Can someone explain the keto diet to an obese fat fuck like myself?

can someone explain the keto diet to an obese fat fuck like myself?

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you stop eating your body taps into its fat reserves and you lose the weight without any of the negative effects
go watch Snake Diet videos

The basic idea is that your body starts burning fat for energy (from food, not from your fat ass) when deprived of carbs. So you can eat lots of fatty foods, but basically 0 carbs, and function day to day.

Most people lose weight on keto because eliminating carbs also eliminates 90% of the junk food they gorge themselves on daily. In the end it's still calories-in-calories-out.

Eat less than 30g of carbs a day. Ideally just eat nothing with carbs if possible.

Your body will then change the way it produces energy to a method called ketosis. This basically means your fat reserves are directly taken for energy production as there is no source of glucose.

You will likely feel like dogshit for the first few days/week of the diet, but it gets easier.

Don't become a keto preacher tho, those guys are fucking annoying and think keto is the cure to all the world's ills.

It isn't the best way to diet healthily, but it is certainly one of the easiest to stick to for rapid weight loss.

Also it means you can eat lots of bacon, eggs, cheese and meats. Dont eat too much of course, you can still technically gain weight eating a keto diet, you still have to restrict calories.

fatty beef and vegetables. eat once or twice a day. use iodized light salt. drink only water (or caffeine-free tea). eggs and fish are okay too.

Carbs are your main source energy, but we consume so many carbs without burning it off that it becomes stored in the body as fat.

Keto diet reduces or eliminates the consumption of carbs, forcing the body to find an alternate source of energy. Your liver releases ketones in the blood to use the fat as an energy source to feed your brain and body. Preferable diets are high in fat and medium in protein with extremely low carbs.
Fasting is probably the fastest way to enter into ketosis imo

>Carbs are your main source energy, but we consume so many carbs without burning it off that it becomes stored in the body as fat.
we don't typically store glucose as body fat. we store dietary fat.

Go to publix and get some ny strip steaks, theyre on sale.
Cook to medium, consume about 1lb of steak.
Do that for 1 month straight and u will lose weight. Dont eat any sugar or carbs.

Your body normally burns carbs to create energy for doing shit. When there’s not enough carbs, it enters a state where it begins burning your fat instead. So with the keto diet, you’re able to eat lots of things that are generally considered unhealthy like bacon, butter, milk cheese and other by fats. As long as you consume little sugar and little carbs.

Lifting weights and doing cardio combined with keto diet can help you lose weight and look better while still being able to eat some bacon and cheese and cheeseburgers with out the bun. Tasty foods!

Can’t you drink milk on the keto diet?

Don't. Be 17 day diet masterrace.
>The fuck is 17 day
It's eating healthy for periods of 17 days slowly adding more and more until you're less fucking fat and have a metabolism.

Why is it so hard for you fat fucks to understand all you have to do to lose weight is eat less?

As I understand it:
>imagine your body’s metabolic process as a fire
>carbs are like gasoline – they burn hot and bright, giving you quick and easy energy, then leave as quickly as they came
>fats are like logs - they burn slow, but consistently and for long periods of time
>when your body wants energy, it first looks at the contents of your digestion-related organs (stomach/intestines)
>carbs are its preferred source because they’re easiest to digest and give the quickest return on energy
>your body naturally treats fat as its backup fuel source; storing it and consuming it when its normal fuel sources are not found
>Keto works by starving your body of its easy fuel source (carbs) forcing it to switch over to constantly burning the slow, constant fuel (fats).
>this trains your body’s metabolism to be working constantly, rather than spiking around mealtimes when it gets the easy fuel
>this state is known as “Ketosis” - when your body is using fat as its primary fuel source and consuming your stored up fats 24/7
Part of why it pairs so well with OMAD is because once you get yourself off the cycle of energy spikes from meals, you stop being hungry. Just do one large meal with lots of proteins/fats and you’re good for the next day, since your body burns that off slowly over the next 24 hours.

Personally I’m skeptical about the nature of “ketosis”, but the diet is consistent with CICO and I lost at least 30 pounds on it myself by basically eating nothing but cheese, meat, eggs, and certain dairy products for a few months.
If nothing else, cutting out carbs was a major benefit. Only thing I really missed was bread, pasta, milk, and ice cream. Stopped craving all the terrible sugary stuff like soda almost instantly.

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Don eadt krabohydrade


fats are more filling than carbs, so you feel satisfied for longer and eat less. Thats one of the reasons it works for people, theres a lot of other stuff to it but thats the most basic principle.

Say you’re 187 lb and 6’1 and lifting weights. Is there any benefits doing keto? Or is the diet only for fattys?

In ketosis your body lacks blood glucose to produce ATP and derivative ADP. As a panic response it taps into adipocyte cells and converts the fat reserves into ketone derivatives. It can then use ketones to produce ATP. A large negative associated with this process is that acetone is one of the ketones produced and if you're in ketosis for too long it can end up damaging your blood vessels due to corrosion.

Attached: 800px-Ketone_bodies.png (800x1511, 55K)

Milk has sugar and carbs, but you can eat cream and cheese and (greek) yogurt. I dunno about lactose free milkies or raw milkies tho.

So what is carnivore then?

Eating carbs increases insulin (insulin helps shove energy and nutrients into cells).

Eating fat will lower your insulin and improve fat ability to be used.

Initially you will lose lots of weights on keto (through water weight) so it's positive reinforcement for people to stick to.

You will feel less hunger and more steady because running on fat does that to you.

Fat fucks love eating greasy food so it's an easy diet to adhere to.


Instead of excersize, you cut carbs out completely. It's not like you need the energy anyways because you're a lazy fuck