Personal Trainers

>be me
>go to gym at a time when it’s not busy
>always 2-3 personal trainers working with someone
>they always have their client on some bullshit circuit shit
>have to constantly ask to work in despite the gym being practically empty because they are using 3+ machines at once.

Why do personal trainers seem to love circuits so damn much? They do them when they are just working out for themselves too. Just curious, cuz for some reason this really annoys me.

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God I wish my gym was as empty as OP's pic

Just around 10-11 am, or 2-4 pm. Guaranteed to be empty unless a lot of retired folks go to that gym

A few reasons
People are way less likely to fuck themselves doing lat pulldowns than clean and jerk
PTs do a 3 month course max in the vast majority of cases. They dont know how to do fucking compound movements
>their target market is normies
Clients are unlikely to come back after mad doms because they're pussies

>weights left everywhere
i see that your gym is infected with shitskins

>3 months.
6 months for me. And I'm required to constantly pursue new credit courses and seminars and what have yous. And the jobs are so competitive I had to double up and get certified as a health coach just to find work.

You aren't entirely wrong. I would be much less qualified to train anyone if I didn't study way above and beyond what's required, bit the whole thing does take a bit more effort than you think. That is, unless you're a woman. Female PTs just have to not be fat.

i have only shitposted here and lifted by myself for 4 years and i guarantee that i know more than every pt at the gyms i've gone to. i see every pt have fat normies doing complete bullshit machine work--you don't need to isolate biceps using a machine if you're fat, that does nothing at all and is actually counterproductive

thats what you get for fucking 25 a month

same here (pic related)

i am convinced that certain stores and restaurants charge higher prices for the same product for the simple purpose of keeping niggers from going there. i'd gladly pay an extra $5 for my meal or whatever if it meant there's fewer niggers around

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Ok, but why they gotta be doing circuits? Only reasoning I can come up with is they are trying to keep them moving constantly for heart rate and persona. Probably look bad if a PT was like ok now just sit there for 1 minute and do it again, when they are idealized to be pushing their clients hard.

>all those scattered weights
the horror

You're probably right but in fairness you don't know that client's goals or preexisting health issues. That fat guy could have chronic back pain and such a weak core that even standing too long hurts him unbearably, (let alone even the mildest core isolations, which are a necessity before compounds for safety and liability reasons) so at this stage in their program the PT is just trying to make him burn fat by building some muscle in the places that can handle high volume before then progressing toward more optimal programming within the limits that pain allows. Or he could have just said to the PT "Train me so I get big arms".

It's true that a PT has to go beyond his curriculum to study compounds and strength programming. But that doesn't mean they're all retards. It means statistical sciences are ambiguous and the industry is slowly catching up with empirical data. The PT understands adaptation physiology, energy metabolism, some basic nutrition, postural deviations, compensatory movements, and a lot of risks to be avoided by overeager training. That's the "bare minimum" with which a certification program will provide you. Beyond that they could focus on martial arts, yoga, gymnastics, strength, marathons. Not everyone has the same goals or obstacles and like any other field of healthcare its all very specialized.

just because the price is cheap it doesn't mean that one have to act like a retarded braindead idiot.

or do you want to say that shitskins have no social behaviour?

>people leaving shit everywhere

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>3+ machines at once.
How important are machines to your workout desu?

There could be any number of reasons. Maybe the impact of cardio is too hard on the guys knees and the bike seat huets his fat ass so rather than optimal strength programming its best to just keep him moving. Noob gains don't require perfect programming. When a client so fat that mobility is an issue the best thing is to get them thin enough to work their core without hurting themselves, that way they can squat without their spine being supported by lard.

the clients are "busy" and have the feeling they are doing something.
3x12 bench press with 1-2 minutes pause is not as impressive as a circle routine busy every second.

Look, for most people it is not about getting something done but having the FEELING to think they have got something done.
The real outcome is not important.
You seel feelings and emotions, a PT is the same as a business man.

Pretty much

*You sell feelings

I fucking hate 24 hour fitness. Went there for years and the gyms always looked like this. So annoying having to spend 10 minutes walking around the entire gym looking for weights because everyone is too much of a lazy piece of shit to put them back, and the employees don't do their jobs right.

Started going to UFC Gym and its based, never see this shit. Ever. Everyone (usually) puts their weights back and if they don't I always see employees going around and putting them back.

I had some talks with a guy at a McFit.
If you warn everyone acting like an asshole not reracking stuff and kick them out after the 2nd/3rd warning.
You will have a shitton of paying customers less.
The few who are still there are happier but they won't pay more.

The only way to counter such shit is when you open a new gym and fuck up everyone from the first second and not once allow that.
As soon as it weights scattered around everyone is common it's over.

Well I meant cables, lat pull downs and rows. Leg days I use machines after compounds. And I don’t use 3+ machines, they are on the circuit.

What you guys think about etiquette when someones using something you need next and are doing these bullshit circuits. Still ask to work in right?

Pretty sure that's the gym I go to OP. Where is it located?

Piss on the machine you need. Assert your dominance. The gym owner will respect you and let you take priority.

Lol noted

Not my gym, google image. My gyms actually really enjoyable. Not corporate and rarely see weights left out and during every workout I see employs organizing weights.

Biggest problem are PTs training thots or thot PTs training fat boomers.
You're not here to flirt, you're here to work, you fucks. You've been lying on the bench for 10 minutes and you haven't lifted anything but his dick.

A PT I saw for £30 a session had 25k spent on his fitness training knowledge (seminars etc.), had done a seminar with a guy who can squat 3.6x his bodyweight, 25 years lifting experience.

Cool stuff. When I was a skele I got him to show me how to do some of the movements, spent £150 in total. Will probably go back soon when I feel like I've gotten the hang of most of the compound movements & want to start doing barbell squats/deadlifts.

Not all PTs are noobs.

Not the guy you replied to just wanted to say you actually seem like you know what you're talking about

>pt asks me what i want from mg time at the gym
>"do you want decent changes in a relatively short time or do you want to get fucking ripped but with investing a lot more time"
>"the second one obviously"
>he stands up and shakes my hand saying "wow dude, you are literally the first one that answered correctly in along time"
Do people really just go to the gym 2 months and quit?

if they're working w a client for just a 30-45 minute session or w/e they have to do circuits/supersets to get a 'full' workout in in the limited time

Two of my friends got a membership to my gym last July, 1st friend went 3 times and quit second friend went 2 times and quit

>hiring a PT
Never gonna make it

What's wrong with hiring someone who has 25 years of lifting experience to watch your form on heavy compounds when you're first starting out?

What do you want me to just watch youtube videos or something?

I've spoken to a couple of PTs and they say that 95% of people in the gym have terrible form. A lot of people lower too quickly and shred their knees.

Jesus, that's like three years worth of unlimited gym visits + sauna right there.

It was just for the first few months dude chill
I'm almost 8 months in now

It's also invaluable gym knowledge. I also eat off of £3/4 a day. You can find money in places it's not too difficult, just cut back on drinking for a bit.

I don't understand what your point is? If spending £150 drastically reduces my chances of injuring myself in the future then I'm all for it.