Is it true that you gain less muscle when higher %bf on a bulk or is it a meme made by skinny twinks?

Is it true that you gain less muscle when higher %bf on a bulk or is it a meme made by skinny twinks?

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I hope this biggest nigger in prison sissifies you

Qhat a stupid question post that girls vagina u fag

Yes to some degree.

It probably isn't massive, and certainly shouldn't be the primary reason for dropping bodyfat (the primary reason should be because dropping bodyfat is healthy and makes you look better)

She is ugly as shit now

This bitch's body looks the same as my 13 year old sisters'. If you like this you're a fucking pedo. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Her face is fucking ugly. I'd literally rather fuck my sister.

That seems contradicting when you rationalize it. Shouldn't having higher body fat make your body less prone to muscle catabolism, since your body has an excess supply of energy to use? IIRC, the main reason why your body breaks down muscle in the first place is because it's high-maintenance and requires a lot of energy to sustain. Why are bloats so strong?

To add onto this, I've always heard that fat people build muscle easier, and are able to "build muscle while losing weight." That seems highly contradictory with this research

im going to be fantasizing about a threesome with and your sister tonight

having lots of body fat 1. increases aromatization of test into estrogen and 2. creates a snowball effect, so eating at a surplus when above ~20% bf makes you fatter at extraordinary rates.

What the fuck is this broscience


maybe fat people don't build more muscle, just that you build more muscle if you get fat at the same time? Like going from thin&weak to fat&strong is more effective than from fat&weak.

That comes more from that any beginner with very little muscle can gain muscle without a surplus, because the body is so lacking in it and so ready to gain some muscle to help itself out.
But above that bare minimum, the body doesn't desperately want to add muscle, so in a calorie deficit it won't prioritize it.

It's well known that being leaner increase test to estrogen ratio because bodyfat is where much of the male's estrogen is created.
So more bodyfat = more estrogen = higher proportion of calorie surplus going to bodyfat storage.

There's plenty of studies to show these things if you want to google it.


just google it, faggot.

I’m gonna be “fantasizing” (wink wink nudge nudge) about finding out where you live and shootinh up your family during dinner

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these flat ass white girls and their pinky cheating

You were the moron who said your sister was that hot, what did you expect?

Less fat on a girl = more masculine. So these guys are not only pedos but also gay.

what's her name though

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its true. There is this enzyme that turns test into estrogen. The higher the body fat, the more this enzyme works. In other words, the fatter you get, the hole you are in gets deeper and deeper.

He isn't saying that your body will catabolize muscle as you get higher bf%, he is asking if someone with a higher bf% will put on a greater ratio of fat:muscle than someone who is leaner. I don't know if that's the case but the idea is that fat tissue is also 'alive' and reauires some energy, albeit a small amount to be sustained, then when bulking more of the excess energy is allocated to keeping your fat stores 'alive' as well as your muscle tissue. Therefore the ratio of fat gain:muscle gain is skewed towards fat gain a little bit.

Him or joking, yet neither of the two am I

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to an extent, recomping isnt a meme though as long as you're getting stronger and building more reps then you're building muscle

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