Just joined a gym. I was in a gym back 10-20 years ago. Got my wife and I a family pass. I need to drop the weight...

Just joined a gym. I was in a gym back 10-20 years ago. Got my wife and I a family pass. I need to drop the weight. Wife cooks too good (pic related), put on an embarrassingly huge amount of weight after getting married. Can some one give me a quick run down of good practices for a new gym. Tomorrow after work will be my first day. Thanks anons

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>wife cooks too good
>just piles on mountains of a slop o shit
You're both easily impressed and a glutton.

dont eat bread and sweets.

>january gym clogger


By wife you mean prison wife yeah cause that shit looks like prison food

What is that yellow shit on the right?

that looks pretty good desu

Imagine getting married and coming back to these mounds of diarrhea on your plate after your first day at work

Same fag
Anyone have the wifebeater pasta from /ck/?

Don't listen to these fags, user
You have a wife and she cooks for you
You already life mogged 99% of all the people here

>Can some one give me a quick run down of good practices for a new gym. Tomorrow after work will be my first day. Thanks anons
Read the sticky, find a program, read up on "calories in vs calories out". You gain weight because you eat too much. Search intermittent fasting. You are gaining weight because you are eating more calories than it needs and is storing the excess calories as fat. Basically you just need to eat less to lose weight.

I recommend either PPL (push pull legs) or SS (starting strength) routines.

Cringe white night poster. This isn't R9K

based and wholesomepilled

Excercise wont help you lose weight, cut the carbs

Keto and intermittent fasting for 5 months at a 250 calorie deficit from your TDEE (use Google for calculator)

While doing this do higher rep(12-15 reps) compound lifts (bench, squat, deadlift, Overhead press, row)

Then after 5 months increase carbs and eat at maintenance and do a 5v5 on your compound lifts at heavy weight

Do this until winter then bulk at 250 calories above TDEE and do hypertrophy work (Google it but basically medium rep medium weight until failure on some sets)....then repeat process next year but maybe shorten cut by a month next year

These two posts are the only thing thats worth anything.

Figure out what you want. Strength, size, to stay in shape, etc and look up routines that are for your goals. Don't be afraid to ask somebody at the gym for a spot or advice, but take their pointers with a grain of salt. Remember us after you realize we don't know shit and never come back.


>Cooks good shit
>Just butter and oil
Tell her to learn how to cook properly.

Dont give up because you dont see immediate results. Dont do a meme program like starting strength

calories in calories out
use an online calculator [literally google] to determine how many calories you need to just simply exist and maintain your weight, then eat 500 less than that
low carbs, big protein. dont feel like thats the end all be all though, you dont have to totally completely cut carbs, just be smart with them
protein shakes are your best friend
do Stronglifts 5x5 for your first few weeks to get you in the mojo, then find a better program to switch to. I recommend starting strength if you want to just build practical strength up, if you want to get some good aesthetics and have more accessory exercises I recommend ice cream fitness
kindly ask your wife to make you more proteins, ie meat and eggs, and cook a lot less things like potatoes or that delicious looking baked mac and cheese.
if you have a problem of protein shakes not being 'tasty' enough for you, I recommend something like this
-1 cup whole milk
-~1/2 cup unflavored greek yogurt
-1 banana
-1-2 scoops of your preferred flavor of protein powder [cookies and cream is godlike], depending on if it's a lifting day or not
also be prepared to not be able to go back to the gym for a minimum of 2 days after your first day. your body's going to be incredibly sore and it'll hurt to walk or use your arms. it goes away with rest
USE. GOOD. FORM. Watch how to do your lifts on youtube, the Art of Manliness did a bunch of videos with Mark Rippetoe, those are fantastic if not longwinded
Scott Herman is fantastic too
go easy on yourself, dont feel like you have to hit your 1 rep max day one. youre going to seriously hurt yourself
don't be afraid to just start with the bar and nothing on it
beautiful video for motivation.
Good luck, fellow fatanon

keep eating the same thing but in smaller amounts how hard it is to do that boomertard?

Your diet will be the deciding factor if you make it or fail.
Input your data over at tdeecalculator.net and you'll get a pretty accurate estimate for how much you should be eating during the day.
Then use myfitnesspal.com to track what you eat.

Do NOT fuck this part up! You spend on average 4% of a day at the gym, but 2-3 times that preparing and eating during a day.

Remember to get at least 7 hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep. Preferably in a dark and cool room.

Stay consistent with your program. Trust in the process! Weigh yourself every morning after you've taken a piss. Log it in a spreadsheet.

Those closest to you will try to discourage you. Fuck 'em. Your wife will likely fall behind because women lack the drive to better themselves. Ignore her. Do not let her drag you down!

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Your wife is a good woman. Just seeing that pic of food she made reminds me of home. You're really lucky, OP.