Why is my arm all fucked up?

Why is my arm all fucked up?
I had a pain in it when curling now it’s all purple

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>it's an American posts on a Japanese hentai enthusiast imageboard instead of going to see a doctor because it's too expensive episode

You tore your bicep

youve got aids

I have money and still dont go to the doctors because I dont like them.
Unless I have a broken bone, Im not going.

-quote from man who died of preventable illness

Possibly a tear
Where was the pain? The purple stems from internal bleeding from the injury down to your arms

>where was the pain
Everywhere it’s purple it hurts pretty much

might be hematoma
i once messed up something in my elbow muscles by punching the mattress too hard

you gonna die dude. That is AIDS 100%


literally cancer m8

see a doc, unironically

Attached: realization.jpg (381x235, 17K)


bicep cancer

Jesus christ man you tore a muscle,most likely your bicep.

>doesn't even know where the bicep is
his bicep is clearly still attached. I'd say something's wrong with his brachialis

Don't inject seem into your arm annon!

You have internal bleeding no joke you obviously destroyed something in your arm while working out. Go see a doctor

Is your pee brown?

I also hate doctors man. Just think though if you have actually something you need to get advice on it or it might cause you problems for years.

probably popped a vein or something and blood leaked out

will go away in a few days

no fall for the alarmists cunts it's nothing major your body will fix itself

this is what i'm thinking, too

Doesnt matter cause you're asking a hentai repository medical questions about a serious injury you sustained while lifting.
You get to do what you dont like, aka see a doctor, who has 12yrs or more of medical experience. Or you get to fuck yourself up from something preventable and go on welfare where my ass gets to support you for the rest of your waste of a life. Please go see a doctor we love you user.

Hope youre not left handed cause you wont be using that arm to fap for awhile.


>europoor bitching about the US without realizing that Americans pay more on average because this country also contributes more towards the research & development of medicine than their islamic shithole
Kek, kys faggot. We also have shorter wait times, and superior medical centers with equipment that other countries don't even have

This. Let's ignore Rand Paul though.


its just a bruise you pussy, what you should really be worried about is your fucking tiny delts

i'd rush to ER if that stuff appeared on my arms but that's just me living an islamic shithole or eurabia with free healthcare

See a doctor you fucking retarded american, and I guess hope you don't go bankrupt

>Being so cucked you actually defend the US healthcare system
Genuinely hilarious, can americans even think critically at all?

By any chance, have you been injecting semen into your arm, OP?

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obsessed 3rd world retard alert. there's a reason nobody gives a shit about your cuckolded 3rd world shit hole, dumb fuck.

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>implying that government run anything can ever be good
>implying that healthcare in the uk is free

Bro you gotta do more lateral raises. Seriously dude. Also have you done a single shoulder press or overhead press in your fucking life?

Internal bleeding, might be serious, go to the ER ASAP

AIDS. You been hitting up antifa gyms?

yeah I had some back pain before, why?

>my bill for x is expensive because it also covers unrelated expenses for y
>and that's a good thing!
I've never waited longer than a few minutes in a public doctor's waiting room btw

OP listen to this poster. If you have rehab do you do not pass go, do not collect $200, and you get your ass to a doc immediately. That shit will kill you inside of 72 hours and can result in permanent damage to your organ systems.

Don't be a giant Joe Fag OP. If it's fucked still after a few weeks go see a doctor.

Rest. Ice (for 20 minutes EVERY hour you're awake). and Elevate (don't skip this one). That's a pulled muscle. Take a 2-3 week long break from arm exercises or you'll really fuck it up (and likely need surgery). If it doesn't start to feel better-ish. Go to the hospital, a doctor or clinic.