Quality moggs, post em

Quality moggs, post em

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They look like siblings kek

Attached: 1ewdzs.jpg (399x385, 44K)

god fucking damnit haha

Now put a full grown, non gymcelling 6'2 male next to them. Those midgets will look always look children no matter how much they lift.

What is it with midgets obsessing over muscles?

Connor is natty though, isn't he? And Jon is openly on roids.

Attached: Calum Von MOGGED.jpg (700x933, 107K)

Attached: brutal-mogg.webm (640x640, 2.97M)

Well, i guess anyone can be mogged these days

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Lmao no. Connor went through a period of looking like shit and it's clear that he stopped roids then. He also is balding at 20 something. You don't have to look like a greek god to be roiding. In actuality, most roiders look like natties.

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receded chin ain't mogging anything

pretty much yeah

Attached: e6lWAUH.jpg (572x960, 44K)

I want her to mog me and call me a faggot

Idk, take a click

Attached: 1537322235476.webm (460x258, 489K)

Look at these fucking gayliens

Me in the back

What an ogre this dude on the right must be

Looks like a mix of Shrek and Jaime Lannister

Tbf they're standing in a shadow

how much weight is this?

Somewhere around 300lbs i think

Nevermind I'm retarded

I've never seen this guy do anything except stand next to people.

Whites and blacks BTFO

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Looks just over 350

>natty lifting
Why even bother?

It’s 270lbs

is she mogging her own knees?

Always gets me. No matter how wide you are, you always get mogged by taller person.

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Keep in mind that betadestiny wears massive lifts in his shoes

Jesus Christ an absolute mega-mob

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Id rather be piana’s height, he was like 6’1 while that other freak looks like he’s 7 foot

That nigger manlet needs to shave his fucking beard and stop cutting his own hair.

name? how do i reverse search webms

Attached: jimmiepall.jpg (640x625, 94K)

disagree, it becomes a disadvantage after you are ~2 stddevs above the mean. 6'4"-6'6" is better than 6'7"+. A 8' deformed giant doesn't mog a 6'5" Chad

holy shit, the media left strikes again

>implying you can't be chat while being 7 feet tall

Attached: Olivier-Richters.03.jpg (850x850, 155K)

red plates: 55lb*4 = 220
+green plates: 25lb*4 = 320
bar: 45lb = 365lbs

plus some change

You sure you didn't mean 370lbs?

Snap city here i come

Becuse he only trains for muh lookz

Dont post animals please

Not even the same species

god damn that's the most brutal yet


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what the FUCK is that haircut on manlet?

holy fuck bros, we've finally found him

Attached: HugoClap[1].gif (202x157, 105K)

It's called "the Dr. Zaius"

Attached: dr zaius.jpg (246x244, 19K)

this is what garbage genetics look like

there is no cheating your genetics; there is a very real reason these people never played or excelled at sports/athletics. No amount of gymcelling will change this

Holy shit what is she doing up on that stage

Attached: boeing 747 mogged.jpg (1200x824, 178K)

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Who cares about athletics it’s about putting food on your table

Swedish politics

Attached: mob to a king.png (578x2530, 1.91M)

Tbf Putin mogs anyone

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Attached: The Power of the White Man.jpg (660x330, 81K)

>Mogs all of /fit just walking down the street

Attached: Power of the White Man.gif (400x373, 2.54M)

>when you get bullied by the person you bullied
the ultimate mog

>when a political cartoon from a fascist nation across the world predicts what it looks like when you two are in the same room

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well done

Attached: 6'0 vs 5'11.jpg (1024x675, 200K)

Attached: Size mogged.webm (720x1280, 2.57M)

Ohmar so looks like a bad tranny these days.

you don't lift. first of all no girl can clean 370 and not be top tier in the olympics at her weight class. she's a crossfitter. second of all the big red plates are 45's, and the smaller plates are 10s, not 25's. it's like 270

based dirk

>gigga nigga has entered the game

chimps vs gorilla

Oh god, it's so true. I fucked a few jewesses in college and they all had those awful "box hips" just like the one in the mirror here. Didn't matter whether they were thin or skinnyfat, they all had fridge-mode bone structure. Just like pic-related

Attached: sarah silverman.jpg (650x417, 198K)

Literally Neanderthals. Not even human.

>Not even homo sapiens*
Neanderthals, denisovans, and sapiens are all humans


>He also is balding at 20 something.
losing your temples is not balding. it happens to most men, it happened to me at 20 and im 31 with perfect hair. also he was never that lean to be on steroids, he just has a really good bone structure

At this point it's just cruelty.

nigger skull (left)
white skull (right)


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Attached: neville2.jpg (500x350, 50K)

If you wanna be a little more specific, the ape skull in your picture is actually from an Australian aboriginal. Somehow they managed to be even further removed from humanity than even the Africans.

> unironically believing phrenology

Nigger, noticing an obvious difference in skull shape and dimensions isn't even close to what phrenology is.


They were all thinking "I really want to say the n word!"

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>losing your temples is not balding.
Holy fucking gigacope

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forgot pic

LOL @ anyone who thinks that throughout every bit of evolutionary change, adaptation, and mutation that, some how, some way, we are all equally intelligent down to a few IQ points. even when you look at current day Africa. and then at Asia, North America, and Europe. and you see the vast differences and how they are cultivated empires created by people who don't look like fucking apes.

but some how, some way, we are all equally Intelligent. yeah ok

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Imagine the FBI teaming up with the mafia to take over America. Imagine the type of guy who could lead such an organization for DECADES.

That's Putin. Crazy he's so soft featured considering.

>the way she turns around, makes eye contact, and laughs

Women are truly pitiless creatures, more in common with sharks than man.

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Camera man moggs them both

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>barely any ankle extension
>cant meet the bar properly
>RIP knees
wood berry tho

Dude on the far right mogs them both

whose the brunette on the left? she's the only decent looking one

He's a god damned Space Marine


Why is science not trying to clone and improve on this specimen?

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Wide shoulders are sexy af on a man

guess it does pay to be fat sometimes