But hey, maybe I'm wrong and you're just a 10/10 6'5" giga-chad that's constantly hounded by thots.


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dude must have been having a hell of a dry spell

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You aren't fooling anyone. Especially not with this "it's good that I get turned down" retardation.

She's passable for an average chick. Like you'd approach her at a bar or consider a relationship if she wasn't a cunt but she's no great beauty.

Based and Niggerpilled

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You're baiting, an incel, cuck, or just a brainlet. As far as I can tell they're all equally possible. Either way you need to work on your reading comprehension.

>"Why don't guys approach me in public?"
>"Why do I get hit on by creepy weird dudes at any social event?"
>"Why can't I find a hot guy to talk to me?"
>"I smiled at him and kept looking at him but he didn't make a move or even come say hi."

You don't approach at social events because it's creepy.
You don't approach cold on the street because it's creepy.

You guys getting butthurt and defending her really don't understand the irony of the situation

I just let out a real loud fart after reading that

Women are a meme

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